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groups for not giving priority to the treatment of their injured members. 628 Others have<br />

been threatened and killed for engaging in “un-Islamic” activities, e.g. a male doctor<br />

treating female patients. 629 In addition, they might be identified as representing Iraq’s<br />

intelligentsia, which is needed to establish a democratic and functioning state. Targeting<br />

Iraq’s health system also serves the purpose of terrorizing the population at large so that it<br />

would lose confidence in the abilities of the current Iraqi Government, especially to protect<br />

its citizens. 630 In addition, criminal motives might be a reason as doctors are regarded as<br />

wealthy. 631<br />

Attacks against medical personnel are further exacerbating the current health crisis in the<br />

country. Hospitals have had to close and newly built clinics have not been opened due to<br />

the lack of health personnel. IRIN reported that the emergency unit in Basrah’s Teaching<br />

Hospital was closed for five months after a number of doctors were killed by unidentified<br />

attackers. Many doctors and nurses refuse to go to work, fearing for their lives. 632<br />

5. Judges and Lawyers<br />

According to UNAMI HRO, the independence of the Iraqi judiciary is compromised by<br />

“consistent attacks on and killings of judges and lawyers” and attacks on courthouses. Such<br />

violence aggravates the already serious shortage of legal professionals in the country and<br />

negatively impacts on the rule of law. In addition, the families and relatives of legal<br />

professionals have been targeted. 633<br />

Judges and lawyers engaged in the Dujail and Anfal trials against senior officials of the<br />

former regime have been repeatedly targeted. 634 To date, four lawyers involved in the<br />

defence of former regime officials have been killed. Most are working from outside Iraq. 635<br />

Most judges and other legal staff working at the Iraqi High Tribunal have not been<br />

identified in public because of concerns for their safety. 636<br />

Fields”, The Washington Post, 30 August 2006, http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/<br />

2006/08/29/AR2006082901680.html.<br />

628<br />

Aaron Glantz, Doctors Under Fire in Iraq, AntiWar.com, 20 September 2006, http://www.antiwar.com/<br />

glantz/?articleid=9719; UNAMI HRO, October 2006 Human Rights Report, p. 7, see above footnote 66.<br />

629<br />

See also “Persons Accused of “Un-Islamic” Behaviour”.<br />

630<br />

Doug Struck, Professionals Fleeing Iraq As Violence, Threats Persist, The Washington Post, 23 January<br />

2006, http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/01/22/AR2006012201112.html. See also<br />

“Government Officials and Other Persons Associated With the Current Iraqi Government, Administration and<br />

Institutions”.<br />

631<br />

IRIN, Iraq: Facing threats, local doctors flee Mosul, 1 May 2006, http://www.irinnews.org/<br />

report.aspx?reportid=26331.<br />

632<br />

Ibidem, Iraq: Insecurity, under-funding threaten children’s health in Basra, 9 July 2006,<br />

http://www.irinnews.org/report.aspx?reportid=27117.<br />

633<br />

UNAMI HRO, December 2006 Human Rights Report, p. 3, 15 and 18, see above footnote 10.<br />

634<br />

UNAMI HRO, June 2006 Human Rights Report, p. 5, see above footnote 27.<br />

635<br />

Kamal Taha, Saddam lawyers determined to defend him despite threats, Middle East Online, 2 November<br />

2006, http://www.iraqupdates.com/p_articles.php?refid=DH-S-02-11-2006&article=11507. See also<br />

“Members and Associates of the Ba’ath Party and the Former Regime”.<br />

636<br />

AP, Judge, lawyer on Iraq war crimes tribunal killed, 2 March 2005, http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/<br />

7064658/.<br />


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