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150 Lubbe and Pather<br />

parts (only –0.046). The Spearman factor for the correlation between the literature<br />

ranked factors and the ranking based on a Likert scale was negative (-0.405). This<br />

suggested that there was a better correlation between the literature-induced factors<br />

and the personal ‘flashes of commercial insight’ factors – although not the highest<br />

form of correlation.<br />

The ranking between the Likert-type ranking and the literature was 0.218. This<br />

was also not high and possible reasons for this could be that the e-commerce<br />

revolution is in its infant stage in South Africa, and that local businesses are still<br />

figuring out how to handle a new business paradigm. There is a clear indication that<br />

more research is needed to support and lead the South African e-commerce<br />

organizations.<br />

Some supporting documentation that was added by the respondents was<br />

used. They added that the factors in Figure 2 are all key factors. They are not sure<br />

that any e-commerce organization can get away without any of these elements in<br />

their business and they would not like to have a business plan without any of these<br />

aspects. Other important aspects they noted was that the customer has to perceive<br />

the site is secure, that information supplied is confidential and that it is a reputable<br />

company. Part of this would be to have a good product or service and an efficient<br />

fulfillment process (a key element according to some respondents). The biggest<br />

problem in South Africa is to get the completed product in the hands of the<br />

customer. One respondent noted that when a poor business and a great team come<br />

together, the poor business tends to win most of the time. They also noted that<br />

security depends on the needs of the customer. Some want the site be more efficient,<br />

but could not describe the parameters for this. Others wanted to ensure that the<br />

information is a factor, but customers will not know how if the information is<br />

complete or not.<br />

Other significant comments made was that management needs to be part of the<br />

process and alignment is a key process. The plan will not get off the ground if<br />

management is not supporting it. The e-commerce site must be functional, simple<br />

and responsive. An idea could be to conduct some research in terms of function<br />

points and how these agree with customer’s preferences. They all noted that people<br />

would come for the product; therefore, a slow, complicated site is not required. The<br />

advice was: “Get rid of all those graphics and allow your clients to get where they<br />

want to go.” A satisfied customer is your best advertisement.<br />


Generally, a great deal of interest has been shown in the subject of e-commerce<br />

and its implementation. All the authors that this study had consulted were unanimous<br />

Copyright © 2003, Idea Group Inc. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written<br />

permission of Idea Group Inc. is prohibited.

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