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In addition, there is also a continuing criminal threat of car-jacking and robbery. 794<br />

According to the US Department of State,<br />

“(t)ravel in or through Ramadi and Fallujah; in and between al-Hillah, al-Basrah, Kirkuk,<br />

and Baghdad; between the International Zone and Baghdad International Airport; and<br />

from Baghdad to Mosul is particularly dangerous.”<br />

The fact that Iraqis continue to travel should not be taken as an indicator that traveling is<br />

safe. Rather, Iraqis travel out of necessity and avoid traveling as much as possible.<br />

The following provides an overview of Iraq’s main roads and possible security issues.<br />

- Baghdad Western South route<br />

This road leads from Baghdad to the Jordanian, Syrian and Saudi borders passing<br />

through the Governorates of Al-Anbar, Babylon, Najaf, Kerbala, Qadissiyah and<br />

Al-Muthanna. This road divides into two 50 kms south of Baghdad with one road<br />

(Highway No. 10) leading further to the Jordanian and Syrian borders and the other<br />

(Highway No. 31) leading to the Saudi Arabian border crossing of ‘Ar’ar.<br />

The first 50kms are considered very dangerous, and the road remains very risky<br />

towards the Jordanian/Syrian borders passing by Fallujah and Ramadi with armed<br />

conflict and crime being a daily occurrence. The road leading further South to the<br />

Saudi border is considerably safer, except for the route towards the town of Hilla<br />

(Triangle of Death) and south of it. In late March 2007, the town of Haswa, 50 km<br />

south of Baghdad, saw an increase in violence and the road was closed for two days.<br />

Further South, the road as such is mostly safe but security incidents are common in<br />

the cities it passes, in particular Najaf and Kerbala. Traveling after sunset is not<br />

safe. Increased security incidents also occur during Shi’ite religious festivities when<br />

Sunni insurgents target Shi’ite pilgrims on their way to the holy cities of Najaf and<br />

Kerbala. 795 On the route between Nassriyah and Basrah frequent incidents of carjacking<br />

have taken place. It was also reported that the fact that cars try to avoid<br />

approaching MNF convoys often lead to car accidents.<br />

- Baghdad Eastern South route<br />

This road (Highway No. 6) passes from Baghdad through the Governorates of Al-<br />

Wassit, Missan and Basrah towards the Kuwaiti border. This road is generally<br />

considered safer than the Western route although sporadic roadside bombs are being<br />

reported and car-jackings are a common occurrence.<br />

- Baghdad Western North route<br />

This road passes from Baghdad through the Governorates of Salah Al-Din and<br />

Ninewa (Highway No. 1) and further North to Dahuk and finally the Turkish<br />

border. The road is extremely dangerous between Baghdad and the town of Tikrit<br />

794<br />

FCO, Travel Advise by Country – Iraq, see above footnote 790; USDOS, Travel Warning – Iraq, see<br />

above footnote 790.<br />

795<br />

See, for example, Brian Murphy, Bombers Massacre Shiite Pilgrims in Iraq, AP, 7 March 2007,<br />

http://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory?id=2928921.<br />


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