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The alleged main perpetrators of attacks against Christians are radical Shi’ite militias,<br />

Sunni insurgency groups as well as criminal gangs who use religion to justify their<br />

attacks. 268 Religion seems to be a major, but not the only, reason for these attacks against<br />

Christians. Rising extremist attitudes that are fuelling the trend towards a stricter<br />

interpretation of Islam can be observed in most parts of the country, including in the south,<br />

Baghdad, Mosul and Kirkuk. Many Christians engage in professions perceived as<br />

proscribed under Islam, such as hairdressing, public entertainment and the sale of liquor or<br />

music and have been threatened, attacked and killed due to their vocations, their shops and<br />

businesses looted, burned or forcibly closed down. 269 The strict embracing of Islamic<br />

values as well as the high rate of criminality has a particular bearing on non-Muslim<br />

women. They are forced to comply with strict Islamic dress codes 270 and fear of kidnapping<br />

and rape restricts their freedom of movement. 271 Asia News reported kidnapped Christian<br />

women having committed suicide after their release, due to the shock and shame they<br />

experienced. 272 The first Armenian Christian named Miss Iraq, Ms. Tamar Goregian,<br />

resigned and went into hiding on 9 April 2006 after being labelled the “queen of the<br />

infidels” and receiving numerous threats against her life and family. Ms. Silva Shahakian,<br />

also an Armenian Christian, later assumed the title, and has reportedly changed her<br />

residence due to fear of reprisal attacks. 273<br />

268 Elizabeth Kendal, Mandeans face genocide, World Evangelical Alliance Religious Liberty News and<br />

Analysis, 30 June 2006, http://www.hrwf.net/html/2006PDF/Iraq_2006.pdf; BBC News, Iraq chaos threatens<br />

ancient faith, 20 September 2005, http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/4260170.stm.<br />

269 According to the USDOS, more than 50 liquor stores operated by Christians in Baghdad were closed<br />

during the reporting period due to threats by Islamic extremists; see USDOS, International Religious<br />

Freedom Report 2006 – Iraq, see above footnote 28. See also: NPR, War Makes It Hard to Find a Drink in<br />

Baghdad, 17 December 2006, http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=6637655; Michael Luo,<br />

Iraq’s Christians Flee as Extremist Threat Worsens, The New York Times, 17 October 2006,<br />

http://www.nytimes.com/2006/10/17/world/middleeast/17christians.html?pagewanted=1&ei=5088&en=b171<br />

70ae4207bca0&ex=1318737600&partner=rssnyt&emc=rss; Al Jazeera, Fighting robs Iraq of Christian<br />

heritage, 8 June 2006, http://english.aljazeera.net/news/archive/archive?ArchiveId=22771; Azzaman,<br />

Militants blow up alcohol shops; threaten to kill owners, 16 January 2006, http://www.azzaman.com/<br />

english/index.asp?fname=news%5C2006-01-16%5C155.htm; Pamela Constable, In Iraq, Booze Becomes<br />

a Risky Business, The Washington Post, 20 July 2004, http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/wp-dyn/A93-<br />

2004Jul20; Jamie Tarabay, Militants trying to make Iraq drier place for alcohol seekers, AP, 20 July 2004,<br />

http://media.www.dailytexanonline.com/media/storage/paper410/news/2004/07/20/WorldNation/Militants.Tr<br />

ying.To.Make.Iraq.Drier.Place.For.Alcohol.Seekers-694516.shtml. See also “Persons Accused of “Un-<br />

Islamic” Behaviour”.<br />

270 According to UNAMI HRO, on 6 October 2006, two Christian women in Basrah received anonymous<br />

letters demanding that they wear headscarves, and in Mosul, leaflets warned female Christian and Muslim<br />

students to wear “proper Muslim attire” at the universities; see UNAMI HRO, October 2006 Human Rights<br />

Report, p. 12, see above footnote 66. See also: IRIN, Iraq: Christians live in fear of death squads, see above<br />

footnote 228. According to the USDOS, Basrah’s Education Director introduced a rule requiring all females<br />

in the schools to cover their hair. The same report states that female university students in Mosul, even non-<br />

Muslims, were required to wear the hijab; see: USDOS, International Religious Freedom Report 2006 – Iraq,<br />

see above footnote 28.<br />

271 UNAMI HRO, August 2006 Human Rights Report, p. 10, see above footnote 26. See also “Women”.<br />

272 Asia News, Abducted and raped, young Christian women and girls are driven to suicide in Iraq,<br />

11 October 2006, http://www.asianews.it/view.php?l=en&art=7450.<br />

273 AP, Miss Iraq goes into hiding from militants, 12 April 2006, http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/12289502.<br />


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