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132 Cloete<br />


The findings of this survey indicate that many issues from overseas research are<br />

both pertinent and valid for the South African environment. Information on the<br />

benefits of e-commerce utilization and the barriers to its adoption from this survey<br />

and the survey from Courtney and Fintz (2001) show some correlation to one<br />

another, as well as to the results obtained by overseas surveys. The Inter<strong>net</strong> has<br />

been shown to be a disruptive technology that has influenced the business<br />

environment. Although respondents indicated that greater usage of the Inter<strong>net</strong><br />

would improve their businesses’ competitiveness, costs of implementing and<br />

running e-commerce business are perceived to be strong barriers to greater<br />

adoption by South African SMEs.<br />

In summary, it can be said that the following objectives were achieved by this<br />

research:<br />

• A good indication of the level of e-commerce adoption by SMEs in South<br />

Africa has been perceived.<br />

• The barriers to the adoption, implementation and utilization of e-commerce by<br />

South African SMEs have been highlighted.<br />

• The benefits of e-commerce adoption by South African SMEs have been<br />

pointed out.<br />

The role of the government in the greater adoption of electronic commerce<br />

cannot be understated. The introduction of a competitor to Telkom is a very<br />

important factor if greater competition can reduce communication costs. If the new<br />

bill for e-commerce is to further introduce barriers to Inter<strong>net</strong> usage, the South<br />

African government will need to reassess their policy towards e-commerce for<br />

South Africa to be competitive in the global market.<br />


Akkeren, J. & Cavaye, A. (1999). Factors Affecting the Adoption of Ecommerce<br />

Technologies by Small Business in Australia – An Empirical<br />

Study. Retrieved October 1999 from the World Wide Web: <strong>www</strong>.acs.org.au/<br />

act/events/io1999/akkern.html.<br />

Chan, C. & Swatman, P. (2001). Management and Business Issues for B2B e-<br />

Commerce Implementation. Deakin University, Australia. Retrieved May<br />

12, 2001 from the World Wide Web: http://mis.deakin.edu.au/research/<br />

working_papers_2001/2001_09_chanc.pdf.<br />

Cloete, E. (2001) E-commerce: A Contemporary View. Pardus Publishing.<br />

Copyright © 2003, Idea Group Inc. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written<br />

permission of Idea Group Inc. is prohibited.

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