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208 Mullany and Lay<br />

researcher’s cognitive style on R-score evaluation needs to be investigated. Such<br />

a study might involve, for example, the administration of the R-score by several<br />

different persons to the same group of users, to investigate whether or not there<br />

were any significant differences amongst their results. If the R-score were shown<br />

to be insensitive to the nature of the investigator, it would then be usable as a system<br />

success standard as previously noted. If, however, the reverse were shown, then<br />

its use would remain limited to user resistance in the relative sense only. In other<br />

words, between systems be investigated by the same researcher, as in this study.<br />

It remains to be shown to what extent the R-score is associated with all forms<br />

of user resistance. It would thus be of interest to construct other measures of<br />

resistance and test their associations with the R-score. There is some indication<br />

from Markus’s study that complaints from users are a predominant form of user<br />

resistance. Further research that demonstrated this conclusively would make the Rscore<br />

a more convincing global measure of user resistance than could be claimed<br />

in this study.<br />

A further area for research is an analysis of the similarities and differences of<br />

the four general cognitive cases of analyst-user dyads, as given below:<br />

1) Analyst an adaptor, user an adaptor<br />

2) Analyst an adaptor, user an innovator<br />

3) Analyst an innovator, user an adaptor, and<br />

4) Analyst an innovator, user an innovator<br />

Of particular interest are the questions of which of these is most efficient and/<br />

or effective in the short term, and which in the long term. The main hypothesis (HI)<br />

of the current study shows that user resistance will be at a minimum when the analyst<br />

and user are of like cognitive styles. This in turn suggests that dyads I) and 4) above<br />

might be more efficient and effective than the other two in the short term. However,<br />

no reliable inferences could be made regarding the effect of matching persons of<br />

similar or dissimilar cognitive styles in the long term.<br />


Bailey, J.E. & Pearson, S.W., (1983). Development of a tool for measuring and<br />

analyzing computer user satisfaction. Management Science, 29 (5).<br />

Bruwer, P. (1984). A descriptive model of success for computer-based information<br />

systems. Information and Management, 7.<br />

De Brabander, B. & Thiers, G. (1984). Successful information systems development<br />

in relation to situational factors that affect effective communication<br />

between MIS-users and EDP-specialists. Management Science, 30 (2).<br />

Copyright © 2003, Idea Group Inc. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written<br />

permission of Idea Group Inc. is prohibited.

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