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218 Henderson, Snyder and Byrd<br />

and systems has been one of the most challenging issues in information systems (IS)<br />

research (Swanson, 1988). Previous IS research has used intention models from<br />

social psychology as the basis for research on the determinants of user behavior<br />

(Davis, Bagozzi, & Warshaw, 1989; Swanson, 1982).<br />

In the research model proposed for this study we did not use the behavioral<br />

intention, but we used the individuals’ perceptions of their actual e-commerce<br />

activity. The research model posits that privacy concerns (attitude) have a direct<br />

impact on a consumer’s actual e-commerce activities. Previous research indicates<br />

that individuals may take a variety of different actions based on their levels of<br />

concern, such as having no intention to provide personal information (Culnan, 1993;<br />

Stone & Stone, 1990). Therefore, we hypothesized:<br />

H1: Higher levels of privacy concerns will result in lower levels of actual ecommerce<br />

activity.<br />

The research model in Figure 1 also captures the effect of perceived usefulness<br />

(PERUSE) on actual e-commerce activity. The following was hypothesized:<br />

H2: Higher levels of perceived usefulness result in higher levels of actual ecommerce<br />

activity.<br />

Culnan (1993) included a variable to measure whether the respondents had<br />

shopped by mail or phone during the previous year. This study also used a variable<br />

that gauges a consumer’s proclivity to purchase merchandise (PH) sight unseen.<br />

Thus the following hypothesis was proposed:<br />

H3: The more likely a consumer is to purchase merchandise or services via mail,<br />

telephone or over the Inter<strong>net</strong> during the past year, the higher the level of actual<br />

e-commerce use.<br />


Several studies have looked at the privacy policies of Web sites (Culnan,<br />

1999a, 1999b; FTC, 1998, 1999). In addition, the FTC issued its report, “Privacy<br />

Online: Fair Information Practices in the Electronic Marketplace,” as a result of the<br />

previous studies (FTC, 2000). Neither study looked at how consumers feel about<br />

privacy policies. However, the IBM Multi-National Privacy Survey did examine the<br />

relationship between consumers and privacy policies (Louis et al., 1999). This study<br />

also examined the relationship between privacy concerns and the importance of<br />

privacy policies (IMPPP). Thus, the following hypothesis was proposed:<br />

H4: The higher the level of privacy concern, the higher the perceived importance<br />

of privacy policies.<br />

None of the previous studies have examined the impact of e-commerce usage<br />

on the perceived importance of privacy policies (IMPPP). The more PII consumers<br />

provide over the Inter<strong>net</strong>, the more vulnerable their data becomes. Thus, the<br />

following was hypothesized:<br />

Copyright © 2003, Idea Group Inc. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written<br />

permission of Idea Group Inc. is prohibited.

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