LITTLE THINGS BY Charles Robert Morrison

A little child was born and laid in a manger, in a little Judean town--and the whole world swung toward the light. It is God's plan to use little things, in the creation of greatness. 1. Little Things that Make for Destiny 2. Little Things that Make for Character 3. Little Things that Make for Happiness 4. Little Things that Make for Wealth 5. Little Things that Make for Health 6. Little Things that Make for Education 7. Possibility of Good from Things Apparently Evil 8. Possibility of Evil from Things Apparently Good 9. Lessons Learned Too Late A little child was born and laid in a manger, in a little Judean town--and the whole world swung toward the light.
It is God's plan to use little things, in the creation of greatness.

1. Little Things that Make for Destiny
2. Little Things that Make for Character
3. Little Things that Make for Happiness
4. Little Things that Make for Wealth
5. Little Things that Make for Health
6. Little Things that Make for Education
7. Possibility of Good from Things Apparently Evil
8. Possibility of Evil from Things Apparently Good
9. Lessons Learned Too Late

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Be as diligent with other people's interests as you would they should be with yours. Make deposits of stated sums weekly or monthly in savings banks, until sufficient has accumulated to be used in more remunerative investment. Be willing to consult with business men of discreet and conservative reputation respecting the character of any and all inducements offered concerning investments. They have not lived in vain. They have seen optimistic expectations doomed to disappointment. They may be "slow" and "Old Fogy," but they doubtless have paid well for what they know. They have had experience that is always wise to respect. As a protection, if not an investment, take out a life insurance policy for an amount you can readily pay for, in one of the many safe, sound, and conservative companies, upon the endowment plan. The prejudice and superstition that once existed against life It was once argued that to insure one's life was a distrust of God--a form of wager with a corporation that you would live out the allotted period written in your insurance paper, or that you must die in order to win. The guarantee that, by the payment of a certain sum per annum for a certain term of years, you should have a certain sum of money returned to you in case you were alive, or if you did not live, your heirs or dependents should have it at your death--was but a straight, strict business transaction, based upon definite calculations and long years of observation--removed the element of chance from the proposition. To the little things that make for wealth must not be omitted: 4. Liberality. I do not mean the wealth of soul that comes from sympathizing in a substantial way with the distressed, but, as a means to wealth, systematic, proportionate giving, beginning with the tithe of one's 46 of 102

income, and increasing as God prospers, is as essential to the accumulation of wealth as industry or economy. It is a form of judicious investment. "He who is kind to the poor lends to the LORD, and He will reward him for what he has done." (Proverbs 19:17.) Isn't that good security? Will He pay less interest than an ordinary savings bank? "There is one who scatters and yet increases; and there is one who withholds more than is fit, but it tends to poverty. The liberal soul shall be made fat, and he who waters shall be watered also himself." (Proverbs 11:24-25.) "Whoever stops his ears at the cry of the poor--he also shall cry himself, but shall not be heard." (Proverbs 21:13.) That a portion of our earnings belongs to God, and the withholding of it from Him is robbery--is a truth of divine origin. We save only when we are honest with God. "Give, and it shall be given unto you." Enter into partnership with the Almighty. Say at the beginning of your life's pilgrimage: "If God will be with me and keep me in this way that I go, and will give me bread to eat and clothing to put on--then shall the Lord be my God, and of all that You shall give me I will surely give the tenth unto You." That's a common-sense contract! He who gives you power to get wealth, will not withdraw Himself from you, but will be your stay, and your shield, and your exceeding great reward! Be industrious; Be economical; Be judicious; 47 of 102

Be as diligent with other people's interests as you would they should be<br />

with yours. Make deposits of stated sums weekly or monthly in savings<br />

banks, until sufficient has accumulated to be used in more<br />

remunerative investment. Be willing to consult with business men of<br />

discreet and conservative reputation respecting the character of any<br />

and all inducements offered concerning investments. They have not<br />

lived in vain. They have seen optimistic expectations doomed to<br />

disappointment. They may be "slow" and "Old Fogy," but they doubtless<br />

have paid well for what they know. They have had experience that is<br />

always wise to respect.<br />

As a protection, if not an investment, take out a life insurance policy for<br />

an amount you can readily pay for, in one of the many safe, sound, and<br />

conservative companies, upon the endowment plan. The prejudice and<br />

superstition that once existed against life<br />

It was once argued that to insure one's life was a distrust of God--a<br />

form of wager with a corporation that you would live out the allotted<br />

period written in your insurance paper, or that you must die in order to<br />

win. The guarantee that, by the payment of a certain sum per annum<br />

for a certain term of years, you should have a certain sum of money<br />

returned to you in case you were alive, or if you did not live, your heirs<br />

or dependents should have it at your death--was but a straight, strict<br />

business transaction, based upon definite calculations and long years of<br />

observation--removed the element of chance from the proposition.<br />

To the little things that make for wealth must not be omitted:<br />

4. Liberality.<br />

I do not mean the wealth of soul that comes from sympathizing in a<br />

substantial way with the distressed, but, as a means to wealth,<br />

systematic, proportionate giving, beginning with the tithe of one's<br />

46 of 102

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