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Persons affiliated or associated with the former Government in Iraq, through membership<br />

in the Ba’ath Party or as a result of their functions or profession, have been the subject of<br />

attacks since the early days of the regime change and continue to face serious risk of human<br />

rights violations. The degree to which these persons are at risk depends on several factors,<br />

such as the extent of association with the Ba’athist ideology and the human rights<br />

violations committed during that era, the rank or position previously held, and whether or<br />

not the person is known to have been involved in political activities. Senior level of<br />

affiliation or rank within the Ba’ath Party or the country’s political or security system may<br />

be a determining factor regarding who is targeted. Low-ranking officials have, however,<br />

also been killed or otherwise attacked because their activities were well-known 506 at<br />

neighbourhood level, e.g. they were involved in policing activities, the search for army<br />

deserters or the recruitment for paramilitary armed groups such as Jaish Al-Quds (The<br />

Jerusalem Army), the Fedayeen Saddam (Saddam’s “Men of Sacrifice”) and the Ashbal<br />

Saddam (Saddam’s Lion Cubs). In addition, a number of low-level bureaucrats such as<br />

teachers and professors have been killed. 507 Some bodies that were found were clearly<br />

identified (with notes on them) as Ba’ath Party members. 508<br />

Former members of the Ba’ath Party and the country’s political and security institutions<br />

may face harassment, intimidation and physical violence, including assassination. 509<br />

Reportedly, “hit-lists” have been established by Shi’ite militias from Ba’ath Party<br />

membership lists and documents looted from buildings of the former security and<br />

intelligence agencies after the fall of the former regime. Former officials are accused of<br />

having engaged in broad-based discrimination and widespread terror, suppressing freedom<br />

of conscience, and condoning summary and arbitrary executions, torture, rape and sexual<br />

abuse during detention and enforced or involuntary disappearances.<br />

Despite a number of fatwas issued by Shi’ite clerics, including Grand Ayatollah Ali Al-<br />

Sistani, not to carry out acts of revenge against Ba’ath party members or security officers of<br />

the former Government, a wave of killings took place after the fall of the former regime. 510<br />

506 See also: See UNHCR, 2005 Eligibility Guidelines, para. 48, see above footnote 8.<br />

507 See also “Academics, Professors, Teachers and Students”.<br />

508 Romesh Ratnesar, Vengeance Has its Day, Time Magazine, 22 November 2003, http://www.time.com/<br />

time/magazine/article/0,9171,548790,00.html; Anna Badkhen, Gunmen stalk Hussein party members, San<br />

Francisco Chronicle, 21 September 2003, http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2003/09/21/<br />

MN81296.DTL.<br />

509 For a list of cases involving the (attempted) killing of former Ba’ath Party officials and other persons<br />

considered to be affiliated with the former regime of Saddam Hussein, see “Annex IV: Attacks on<br />

Government Officials and Other Persons Associated With the Current Iraqi Government, Administration and<br />

Institutions”.<br />

510 AI, Iraq – The need for security, 4 July 2003, MDE 14/143/2003, p. 5-6, http://web.amnesty.org/library/<br />

pdf/MDE141432003ENGLISH/$File/MDE1414303.pdf; Scott Wilson, Iraqis Killing Former Baath Party<br />

Members, The Washington Post, 20 May 2003, http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/wp-dyn/A12583-<br />

2003May19. See also: Dumeetha Luthra, Basra revenge killings increase, BBC News, 9 December 2003,<br />

http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/3303051.stm; Ratnesar, see above footnote 508; Joel Brinkley,<br />

Revenge killings thin ex-Baathists’ ranks, The New York Times, 1 November 2003, http://www.sfgate.com/<br />

cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2003/11/01/MNGPP2O72B1.DTL; Anna Badkhen, Gunmen stalk Hussein party<br />

members, San Francisco Chronicle, 21 September 2003, http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/<br />

2003/09/21/MN81296.DTL.<br />


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