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It has been reported that new IDPs, as well as armed groups, are occupying properties left<br />

by residents forced to flee, especially in Baghdad. Under the new Baghdad Security Plan<br />

(Operation Imposing Law), those illegally occupying properties have to leave within two<br />

weeks or face eviction and arrest. However, at the time of writing, this order has not been<br />

implemented. 809<br />

iii. Access to Basic Services (Water, Sanitation, Health)<br />

Potable water, sufficient sanitation and health services are pressing needs for IDPs,<br />

particularly in villages and rural areas. The additional pressure placed on basic services by<br />

new IDP arrivals has resulted in serious deficiencies. The presence of IDPs in any<br />

community places an added burden on already weak and strained water and sanitation<br />

networks and health services.<br />

Many IDP families are unable to afford the cost of potable tankered water, used<br />

increasingly to supplement the shortfalls in the national pipelines. In many parts of the<br />

country, IDPs rely instead on unclean sources such as rivers and broken pipes, increasing<br />

their exposure to waterborne diseases and other health risks. UNAMI has reported that<br />

some 70 percent of the population lack access to potable water and 81 percent lack access<br />

to effective sanitation.<br />

Poor diet, overcrowded living conditions and limited access to potable water and sanitation<br />

facilities exacerbate the spread of communicable diseases and increase health risks. IDPs<br />

face limited access to health care, either because existing services are overstretched by<br />

large concentrations of IDPs or because of settlement away from urban areas where<br />

facilities either do not exist or are too far to access. Severe shortages in medical equipment,<br />

supplies and manpower, and inadequate infrastructure as a result of sustained conflict have<br />

weakened Iraq’s public health care system, disproportionately affecting IDP families, who<br />

can hardly afford alternative private treatment or the escalating cost of medicines.<br />

iv. Access to Income and Employment<br />

Income sources in Iraq are almost exclusively linked to wages or self-employment<br />

revenues. The employment situation in the country is extremely precarious. After leaving<br />

their homes, most IDPs are not able to secure work in their area of displacement. Many are<br />

unable to bring their possessions with them at the time of displacement and their savings<br />

are rapidly depleted. While during the first few months after the Samarra bombings, some<br />

IDPs were able to transfer their government positions or their retirement benefits to their<br />

governorate of displacement, they now face increasing difficulties and delays in doing so.<br />

809 Anne Garrels, Baghdad Squatters Face Deadline to Leave, NPR, 20 February 2007, http://www.npr.org/<br />

templates/story/story.php?storyId=7492225; IRIN, Iraq: New security plan could make more homeless,<br />

15 February 2007, http://www.irinnews.org/Report.aspx?ReportId=70208; Marc Santora, Iraqi government<br />

announces a sweeping security campaign, International Herald Tribune, 13 February 2007,<br />

http://www.iht.com/articles/2007/02/13/news/iraq.php.<br />


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