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228 Henderson, Snyder and Byrd<br />

Table 5: Hypotheses and Results<br />

Hypotheses<br />

H1: Higher levels of privacy concerns will result in<br />

lower levels of actual e-commerce activity.<br />

H2: Higher levels of perceived usefulness result in<br />

higher levels of actual e-commerce activity.<br />

H3: The more likely a consumer is to purchase<br />

merchandise or services via mail, telephone, or<br />

over the Inter<strong>net</strong> during the past year, the higher the<br />

level of actual e-commerce use.<br />

H4: The higher the level of privacy concern, the higher<br />

the perceived importance of privacy policies.<br />

H5: The higher the level of actual e-commerce activity,<br />

the more important a consumer will view an<br />

organization’s privacy policy.<br />

H6: There is a positive direct relationship between<br />

consumer privacy concerns and regulatory<br />

preferences.<br />

H7a: Privacy concerns are higher if an individual has<br />

experienced a prior privacy invasion.<br />

H7b: An individual’s actual e-commerce activity<br />

decreases if the individual has experienced a prior<br />

privacy invasion.<br />

H8a: Higher levels of technology knowledge increase the<br />

privacy concerns of an individual.<br />

H8b: Higher levels of technology knowledge increase the<br />

levels of actual e-commerce use.<br />

H9a: Gender, age, and education have a direct impact on<br />

the level of privacy concerns.<br />

H9b:<br />

Gender, age, and education have a direct impact on<br />

the level of actual e-commerce activity.<br />

Results<br />

Not supported<br />

Supported<br />

Supported<br />

Supported<br />

Not supported<br />

Supported<br />

Supported<br />

Not supported<br />

Not supported<br />

Supported<br />

Age – Supported<br />

Education – Supported<br />

Gender – Not supported<br />

Age – Supported<br />

Education – Not supported<br />

Gender - Supported<br />

individuals tend to use the Inter<strong>net</strong> more than older individuals and males tend to use<br />

the Inter<strong>net</strong> more that females.<br />


A specific research objective in this study was to examine the relationship<br />

between an individual’s privacy concerns and e-commerce use. More specifically,<br />

the purpose was to ascertain whether privacy policies have an impact on<br />

actual e-commerce activities and whether privacy concerns impact an individual’s<br />

preference for government regulation or industry self-regulation for protection<br />

of personal information. To this end, we proposed and tested a model based on<br />

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permission of Idea Group Inc. is prohibited.

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