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espected. Nonetheless, there are reports of arbitrary detention and ill-treatment by the<br />

authorities of suspected political opponents. Other reports indicate measures of forcible<br />

assimilation into Kurdish society and a trend towards increasing discrimination of the non-<br />

Kurdish population. Hence, the international protection needs of Iraqi asylum-seekers from<br />

the three Northern Governorates should be assessed individually based on the criteria of the<br />

1951 Convention. In particular, given reports of Kurdish political efforts to dominate and<br />

“kurdify” the traditionally mixed areas of the Governorates of Kirkuk, Ninewa, Salah Al-<br />

Din and Diyala, applicants of non-Kurdish origin, who claim discriminatory treatment in<br />

these areas should have their claims assessed to determine if the impact of treatment they or<br />

others experienced or fear experiencing, would constitute harm amounting to persecution.<br />

In addition, there are indications of growing political tensions and the overall situation<br />

remains tenuous and unpredictable. Assessing the international protection needs of asylumseekers<br />

from the three Northern Governorates should thus take into account a situation<br />

which may change suddenly and dramatically.<br />

Where the applicant is at risk of harm at the hands of a non-State actor, the analysis of the<br />

well-foundedness of his or her fear requires an examination of whether or not the State,<br />

including the local authority, is able and willing to provide protection. In the situation of<br />

Central and Southern Iraq, given weak government structures, and the fact that government<br />

security forces are infiltrated by radical elements from militia groups, protection from State<br />

authorities would, in almost all cases, not be available. Consequently, an asylum-seeker<br />

should not be expected to seek the protection of the authorities, and failure to do so should<br />

not be the sole reason for doubting credibility or rejecting the claim. In addition, given that<br />

these areas of Iraq are highly unstable and insecure, and travel fraught with risks, an<br />

internal flight or relocation alternative would on the whole be unavailable. In the three<br />

Northern Governorates, there are limited possibilities for an internal flight alternative and<br />

each case will need to be examined individually. Nonetheless, individuals with certain<br />

profiles are not admitted there, including those as listed in these Guidelines. 732<br />

Overall, in certain communities where some protection by tribal leaders against persecutory<br />

acts of family members has been available to individuals, particularly for women who face<br />

honour killings, such protection is no longer readily available. In many situations, pursuing<br />

traditional systems of justice leads to further violations of rights by the communities<br />

themselves rather than ensuring justice and respect for human rights. Thus an individual<br />

should not be expected to avail himself or herself of traditional justice mechanisms and<br />

failure to do so should not be the sole reason for rejecting a claim.<br />

2. Link With a 1951 Convention Ground<br />

The well-founded fear of being persecuted must be related to one or more of the<br />

Convention grounds. That is, it must be “for reasons of” race, religion, nationality,<br />

membership of a particular social group, or political opinion. The Convention ground must<br />

be a relevant contributing factor, though it need not be shown to be the sole, or dominant,<br />

732 See below “Persons Who May Not Be Able to Find Protection”.<br />


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