Santosh Kumar Biswa - WHITE DOVE

Contemporary Poetry Anthology WHITE DOVE An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity Written by: Santosh Kumar Biswa Edited by Bibliotec Author/Poet: Santosh Kumar Biswa Country: Bhutan Cover Design and Layout: Santosh Kr. Biswa

Contemporary Poetry Anthology
An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity
Written by:
Santosh Kumar Biswa

Edited by Bibliotec
Author/Poet: Santosh Kumar Biswa
Country: Bhutan
Cover Design and Layout: Santosh Kr. Biswa


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White Dove

An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity by Santosh Kumar Biswa

Man is a Biped without Feathers

Oh man! Whilst biped, I infract Aristotle,

Erstwhile, the claim Diogenes knocked of Plato.

Thou art adorned for nugatory as quadrupeds

For the flaws are vivid as same as the beast.

No more immortality, thy soul possesses now

For thy desire so vague, thou art the reclusive.

Thy ideal comport looks dim with no feathers

For thou sold thy instinct, no spirit remains.

Praise the God for feathers, to fly like birds

And to read minds for virtues that're mislaid

For thy conscience, all brunt, you know not anyone,

To fortify thy biped in pride as high as the Alps.


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