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were believed to be prostitutes. 710 Armed Islamic groups and militias have also launched<br />

violent campaigns against homosexuals, killing several. 711 Persons known to have<br />

HIV/AIDS, who have already suffered from severe discrimination and, under the former<br />

regime, spent many years virtually imprisoned in sanatoria, 712 continue to be discriminated<br />

against. Some have been killed as they are perceived to have engaged in “indecent methods<br />

against Islamic beliefs” such as homosexuality, sex outside of marriage and drug use. 713<br />

In addition, members of certain professions have become victims of religious extremists.<br />

There are continuous reports of barbers being killed, threatened or forced to close their<br />

shops for shaving men, giving “Western-style” haircuts, or doing Al-Haff, the Iraqi practice<br />

in which barbers use thread to pull out small hairs on the face to give a closer shave, all<br />

considered by Islamic extremists as prohibited under Islam. 714 Male doctors have<br />

reportedly been killed for treating female patients and owners of alcohol, 715 DVD and CD<br />

shops and shops selling musical instruments or what is considered “inappropriate clothing”<br />

have also been targeted. 716<br />

Furthermore, in several government offices, many of which are run by religious parties,<br />

Islamic rules have been introduced, including the segregation of staff by sex or the duty<br />

imposed on women to wear a headscarf. 717 For example, women teachers have been<br />

ordered to adopt Islamic codes of clothing and behaviour. 718 Some women were reportedly<br />

denied employment and educational opportunities because they did not present themselves<br />

as sufficiently conservative.<br />

710 BBC News, Iraqi women shot dead in Baghdad, 8 March 2005, http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/<br />

middle_east/4329075.stm.<br />

711 See “Sexual Orientation”.<br />

712 On the situation under the former regime, see: Paul von Zielbauer, Iraqis Infected by H.I.V.-Tainted<br />

Blood Try New Tool: A Lawsuit, The New York Times, 4 September 2006, http://travel2.nytimes.com/2006/<br />

09/04/world/middleeast/04aids.html.<br />

713 IRIN, Iraq: HIV-positive couple murdered, 9 August 2006, http://www.irinnews.org/report.aspx?<br />

reportid=60142.<br />

714 UNAMI HRO reported in its December 2006 human rights report that it “has also received reports to the<br />

effect that several barbers were killed in Kirkuk in the reporting period, probable targets of Islamic extremists<br />

advocating conformist Islamic practices such as outlawing shaving for Muslim men. For instance, on<br />

9 December, a “terrorist group” assassinated Qasm Hassan, a barber at the Al-Wasiti Quarter, south<br />

Kirkuk”; see UNAMI HRO, December 2006 Human Rights Report, p. 16, see above footnote 10. See also:<br />

Raghavan, see above footnote 704; IRIN, Iraq: Barbers threatened by hardliners, 24 March 2005,<br />

http://www.irinnews.org/report.aspx?reportid=24977.<br />

715 For further information see, for example, “Yazidis 352F ” and “Roma (Kawliyah)”, as alcohol shops are<br />

usually run by non-Muslims.<br />

716 Raghavan, see above footnote 704. See also: UNAMI HRO, October 2006 Human Rights Report, p. 12,<br />

see above footnote 66; CNN, Mosque, music stores bombed in Baquba, 3 April 2006, http://edition.cnn.com/<br />

2006/US/04/02/sunday/index.html; Al Jazeera and agencies, Traditional Iraqi music under threat,<br />

http://english.aljazeera.net/news/archive/archive?ArchiveId=1546.<br />

717 Beaumont, see above footnote 174; UNAMI HRO, June 2006 Human Rights Report, p. 10, see above<br />

footnote 27.<br />

718 Peter Beaumont, Iraq’s universities and schools near collapse as teachers and pupils flee, The Guardian,<br />

5 October 2006, http://www.guardian.co.uk/Iraq/Story/0,,1887804,00.html.<br />


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