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een killed in Iraq and another 491 injured as of August 2006. While some died in combat,<br />

others have solely been targeted for “collaborating” with the MNF. 520<br />

Acts committed against (former) employees or perceived supporters of the MNF embassies<br />

or foreign companies may vary from verbal harassment and threats to individuals and their<br />

families, to kidnapping, physical attacks and murder. Neither the Iraqi authorities nor the<br />

MNF or foreign states are capable of granting proper security to their respective local<br />

nationals and employees, 521 in particular not once the working relationship has ended.<br />

2. Employees of the UN, ICRC or Humanitarian Organizations Including<br />

NGOs and Human Rights Defenders<br />

The UN and most foreign and international NGOs depend largely on local Iraqi staff to<br />

implement their activities in the country. Most international staff was pulled out of Iraq<br />

following a series of attacks on humanitarian personnel, including the bombing of the UN<br />

Mission in Baghdad on 19 August 2003, an attack on ICRC on 27 October 2003, and<br />

several kidnappings and killings of humanitarian workers. According to the NGO<br />

Coordination Committee in Iraq (NCCI), at least 82 aid workers have been killed since<br />

2003. 522 In addition, at least 86 aid workers have been kidnapped, 24 arrested by official<br />

forces and 245 injured. While these figures include both Iraqis and foreigners, the brunt of<br />

violence is borne by Iraqis. 523<br />

While Iraqi aid workers are at risk of the same generalized violence as other Iraqi civilians,<br />

their work exposes them to greater risks, for example, when they work in “hot-spot” areas<br />

or move around the country. In addition, Iraqis who previously or presently work for (or<br />

have any type of association with) the UN, ICRC or humanitarian organizations, are<br />

perceived by the insurgency as condoning and supporting the “occupation” of Iraq or<br />

furthering “Western” ideas such as democracy or human rights. For example, a printed<br />

520 Pratap Chatterjee, A Translator’s Tale, CorpWatch, 9 August 2006, http://www.corpwatch.org/<br />

article.php?id=13992. See also Larry Margasak, Former Iraqi Translator Tells of Threats, AP, 15 January<br />

2007, http://www.salon.com/wire/ap/archive.html?wire=D8MM0T300.html; Sabrina Tavernise and Robert F.<br />

Worth, Few Iraqis Are Gaining U.S. Sanctuary, The New York Times, 2 January 2007,<br />

http://www.nytimes.com/2007/01/02/world/middleeast/02refugees.html?ex=1325394000&en=ecd41eeff27f7<br />

aed&ei=5088&partner=rssnyt&emc=rss; Patrick Fort, Meet Iraqi translator who survived many attacks,<br />

Middle East Online, 19 December 2006, http://www.iraqupdates.com/p_articles.php?refid=WH-S-25-12-<br />

2006&article=12759.<br />

521 See, for example, Reuters, Feature – In Iraq, contractor deaths near 650, legal fog thickens, 10 October<br />

2006, http://today.reuters.com/News/CrisesArticle.aspx?storyId=N10275842; BBC News, Iraq violence:<br />

Facts and figures, http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/5052138.stm [last updated 29 November 2006]. See<br />

also: Reuters, In outsourced U.S. wars, contractor deaths top 1,000, 3 July 2007, http://www.reuters.com/<br />

article/politicsNews/idUSN0318650320070703; BBC News, Denmark ends secret Iraq airlift, 20 July 2007,<br />

http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/6908792.stm. See also above footnote 10, and: UNHCR, 2005 Eligibility<br />

Guidelines, p. 13, see above footnote 8.<br />

522 As of 15 February 2007; the actual figure may be even higher as not all incidents are reported; see NCCI,<br />

http://www.ncciraq.org/. See also: IRIN, Iraq: Aid workers remain under threat, say NGO officials, 23 March<br />

2006, http://www.irinnews.org/report.aspx?reportid=26223.<br />

523 Information received from NCCI in January 2007.<br />


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