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an international court. 261 Several armed Islamist groups, including the Mujahedeen Shura<br />

Council (an umbrella group led by Al-Qa’eda in Iraq), 262 Mohammed’s Army, 263 Jaish Al-<br />

Mujahedeen (the Mujahedeen Army), the Asaeb Al-Iraq Al-Jihadiya (League of Jihadists in<br />

Iraq) as well as Ansar Al-Sunna threatened the Vatican in particular and Christians in<br />

general with reprisals in statements posted on Islamist internet websites. 264<br />

UNAMI HRO reported that as a result of such threats, many churches have cancelled<br />

services and attendance has dwindled. Christian churches in Baghdad and elsewhere have<br />

reportedly publicly displayed banners dissociating themselves from the Pope’s comments.<br />

It was reported that, on 24 and 25 September 2006, the Chaldean Church of the Holy Spirit<br />

in Mosul was attacked with rockets and an explosive device was detonated outside the<br />

church’s door. 265 Furthermore, on 4 and 5 October 2006, unidentified men opened fire on<br />

the same church, injuring one of the guards. It was reported that the following message was<br />

written on church doors: “If the Pope does not apologize, we will bomb all churches, kill<br />

more Christians and steal their property and money.” On 2 October 2006, a convent of<br />

Iraqi Dominican Sisters in Mosul was fired upon. In addition, on 16 October 2006,<br />

unknown gunmen fired at Al-Safena Church in Mosul, causing some damage to the<br />

church. 266<br />

In Mosul, Father Boulos Iskander Behnam, a priest from the Syriac Orthodox Church of the<br />

Virgin Mary, was kidnapped and beheaded by men seeking retribution for Pope Benedict’s<br />

comments about Islam. His death intensified fear within the Christian community, who are<br />

calling for international assistance to help them leave the country. 267 In September 2006,<br />

the new Al-Qa’eda chief in Iraq and successor of Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi, Abu Hamza<br />

Al-Muhajer, called for the kidnapping of “Christian dogs” who could be exchanged for<br />

261<br />

Jenny Booth and agencies, Al-Qaeda threatens jihad over Pope’s remarks, Times Online, 18 September<br />

2006, http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/middle_east/article642645.ece.<br />

262<br />

A statement published on the internet by the Mujahedeen Shura Council threatened reprisals against<br />

“worshippers of the cross” for the Pope’s remarks. The statement appeared on a website frequently used by<br />

militant groups, but its authenticity could not be verified. Referring to a hadith (saying of the Prophet<br />

Mohammed), it further stated: “We shall break the cross and spill the wine. [...] (you will have no choice but)<br />

Islam or death.” It continued: “(W)e tell the worshipper of the cross that you and the West will be defeated, as<br />

is the case in Iraq, Afghanistan, Chechnya. God enable us to slit their throats, and make their money and<br />

descendants the bounty of the Mujahideen. Furthermore: “The Pope in the Vatican turns in the orbit of Bush.<br />

His remarks form part of the mobilisation for a crusade announced by Bush, to raise the morale of the<br />

crusader armies”; see: ibid.<br />

263<br />

Abu Jaffar, a member of Mohammed’s Army, was quoted as saying “(T)heir leader [the Pope] has<br />

verbally abused and offended our religion and the Prophet. Unfortunately, he did not analyse the<br />

consequences of his speech. Our country is an Islamic land and they [Christians] will have to rely on the<br />

Pope’s charity from now on”; see IRIN, Iraq: Christians live in fear of death squads, see above footnote 228.<br />

264<br />

Jenny Booth and agencies, see above footnote 261.<br />

265<br />

UNAMI HRO, October 2006 Human Rights Report, p. 13, see above footnote 66. See also: Asia News<br />

reported that Mgr Raho, Mosul’s Chaldean bishop, had placed posters on the walls of the Chaldean Church of<br />

the Holy Spirit, saying “neither Iraqi Christians, nor the Pope, want to destroy the relationship with<br />

Muslims.” Nevertheless, the church was again attacked on 26 September 2006; see Asia News, Second attack<br />

in three days against a Chaldean church, 26 September 2006, http://www.asianews.it/view.php?<br />

l=en&art=7321.<br />

266<br />

UNAMI HRO, October 2006 Human Rights Report, p. 13, see above footnote 66.<br />

267<br />

Al Jazeera, Iraq priest “killed over pope speech”, 13 October 2006, http://english.aljazeera.net/<br />

news/archive/archive?ArchiveId=36747.<br />


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