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population at large and bring the country and its institutions to collapse. 646 Others have<br />

fallen victim to retaliatory violence between Shi’ites and Sunnis. 647 According to the<br />

spokesman of the Iraqi Sports Union, Sami Al-Nahren, a Sunni athlete who wins an athletic<br />

match “automatically becomes a target for Shi’ite militias or gangs”, and vice versa. 648 In<br />

addition, the perception that sports is a “Western” idea and disrespects Islamic values has<br />

led to a number of attacks. 649 Other athletes and sports officials have been targeted for<br />

kidnapping for ransom, possibly because they are perceived as wealthy. According to the<br />

British newspaper The Times, anyone who is tied to sports in Iraq is perceived to be<br />

connected to “money and Western sympathies”. The newspaper further reported that for<br />

security reasons, the Iraqi Olympic Committee operates in part from offices in Jordan and<br />

football players are desperately trying to get contracts with clubs abroad. The International<br />

Olympic Committee expressed concern over the situation of Iraqi athletes and provides<br />

funding for a number of Iraqi athletes to train abroad, though for security reasons the<br />

Committee would not provide their names. 650 IRIN reported in June 2006, that, according<br />

to the Iraqi Sports Union (ISU) in Baghdad, nearly 70 athletes had been killed since the fall<br />

of the former regime in 2003. 651<br />

H. Others<br />

1. Women<br />

a) Situation in Central and Southern Iraq<br />

Since the fall of the previous regime, the security, human rights and economic situation of<br />

women has dramatically declined and continues to deteriorate. 652 Widespread fear of<br />

abduction for sectarian or criminal reasons, rape, forced prostitution, (sex) trafficking 653<br />

and murder limit their freedom of movement, their access to education, employment and<br />

health, and their ability to participate in public life more generally. Observers say that the<br />

646<br />

See also “Government Officials and Other Persons Associated With the Current Iraqi Government,<br />

Administration and Institutions”.<br />

647<br />

See also “Shi’ites and Sunnis Civilians”.<br />

648<br />

IRIN, Iraq: Athletes targeted for sectarian, religious reasons, 8 June 2006, http://www.irinnews.org/<br />

report.aspx?reportid=26984.<br />

649<br />

See also “Persons Accused of “Un-Islamic” Behaviour”.<br />

650<br />

Owen Slot, Iraqi sport in state of terror after gunmen draw blood, The Times, 10 October 2006,<br />

http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/sport/more_sport/article667015.ece.<br />

651<br />

IRIN, Iraq: Athletes targeted for sectarian, religious reasons, see above footnote 648.<br />

652<br />

UNAMI HRO, December 2006 Human Rights Report, p. 3, see above footnote 10. For further<br />

information on the security, human rights and economic situation of women in Iraq, see UNHCR, 2005<br />

Country of Origin Information Iraq, p. 31, see above footnote 53.<br />

653<br />

According to the Iraqi NGO Women’s Freedom, and based on anecdotal evidence, nearly 3,500 Iraqi<br />

women have gone missing since 2003. It is believed that many were traded for sex work; see: IRIN, Sex<br />

traffickers target women in war-torn Iraq, 26 October 2006, http://www.irinnews.org/report.aspx?<br />

reportid=61903; Brian Bennett, Stolen Away: Girls of Iraq Gone Missing, Time Magazine, 25 April 2006,<br />

http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1186558,00.html. The USDOS reported “(T)he ongoing<br />

insurgency and terrorism severely handicapped the government’s abilities to combat trafficking. The Iraqi<br />

Interim and Transitional Governments did not take action to prosecute or prevent trafficking or to protect<br />

victims”; see: USDOS, Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons, Trafficking in Persons Report,<br />

5 June 2006, p. 270, http://www.state.gov/documents/organization/66086.pdf.<br />


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