LITTLE THINGS BY Charles Robert Morrison

A little child was born and laid in a manger, in a little Judean town--and the whole world swung toward the light. It is God's plan to use little things, in the creation of greatness. 1. Little Things that Make for Destiny 2. Little Things that Make for Character 3. Little Things that Make for Happiness 4. Little Things that Make for Wealth 5. Little Things that Make for Health 6. Little Things that Make for Education 7. Possibility of Good from Things Apparently Evil 8. Possibility of Evil from Things Apparently Good 9. Lessons Learned Too Late

A little child was born and laid in a manger, in a little Judean town--and the whole world swung toward the light.
It is God's plan to use little things, in the creation of greatness.

1. Little Things that Make for Destiny
2. Little Things that Make for Character
3. Little Things that Make for Happiness
4. Little Things that Make for Wealth
5. Little Things that Make for Health
6. Little Things that Make for Education
7. Possibility of Good from Things Apparently Evil
8. Possibility of Evil from Things Apparently Good
9. Lessons Learned Too Late


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It is well known that the art of printing, probably the parent of more<br />

good than all others, owes its origin to crude impressions taken, for the<br />

amusement of children, from letters carved on the bark of a beech-tree.<br />

This was a slight matter, which thousands would have passed over with<br />

neglect.<br />

The stupendous results of the steam engine may all be traced to an<br />

individual observing steam issuing from a kettle, just emptied, and<br />

placed casually close to a fire. So almost all the great discoveries in<br />

science were apparently stumbled upon. Their first intimations of<br />

usefulness were slight, but were not ignored or despised. To these<br />

intimations the world owes much for its present greatness in<br />

commercial and mechanical arts. They are the Nazareths of science, out<br />

of which have come great good. Let them not be despised.<br />

But our theme does not demand from us a defense in behalf of evil.<br />

That would scarcely be possible. We are under no thanks to sin for any<br />

of the blessings we enjoy. No apparent good is ours, because of the<br />

existence of evil. If we have been privileged to reach higher heights<br />

after having touched lowest depths--the thanks are due to Him who has<br />

had compassion upon us in our low and lost estate, has heard our cry,<br />

and has stooped to save us. All the good that has come to us, and may<br />

yet come, is because of God sovereign mercy. "All things work together<br />

for good to those who love God." "For we are more than conquerors<br />

through Him that loved us." "Thanks be to God, who gives us the victory,<br />

through our Lord Jesus Christ;" not through sin, but through Christ.<br />

That which is apparently evil, or apparently small or inadequate, may<br />

not really be so. The weak things of earth have been chosen to confound<br />

the mighty. These may be weak, looking at them from a human<br />

standpoint, but not so when we discover that God is in them. They are<br />

the Davids that stand before the Goliaths of sin; the Gideons, armed<br />

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