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Travel by Road<br />

Road travel in Iraq, particularly in Central Iraq, remains highly dangerous. 790 There has<br />

been an increase in roadside bombings in and around Baghdad, Basrah, Mosul, Kirkuk and<br />

on all main routes, including fatal attacks on both military and civilian vehicles. Attacks<br />

occur throughout the day, but travel after sunset is particularly dangerous. There are daily<br />

attacks against the MNF/ISF throughout Central and Southern Iraq. There has also been<br />

a rise in violent attacks at false checkpoints set up by insurgents and militias. 791 Travelling<br />

is often delayed by MNF/ISF checkpoints and convoys, which also increases the risk of<br />

being targeted by insurgents or criminals or being caught in armed clashes.<br />

As formerly mixed areas become increasingly dominated by one sect and their armed<br />

groups, 792 travel in such areas has become highly dangerous for members of the opposite<br />

sect. There has been a rise in violent attacks at false checkpoints set up by insurgents and<br />

militias who specifically target members of the opposite sect. 793 For example, on the road<br />

between Baghdad and Balad, Sunnis face increased risks as these areas are under the<br />

control of Shi’ite militias. Shi’ites in turn face added risks between Balad and Mosul.<br />

790 The USDOS says that “(A)ll vehicular travel in Iraq is extremely dangerous”; see: USDOS, Bureau of<br />

Consular Affairs, Travel Warning – Iraq, http://travel.state.gov/travel/cis_pa_tw/tw/tw_921.html [accessed<br />

April 2007]. The UK Foreign & Commonwealth Office says that “(R)oad travel remains highly dangerous”;<br />

see United Kingdom Foreign & Commonwealth Office (FCO), Travel Advise by Country – Iraq,<br />

http://www.fco.gov.uk/servlet/Front?pagename=OpenMarket/Xcelerate/ShowPage&c=Page&cid=100702939<br />

0590&a=KCountryAdvice&aid=1013618386640 [accessed April 2007].<br />

791 For example, on 1 April 2007, unknown gunmen positioned a fake checkpoint in near the town of Hibhib<br />

in Diyala Governorate and abducted 19 civilians at gunpoint; see Aasem Taha, Mass kidnapping on main<br />

road north of Baghdad, Voices of Iraq, 2 April 2007, http://www.iraqupdates.com/p_articles.php?refid=<br />

DH-S-02-04-2007&article=16080; on 11 November 2006, Sunni gunmen reportedly ambushed a convoy of<br />

minibuses at a fake checkpoint on the highway south of Baghdad near the town of Latifiyah in the “Triangle<br />

of Death”, killing 10 Shi’ite passengers and kidnapping about 50; CBS/AP, 10 Shiites Killed In Iraq Bus<br />

Ambush, 11 November 2007, http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2006/11/11/iraq/main2174419.shtml; on<br />

5 June 2006, gunmen ordered a three minibuses to stop at a fake checkpoint near the town of Qara Tappah in<br />

the Governorate of Dyala, dragging 21 persons, many of them high-school students off the buses before<br />

executing those of Shiite and Kurdish origin; see The Telegraph, Militants execute 21 in Iraq bus attack,<br />

5 June 2006, http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2006/06/04/uiraq.xml&sSheet=/news/<br />

2006/06/04/ixnews.html.<br />

792 See also “Affected Areas”.<br />

793 For example, on 1 April 2007, unknown gunmen positioned a fake checkpoint near the town of Hibhib in<br />

Diyala Governorate and abducted 19 civilians at gunpoint; see Taha, see above footnote 791; on 11 November<br />

2006, Sunni gunmen reportedly ambushed a convoy of minibuses at a fake checkpoint on the highway south<br />

of Baghdad near the town of Latifiyah in the “Triangle of Death”, killing 10 Shi’ite passengers and<br />

kidnapping about 50; CBS/AP, 10 Shiites Killed In Iraq Bus Ambush, 11 November 2007,<br />

http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2006/11/11/iraq/main2174419.shtml; on 5 June 2006, gunmen ordered three<br />

minibuses to stop at a fake checkpoint near the town of Qara Tappah in the Governorate of Dyala, dragging<br />

21 persons, many of them high-school students off the buses before executing those of Shiite and Kurdish<br />

origin; see The Telegraph, Militants execute 21 in Iraq bus attack, 5 June 2006, http://www.telegraph.co.uk/<br />

news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2006/06/04/uiraq.xml&sSheet=/news/2006/06/04/ixnews.html.<br />


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