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30 Vinaja<br />

commerce will bring are far-reaching. They require new frameworks for doing<br />

business and a re-examination of government policies relating to commerce and<br />

skills. Governments of the developing countries have finally realized that it is time<br />

to increase wealth in their communities and for their people and are open to the ideas<br />

of electronic commerce and the opportunities that are tied in to it (OECD, 2000).<br />

It is essential, that developing countries increase their access to the Inter<strong>net</strong> and<br />

to electronic commerce for their ability to perform in the constant growing global<br />

market. The expansion of electronic commerce to developing countries will<br />

automatically enable their overall economy.<br />

The acceptance of electronic commerce all over the world is giving everyone<br />

the opportunities for advancement in all levels of society. The most important goal<br />

is giving developing countries the chance for better living conditions, increasing job<br />

opportunities, making services available, and providing better education and<br />

greater economy wealth.<br />


African Development Forum (1999). Electronic commerce in Africa. 26, section<br />

5.5.<br />

Androuchko, L. (1998). Mozambique unveils leading edge telemedicine facility.<br />

International Telecommunications Union, Report ITU/98-1, 30 January<br />

1998 Available online at: http://<strong>www</strong>.itu.int/newsarchive/press/releases/1998/<br />

98-01.html.<br />

Ariyadasa, C. (2000). Sampath bank makes surprise move into stockbroking. The<br />

Sunday Times, Sri Lanka, 12 November 2000. Available online at: http://<br />

<strong>www</strong>.lac<strong>net</strong>.org/suntimes/001112/busm.html.<br />

Coeur de Roy, O. (1997). The African challenge: Inter<strong>net</strong>, <strong>net</strong>working and<br />

connectivity activities in a developing environment. Third World Quarterly.<br />

18(5), 883-898.<br />

Cordelia, L. (1999). What’s holding back electronic commerce in Malaysia?. New<br />

Straits Times- Management Times. August.<br />

Gagné, P. (1998). A special ITU development initiative. International Telecommunications<br />

Union Bureau for Telecommunications Development, article for<br />

ITU News, No. 3/98.<br />

Goh, K. (1999). ITU teams up to push e-biz in developing world. IDG News<br />

Service, Boston Bureau, September 29.<br />

Hay, P., Jackson, S., & Case McMahon, C. (2000). Developing countries could<br />

see fastest growth in over a decade but are hurt by trade barriers in rich<br />

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