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222 Henderson, Snyder and Byrd<br />

their agreement or disagreement (using a 5-point Likert-type scale, with Strongly<br />

Disagree and Strongly Agree as the endpoints) with the following questions: “the<br />

government should enact additional laws in order to protect the privacy of individuals...”<br />

and “Industries should rely on self-regulation in order to protect personal<br />

information collected...” The difference between the two measures (preference<br />

rating for governmental intervention minus preference rating for industry selfregulation)<br />

was used to indicate the degree to which the respondent preferred<br />

government regulation to industry self-regulation (Milberg et al., 2000).<br />

Purchasing Habits. A consumer’s propensity to purchase (PH) merchandise<br />

without the benefit of seeing and touching the item(s) before purchasing them was<br />

assessed using two items used by Culnan (1993). These items assessed whether the<br />

consumer had purchased items by mail or phone during the past year. Another item<br />

that covers Inter<strong>net</strong> purchases was added. The respondents chose between the<br />

following responses: Never, 1-2 times, 3-5 times, 5-10 times, and Over 10 times.<br />

Perceived Usefulness. Perceived usefulness (PERUSE) was assessed by<br />

asking the respondents how strongly they agree or disagree with a question<br />

concerning benefits of using the Inter<strong>net</strong> as opposed to any potential privacy<br />

problems. Respondents rated the item on a 5-point Likert-type scale anchored by<br />

Strongly Disagree and Strongly Agree.<br />

Prior Privacy Invasion Experience. Respondents were asked whether<br />

they had ever had a prior privacy invasion experience (PIE). The respondent<br />

checked either yes or no. A space was provided for an explanation of the privacy<br />

invasion experience.<br />

Technology Knowledge. Technology knowledge (TK) was assessed by<br />

asking the respondent to rate the level of expertise with computer and Inter<strong>net</strong><br />

technology. For each item, the respondent chose between the following responses:<br />

Not at all knowledgeable, Somewhat knowledgeable, Knowledgeable, Very knowledgeable.<br />

Demographic Items. Respondents were asked three demographic items:<br />

gender, age, and education. The range of responses for age was as follows: 18-29,<br />

30-49, and 50+. Education was assessed using the following possible responses:<br />

High school or less, Some college, and College graduate.<br />


Method of Analysis<br />

EQS was used to determine the relationships among the variables shown in the<br />

path diagram shown in the model in Figure 1. EQS, a structural equation modeling<br />

software developed by Bentler (1990), implements a general mathematical and<br />

statistical approach to the analysis of linear structural equations. Using EQS, the<br />

researcher is able to check the overall goodness of fit of the proposed model and to<br />

Copyright © 2003, Idea Group Inc. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written<br />

permission of Idea Group Inc. is prohibited.

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