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evidence that over forty people had been killed based on their sexual orientation or<br />

identity. 685 UNAMI HRO reported that in the first week of December 2006 alone, at least<br />

five homosexual males were allegedly kidnapped from Sha’ab District in Baghdad.<br />

Reportedly, their personal documents and information contained in their computers were<br />

confiscated. The mutilated body of one of the kidnapped individuals was found a few days<br />

later in the same area. 686 The activist group to which the kidnap victims belonged also<br />

reported that two lesbian members providing a safe house for gay Iraqis and children<br />

seeking to escape the sex trade were killed by extremist militia in June 2006. 687 Iraqi gays<br />

speaking to UNHCR in host countries indicated that anti-gay incidents are drastically<br />

underreported since families may be implicated in anti-gay violence or are unwilling to<br />

admit that slain members were homosexual.<br />

Militias have reportedly been threatening families of men believed to be gay, stating that<br />

they will begin killing family members unless the men are handed over or killed by the<br />

family. 688 Residents of Baghdad’s Al-Amiriyah and Al-Jamia’a neighbourhoods report the<br />

public killing of gays and the targeting of their relatives. 689 Family members have also<br />

reported community vindication for killing their gay sons. A Baghdad father stated that he<br />

was released without trial to social approval once he explained that he had hanged his son<br />

upon discovering he was gay. 690<br />

“Muslims believe that homosexual behaviour is an offence against Islam and anyone who<br />

behaves in this way should be sentenced to death without compassion”, Sheikh Ali Amar,<br />

a Baghdad cleric, told IRIN in February 2006. 691 Shari’a courts are reportedly operating in<br />

predominantly Shi’a towns, including Al-Amarah and Basrah, and in Baghdad’s Shula,<br />

Hurriyah and Sadr City Districts, and are extra-judicially and unofficially trying, convicting<br />

and executing gay Iraqis. 692 Such courts have reportedly been operating in militiacontrolled<br />

areas of Iraq, trying and executing perceived political opponents as well as<br />

numerous classes of persons seen as engaging in offences against Islam. 693 A clerical judge<br />

in one such court stated that he believed that homosexuality was on the decline in Iraq,<br />

since “most [gays] have been killed and others have fled.” 694<br />

685<br />

David France, Dying to Come Out: The War on Gays in Iraq, Gentlemen’s Quarterly Magazine, February<br />

2007, http://men.style.com/gq/features/landing?id=content_5304.<br />

686<br />

UNAMI HRO, December 2006 Human Rights Report, p. 26, see above footnote 10.<br />

687<br />

Tris Reid-Smith, Iraq Police Abduct Gays at Gunpoint, Pink Paper, 29 November 2006,<br />

http://www.globalgayz.com/iraq-news.html#article19.<br />

688<br />

McGrory, see above footnote 684.<br />

689<br />

IWPR, Baghdad Gays Fear for Their Lives, Iraq Crisis Report No. 199, 20 October 2006,<br />

http://www.iwpr.net/?p=icr&s=f&o=324756&apc_state=heniicrd6201b571b0dd9ebc3b068b94ab0b968.<br />

690<br />

IRIN, Iraq: Male homosexuality still a taboo, 5 February 2006, http://www.irinnews.org/Report.aspx?<br />

ReportId=26110.<br />

691<br />

Ibid.<br />

692<br />

IWPR, Baghdad Gays Fear for Their Lives, see above footnote 689.<br />

693<br />

Ellen Knickmeyer, “We Don’t Need a Verdict,” One Commander Says, The Washington Post, 25 August<br />

2006, http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/08/24/AR2006082401721.html.<br />

694<br />

IWPR, Baghdad Gays Fear for Their Lives, see above footnote 689. See also “Persons Accused of “Un-<br />

Islamic” Behaviour”.<br />


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