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secretive religious practices. The religion is monotheistic and syncretistic, having<br />

incorporated elements from several religions, including Islam. 408<br />

The Kaka’i believe in reincarnation, with each soul having to pass through 1,001<br />

incarnations in order to achieve the “ultimate heavenly rewards”. 409 According to the<br />

tradition, male members of the Ahl i-Haq never cut or trim their moustaches. This habit is<br />

prohibited by Islam, according to which the moustache must always be kept short. 410<br />

Generally, the Kaka’i marry among their community. According to the Encyclopaedia of<br />

the Orient, there are an estimated 200,000 Kaka’i in Iraq. 411<br />

The group has its spiritual centre in the village of Hawar in the Governorate of<br />

Sulaymaniyah. Most are ethnic Kurds, but speak their own language called Macho<br />

(alternate names are Hawramani, Old Gurani). 412<br />

The Jund Al-Islam, and later its successor Ansar Al-Islam, which are radical Kurdish<br />

home-grown Islamist groups and said to have links with the Al-Qa’eda network, exercised<br />

strict control over a number of villages near the town of Halabja in the Governorate of<br />

Sulaymaniyah as of September 2001. 413 The group ruled the areas based on an extreme<br />

interpretation of Shari’a law and launched a “holy war” against what it considered<br />

“blasphemers and secularists”. While their primary focus was the PUK, the Kaka’i, living<br />

in three villages in the area and considered “heretics” by the Jund Al-Islam, were also<br />

targeted. Human Rights Watch (HRW) described that the villages were raided on<br />

4 September 2001. The residents were rounded up and ordered to adhere to the Jund Al-<br />

Islam’s interpretation of Islam. According to HRW,<br />

“(T)hose who refused were apparently told they would be made to pay a “religious tax”<br />

imposed on all non-Muslims, as well as risk having their property seized.” 414<br />

Furthermore, several Kaka’i shrines were destroyed. Reportedly, the majority of 450<br />

households fled the villages and have to date been unable to return due to the presence of<br />

landmines as well as the lack of services. 415 The Kaka’i have one representative in the<br />

408 Sometimes, it is classified as being a branch of Shi’ite Islam. See: Encyclopaedia of the Orient, Ahl-e<br />

Haqq, see above footnote 406.<br />

409 Ibid.<br />

410 For more information about the religion, see, for example, ibid. See also: Izady, The Kurds, A Concise<br />

Handbook, see above footnote 406.<br />

411 Encyclopaedia of the Orient, Ahl-e Haqq, see above footnote 406.<br />

412 ICG, Radical Islam in Iraqi Kurdistan: the Mouse that Roared?, 7 February 2003, p. 5,<br />

http://www.crisisgroup.org/library/documents/report_archive/A400885_07022003.pdf; Ethnologue,<br />

Languages of the World, Gurani, http://www.ethnologue.com/show_language.asp?code=hac.<br />

413 Global Security, Ansar al Islam (Supporters of Islam), http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/world/<br />

para/ansar_al_islam.htm [last updated 6 July 2005].<br />

414 HRW, Ansar al-Islam in Iraqi Kurdistan, 5 February 2003, http://www.hrw.org/backgrounder/mena/<br />

ansarbk020503.htm.<br />

415 ICG, Radical Islam in Iraqi Kurdistan, p. 5, see above footnote 412; HRW, ibidem; Michel Rubin, The<br />

Islamist Threat in Iraqi Kurdistan, Middle East Intelligence Bulletin, Vol. 3, No. 12, December 2001,<br />

http://www.meib.org/articles/0112_ir1.htm. During the 2003 US-led invasion, Ansar Al-Islam’s training<br />

camps in the Kurdish-controlled areas of Northern Iraq were attacked by Coalition and Kurdish forces in an<br />

attempt to eliminate the organization accused of providing a safe haven to Al-Qa’eda and Abu Musab Al-<br />

Zarqawi. These attacks disrupted the organization but it seems to have regrouped quickly, and continues to be<br />


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