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v. Risk of Persecution or Other Serious Harm Upon Relocation<br />

A person from Central or Southern Iraq may be out of reach of his or her persecutors if<br />

relocated to the three Northern Governorates, as the state protection of the Kurdish<br />

authorities may come into play. Protection by the KRG authorities will, however, only be<br />

provided if the person is both admitted to the Region of Kurdistan and if the Kurdish<br />

authorities are able and willing to provide protection in the given case concerned.<br />

Despite the existence of police/security structures in the three Northern Governorates, of<br />

which an individual could conceivably avail him/herself in order to seek state protection, as<br />

well as the fact that the KRG authorities are to some extent able and willing to provide such<br />

protection, people in the three Northern Governorates depend mainly on their family,<br />

community or tribal links for protection. Persons not originating from the North will,<br />

therefore, only be able to rely on the protection of the authorities. Depending on the cause<br />

of persecution, the authorities may not be willing or able to provide protection.<br />

This is particularly the case for members of the former Ba’ath Party, Government or<br />

security apparatus, since the KRG authorities would not be willing to provide protection to<br />

persons thought to have supported the former regime, which was responsible for egregious<br />

crimes against the Kurdish people.<br />

There is also a strong likelihood that a high-profile person (e.g. a political leader, academic,<br />

judge, etc.) could still be at risk of persecution by non-state actors if relocated to the three<br />

Northern Governorates. The KRG authorities are not always able to protect individuals in<br />

their territory from such attacks.<br />

Women at risk of “honour killing”, as well as persons fleeing tribal conflict (blood feuds)<br />

may also still be reached by their persecutors if relocated within Iraq.<br />

c) The Reasonableness Analysis<br />

Persons legally residing in the three Northern Governorates in principal have access to food<br />

rations through the PDS, education, health and employment. Also, IDPs are allowed to rent<br />

apartments or houses, but are, except for Kurds, not entitled to own immovable property.<br />

However, for a number of reasons, access to these services is not always guaranteed. For<br />

example, IDPs often face bureaucratic hurdles and delays of several months in obtaining<br />

their food rations in the place of displacement, meaning that they may be without food for<br />

several months.<br />

In addition, it must be noted that there are at least 770,000 IDPs in the three Northern<br />

Governorates. 839 Accordingly, services such as education, health, electricity, fuel and water<br />

are under tremendous pressure. All Governorates lack drugs and medical equipment and<br />

have difficulties absorbing increasing numbers of school children. All three Governorates<br />

839 See: Cluster F, Update 23 May 2007, see above footnote 22. This figure includes both persons displaced<br />

as result of sectarian violence and ongoing military operations since 2006 (143,000 persons) as well as<br />

persons displaced prior to 2006 (634,000 persons).<br />


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