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After repeated announcements about merging the KDP-administration in Erbil/Dahuk and<br />

the PUK-administration in Sulaymaniyah, the two administrations were united on 21<br />

January 2006. The seat of the KRG is in Erbil. According to the power-sharing agreement,<br />

the KDP heads or will head the KRG Ministries of Finance, Peshmerga Affairs, Higher<br />

Education, Agriculture, Martyrs, Culture, Electricity, Natural Resources, Municipalities,<br />

Sports and Youth as well as the Ministry for Extra-Regional Affairs. The PUK oversees the<br />

Interior, Justice, Education, Health, Social Affairs, Water Resources, Transportation,<br />

Reconstruction, Planning and Human Rights ministries. The KRG Ministries of Finance,<br />

Peshmerga Affairs and Interior should unite within one year; 844 however, to date no<br />

agreement has been reached on the merger of these crucial portfolios.<br />

In the past, UNHCR has argued that a person originating from the area under one party’s<br />

administration might not be able to relocate to the area under the other party’s<br />

administration should he or she face persecution in his or her area of origin, given the<br />

various political, legal and other obstacles encountered in relocating. 845 Despite the<br />

unification of the two administrations and the establishment of a joint Government and<br />

National Assembly, the two administrations still remain largely split and continue to<br />

exercise their individual powers. The (partial) unification reinforces the argument that the<br />

granting of legal residence and protection to a person fleeing persecution in the area<br />

dominated by the other party may be withdrawn for political reasons (i.e. not to upset the<br />

other party in the process of unification).<br />

Persons seeking to relocate from one area to the other in order to flee persecution may face<br />

the following difficulties:<br />

- Difficulty accessing the other area (passing of checkpoints); 846<br />

- Granting of residency may depend on political considerations and may be withdrawn if<br />

the political agenda changes;<br />

- Granting of protection may also depend on political considerations as well as tribal and<br />

personal affiliation;<br />

- Fear that family members who stay behind could be harassed if a person flees to the<br />

other administration’s area;<br />

- Difficulties accessing basic services without family/community support network<br />

(mainly single women and female heads of households);<br />

- Those fearing persecution by Islamist groups may not be able to find protection in the<br />

other part of the three Northern Governorates, as they may still be within reach of their<br />

persecutors; the same applies to women fearing “honour killing” as well as persons<br />

fleeing tribal conflict (blood feuds) as they may still be within reach of their families<br />

and communities.<br />

844<br />

KRG, Kurdistan Regional Government Unification Agreement, para. 1-5, 21 January 2006,<br />

http://www.krg.org/articles/article_detail.asp?LangNr=12&RubricNr=107&ArticleNr=8891&LNNr=28&RN<br />

Nr=70. For a full list of the KRG cabinet, inaugurated on 7 May 2006, see KRG, Ministers of the new unified<br />

cabinet, 7 May 2006, http://www.krg.org/articles/article_detail.asp?ArticleNr=10938&LangNr=12&LNNr<br />

=28&RNNr=70.<br />

845<br />

See UNHCR, 2005 Eligibility Guidelines, Annex VII, p. 57-59, see above footnote 8.<br />

846<br />

Despite the unification, there continue to be a total of four checkpoints on the former border between the<br />

KDP and the PUK-ruled areas.<br />


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