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Alternative Dispute Resolution in a Nutshell (Nutshells)


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Alternative Dispute Resolution in a Nutshell (Nutshells)


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Series: Nutshells Paperback: 575 pages Publisher: West Academic Publishing; 4 edition (August 16, 2013)

Language: English ISBN-10: 0314285326 ISBN-13: 978-0314285324 Product Dimensions: 5.5 x 0.8 x 7.8


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Book Description

This title presents a concise summary of alternatives to the court adjudication of disputes. It

provides an on-point discussion that facilitates an understanding of the wide variety of options

available that can better suit a client's needs, such as negotiation, mediation, arbitration, and

various hybrids such as arbitration-mediation, mediation-arbitration, and consensus-building, as

well as court-connected processes. Particular attention is focused on the legal and ethical issues

associated with negotiation, mediation, and arbitration. Each chapter contains a bibliography.

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