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the Middle East in terms of women’s rights. 54 Where, however, the Personal Status Law<br />

does not make explicit provision for a situation, Shari’a law is applicable. It may then be<br />

applied differently to members of the two communities as they follow different schools of<br />

jurisprudence.<br />

On 29 December 2003, the former Iraqi Governing Council (IGC) issued Resolution 137<br />

that would have cancelled the 1959 Personal Status Law and placed issues of family law<br />

under religious rather than civil jurisdiction. Former CPA administrator Paul Bremer did<br />

not endorse the decision after domestic and international human rights groups protested the<br />

resolution on the grounds that the imposition of Islamic law would erode Iraqi women’s<br />

rights. The IGC finally repealed Decision 137 by a vote of 15 to 10. 55 The role of Islam and<br />

Shari’a law vis-à-vis the more secular 1959 Personal Status Law was a major issue in the<br />

drafting of the Constitution and continues to be highly contentious because enabling<br />

legislation is required for Article 41 of the Constitution (requiring that Iraqis be free in<br />

matters of personal status according to their religions, sects, beliefs or choices). It remains<br />

unclear whether the Personal Status Law will be modified or cancelled altogether, leaving<br />

different sects to apply their own sets of laws and interpretation as was done before 1959.<br />

Certainly, any such decision will strongly affect the lives of Iraqis as it regulates<br />

relationships within families. 56 Particular concerns are thereby expressed with regard to<br />

women, LGBT and minority rights. 57<br />

4. Criminal Sanctions<br />

The two main sources of criminal law are the Law on Criminal Proceedings (Law No. 23<br />

of 1971) 58 – which details the procedures to be followed for the investigation of offences,<br />

the collection of evidence, trials and appeals – and the Penal Code (Law No. 111 of<br />

1969), 59 which lists offences and applicable sentences. In addition, a number of laws and<br />

orders of the Revolutionary Command Council (RCC) 60 also exist. The Penal laws of the<br />

54 Isobel Coleman, Women, Islam, and the New Iraq, Foreign Affairs, January/February 2006,<br />

http://www.foreignaffairs.org/20060101faessay85104-p10/isobel-coleman/women-islam-and-the-newiraq.html;<br />

Edward Wong, Draft Iraqi charter backs Islamic law, The New York Times, 20 July 2005,<br />

http://www.iht.com/articles/2005/07/19/news/charter.php.<br />

55 Coleman, ibid.; The New Standard, Chris Shumway, Rise of Extremism, Islamic Law Threaten Iraqi<br />

Women, 30 March 2005, http://newstandardnews.net/content/?items=1600; IRIN, Iraq: New family law on<br />

hold, 4 February 2004, http://www.irinnews.org/report.aspx?reportid=23381.<br />

56 Coleman, Women, Islam, and the New Iraq, see above footnote 54; Nathan J. Brown, Debating Islam in<br />

Post-Baathist Iraq, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, p. 6-7, March 2005,<br />

http://www.carnegieendowment.org/files/PO13.Brown.FINAL2.pdf.<br />

57 See also above “Freedom of Religion”.<br />

58 Law No. 23 of 1971, Law on Criminal Proceedings, 4 February 1971, available in UNHCR’s Refworld<br />

at: http://www.unhcr.org/cgi-bin/texis/vtx/refworld/rwmain?docid=468a674a2. See also Case Western<br />

Reserve University / School of Law, Summary of Iraqi Criminal Procedure Law, http://law.case.edu/<br />

saddamtrial/documents/Iraqi_Crim_Procedure_Code_Summary.pdf.<br />

59 The unofficial English translation, as prepared by the US Armed Forces Judge Advocate General, is<br />

available in UNHCR’s Refworld at http://www.unhcr.org/cgi-bin/texis/vtx/refworld/rwmain?docid=<br />

452514424. For further information on Iraq’s Penal Law, see UNHCR, 2005 Country of Origin Information<br />

Iraq, p. 116-117, see above footnote 53.<br />

60 The RCC was established after the military coup in 1968 and was the ultimate decision making body in<br />

Iraq until the fall of the former regime. It exercised executive and legislative authority in Iraq, whereas the<br />


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