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threat circulated in Kirkuk accused “several foreign-based aid organizations of working for<br />

the benefit of a foreign country and against the interests of Iraq.” 524<br />

Several Iraqi human rights defenders have been targeted since 2003. For example, human<br />

rights activist Hussein Al-Ibrahemi survived an assassination attempt on 25 July 2006 when<br />

unknown gunmen shot him in Kerbala. In May 2006, Al-Ibrahemi had received threatening<br />

letters accusing him of being a “spy” for the US and for facilitating operations for the<br />

“occupation forces”. 525 Dr. Ahmed Al-Mosawi, the head of the Iraqi Human Rights<br />

Society, was kidnapped on 6 March 2006 from the headquarters of his organization. In<br />

April 2006, Zuhair Yaseen, a member of the Prisoners of War Organization, was<br />

assassinated in front of his home in Baqouba and another member was injured. Also in<br />

April 2006, Mehdi Mchaitheer Al-Azawi, Director of the Association of Disabled Females,<br />

was killed by gunmen in front of his home. 526<br />

The former regime had strictly limited the activities of NGOs in Iraq and, according to<br />

NCCI, portrayed humanitarian workers as “foreign spies”. In addition, the UN is often seen<br />

negatively, mainly for its role in imposing sanctions on the country since 1990 and for its<br />

close relationship with MNF forces. These perceptions continue to prevail in certain<br />

segments of Iraqi society and may add to the risks of humanitarian workers.<br />

Other factors such as an individual’s religion, ethnicity or gender may, in the eyes of<br />

perpetrators, constitute additional criteria for targeting specific persons. The ongoing<br />

sectarianism makes it almost impossible for aid workers to convey their neutrality and<br />

impartiality and may put them at risk of being targeted for providing aid to the “wrong”<br />

sect or ethnic group. 527<br />

In addition, Iraqis working for international organizations may be perceived as receiving<br />

a high salary and are therefore at particular risk for kidnapping for ransom.<br />

The Iraqi Red Crescent Society (IRCS), which has a staff of 1,000 and 200,000 volunteers<br />

and is the only Iraqi aid group working across the country’s 18 Governorates, has been the<br />

target of frequent attacks. On 17 December 2006, armed men wearing uniforms similar to<br />

those of the Ministry of Interior’s Police Commandoes staged a mass kidnapping at the<br />

IRCS’ office in central Baghdad, seizing 30 male staff and visitors. Some were later<br />

released, although several still remain unaccounted for. The IRCS temporarily suspended<br />

its activities in Baghdad. Possible motives could be sectarianism or to demonstrate the<br />

government’s inability to provide security for its citizens, thereby undermining the<br />

Government’s legitimacy. 528<br />

524<br />

UNAMI HRO, August 2006 Human Rights Report, p. 10, see above footnote 26.<br />

525<br />

Ibid.<br />

526<br />

UNAMI HRO, April 2006 Human Rights Report, p. 3, see above footnote 74.<br />

527<br />

IRIN, Aid workers threatened by sectarian violence, 16 August 2006, http://www.irinnews.org/<br />

report.aspx?reportid=60378; UNAMI HRO, August 2006 Human Rights Report, p. 10, see above footnote 26.<br />

528<br />

ICRC, Joint statement: Iraqi Red Crescent abduction, 21 December 2006, http://www.icrc.org/Web/Eng/<br />

siteeng0.nsf/html/iraq-news-211206!OpenDocument. See also: IRIN, Iraq: Suspension of Red Crescent work<br />

could affect the lives of thousands, 19 December 2006, http://www.irinnews.org/report.aspx?reportid=62857;<br />

ibidem, Iraq: Aid Agencies Call for Respect from Armed Groups, 18 December 2006,<br />


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