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G. Certain Professions<br />

According to UNAMI HRO, there is<br />

“a worrying increase in targeted attacks and assassinations of professionals such as<br />

teachers, religious figures, barbers, police officers, artists, lawyers, ex-military officers,<br />

and politicians across Iraq including the northern cities of Mosul and Kirkuk. These attacks<br />

are typically perpetrated by extremists practising conformist ideology and by<br />

militant/terror groups intent on spreading fear and intimidation.” 559<br />

Another reason for professionals being targeted may be their perceived support for the Iraqi<br />

Government, the US invasion or “Western” ideas in general. Others have been caught up in<br />

the sectarian violence engulfing the country, belonging to the “wrong” sect. Previous<br />

membership in the Ba’ath Party may be another possible motive. Accordingly, some of<br />

these professional groups have already been noted in other chapters.<br />

1. Academics, Professors, Teachers and Students<br />

Iraq’s academics, professors, teachers and students have been facing a campaign of<br />

intimidation, kidnappings and killings. In February 2007, the Iraqi Ministry of Higher<br />

Education and Scientific Research announced that 185 professors had been killed since<br />

2003, and 52 others had been kidnapped. While some were killed by their abductors, others<br />

were released after paying large sums of ransom. The Ministry warned that the ongoing<br />

violence against the educational system might bring it to a collapse. 560 A European anti-war<br />

group, Brusselstribunal.org, maintains a list of 288 Iraqi academics killed as of<br />

24 December 2006. According to the group, more than 70 other names are on a list of<br />

academics who have been threatened or kidnapped. 561 It has launched an appeal to the UN<br />

Special Rapporteur on Summary Executions to investigate what it calls the “systematic<br />

liquidation of the country’s academics.” 562<br />

UNAMI HRO stated that Baghdad accounted for 44% of all assassinations of Iraqi<br />

academics. Anbar, Mosul and Basrah each accounted for 10% and Diyala for 5% of the<br />

total number of assassinated academics. 563 Many academics fled to the Kurdistan Region or<br />

left the country altogether. 564 In August 2006, the Ministry of Higher Education said over<br />

RFE/RL, Iraq: Kurdistan Islamic Union Responds To Attacks, 9 December 2005, http://www.rferl.org/<br />

featuresarticle/2005/12/9dfdf2b2-3d52-4b9b-a56a-38d835cbbb33.html.<br />

559 UNAMI HRO, December 2006 Human Rights Report, p. 14, see above footnote 10.<br />

560 Hayfaa Radhi, 185 professors killed since U.S. invasion, Azzaman, 1 February 2007,<br />

http://www.azzaman.com/english/index.asp?fname=news%5C2007-02-01%5Ckurd.htm.<br />

561 BrusselsTribunal.org, List of killed, threatened or kidnapped Iraqi Academics, updated as of<br />

24 December 2006, http://www.brusselstribunal.org/academicsList.htm.<br />

562 Ibidem, Urgent Appeal to Save Iraq’s Academics, http://www.brusselstribunal.org/<br />

Academicspetition.htm. For a (non-comprehensive) list of attacks on professors, teachers and students, please<br />

see “Annex V: Attacks on Professors, Teachers and Students”.<br />

563 UNAMI HRO, October 2006 Human Rights Report, p. 17, see above footnote 66.<br />

564 Mohammed Salih, Students, Professors Flee to the Kurdish North, IPS, 27 January 2007,<br />

http://www.antiwar.com/ips/salih.php?articleid=10412. See also “Internal Flight or Relocation Alternative”.<br />


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