Deceit of the Damned

A Commission I did for a friend. (Same upload as before, just a lighter watermark)

A Commission I did for a friend.
(Same upload as before, just a lighter watermark)


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“As okay as I can be, ma’am.”

“What are you doing?”

“Begging, ma’am. I ran out of the last loaf back at my hovel, so I need some coins to be able to feed

myself.” Marrissa hesitated for a second, before holding out her balled up fist towards the young boy

“Open your hand.” The boy did as Marrissa said, before she dropped a number of coins into the boy's

palm. However these weren’t the currency that could be used to purchase bread and fruit. The boy took a

moment, inspecting the coins, before frowning

“Ma’am, what are these? These aren’t like any coin I have seen before.”

“That’s because they’re not.” Marrissa started “They will sort all your problems out…” Marrissa then

reached into the beaten up bag that hung upon her shoulder, before taking out a piece of crumpled up

parchment paper “Here…” She held it out to the boy with a shaking hand, the boy taking it “I noticed

your tattoo...You are able to handle magic, yes?”

“Y-yes, ma’am. But I’m still learning.”

“Aren’t we all?” Marrissa said in a snarky tone, before continuing “Upon that paper are some

instructions...follow them carefully...and you’ll be able to sort yourself out in no time.”

“Ma’am” the boy spoke, looking at the paper “This looks like a summoning spell-...”

“Ah-ah-ah…” Marrissa cut the boy off, before placing a shaky hand to her lips “It is forbidden to speak

about it...You may get in trouble if someone knows you’re using it.” The boy shut up after hearing

Marrissa’s words, before nodding and placing the paper into his pocket “Remember to mention me when

the time comes.” was all Marrissa said, before turning around and hobbling away from the young boy.

The boy just sat there, watching Marrissa walk away, lips parted. He didn’t understand what just

happened, but curiosity was beginning to crawl into his head. Suddenly the boy stood up, attempting to

take off, before someone grabbed him

“Where do you think you’re going, Tommy?” asked a gruff voice, the man that had grabbed Tommy

stood at a tall six foot eight, towering over him

“I have to get home, I have something very important to do!” Tommy wriggled free from the man's grasp

without another word, before sprinting off away from the marketplace and towards a thicket close by,

where his hovel was located. Finally Tommy thought My life will change forever.

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