LITTLE THINGS BY Charles Robert Morrison

A little child was born and laid in a manger, in a little Judean town--and the whole world swung toward the light. It is God's plan to use little things, in the creation of greatness. 1. Little Things that Make for Destiny 2. Little Things that Make for Character 3. Little Things that Make for Happiness 4. Little Things that Make for Wealth 5. Little Things that Make for Health 6. Little Things that Make for Education 7. Possibility of Good from Things Apparently Evil 8. Possibility of Evil from Things Apparently Good 9. Lessons Learned Too Late

A little child was born and laid in a manger, in a little Judean town--and the whole world swung toward the light.
It is God's plan to use little things, in the creation of greatness.

1. Little Things that Make for Destiny
2. Little Things that Make for Character
3. Little Things that Make for Happiness
4. Little Things that Make for Wealth
5. Little Things that Make for Health
6. Little Things that Make for Education
7. Possibility of Good from Things Apparently Evil
8. Possibility of Evil from Things Apparently Good
9. Lessons Learned Too Late


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IV. Little Things that Make for WEALTH.<br />

"But you shall remember the Lord your God; for it is He who gives you power to get<br />

wealth!" Deuteronomy 8:18<br />

A false impression prevails as to the possession of wealth, and its<br />

consistency with a righteous character.<br />

The common idea is, that goodness and poverty go hand in hand; that to<br />

possess wealth, is to be possessed by the wicked one.<br />

Money is not the root of all evil. It is the love of money that excludes a<br />

higher and nobler affection, and is the beginning, the source, the root<br />

of all evil.<br />

Abraham was the friend of God, yet he was rich, had been, and was,<br />

abundantly blessed in that friendship. Job was rich, and his integrity<br />

was not impaired by his prosperity. Even in his distress and affliction,<br />

he maintained his righteousness, and in the end was blessed even more<br />

abundantly in flocks and herds, lands and money. Joseph of Arimathea,<br />

who, with Nicodemus, was a friend of Jesus, was rich in worldly goods,<br />

as also in spiritual experiences.<br />

God's plan in conferring upon us the dignity and self-respect of<br />

ownership--as a steward of His--is often thwarted by the abuse of that<br />

stewardship and the criminal disregard of the trust committed to us.<br />

The undue haste to get rich, occurs only when the relationship between<br />

God the Giver and man the steward, is forgotten or ignored. Such<br />

forgetfulness or rebellion results in degradation of soul to the<br />

sordidness of things of time and sense and the material world.<br />

God plans and places everything at the disposal of His children. He lays<br />

His kingdom at their feet, and bids them become His stewards. "For all<br />

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