Santosh Kumar Biswa - WHITE DOVE

Contemporary Poetry Anthology WHITE DOVE An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity Written by: Santosh Kumar Biswa Edited by Bibliotec Author/Poet: Santosh Kumar Biswa Country: Bhutan Cover Design and Layout: Santosh Kr. Biswa

Contemporary Poetry Anthology
An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity
Written by:
Santosh Kumar Biswa

Edited by Bibliotec
Author/Poet: Santosh Kumar Biswa
Country: Bhutan
Cover Design and Layout: Santosh Kr. Biswa


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White Dove

An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity by Santosh Kumar Biswa

Contemporary Poetry Anthology


An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity

Written by:

Santosh Kumar Biswa


White Dove

An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity by Santosh Kumar Biswa

Author/Poet: Santosh Kumar Biswa

Email: santoshkr4545@gmail.com

Mobile: +975 17632608

Country: Bhutan

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Copyright Reserved ©® 2020, First Edition

The Moral rights of the author have been asserted.

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Cover Design and Layout: Santosh Kr. Biswa


White Dove

An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity by Santosh Kumar Biswa

This Anthology


Dedicated to

His Majesty the King of Bhutan,

All the Readers of this Book,

My Dearest Wife (Ganga Biswa Diyali),

My Sons (Avinash and Ayaan Ceyone),

My Daughter (Alisha),

My Parents and Parents-in-Law


My Relatives.


White Dove

An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity by Santosh Kumar Biswa

“Poetry is the spontaneous

overflow of powerful feelings:

it takes its origin from

emotion recollected in tranquility"

(William Wordsworth)


White Dove

An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity by Santosh Kumar Biswa

“Poetry is the spontaneous

aspect of a wandering mind

that reveals truths and emotions

in the words of a poet,

in an explicit manner.”

(Santosh Kumar Biswa)


White Dove

An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity by Santosh Kumar Biswa

"Poetry is

not a turning loose of emotion,

but an escape from emotion"

(T.S. Eliot)


White Dove

An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity by Santosh Kumar Biswa


The word Poetry is derived from the Greek word “Poiein”

which means, “to make.” Poetry is literature in metrical form

that resembles beauty and the evocation of feeling. It is the

expression of human thought in a musical form that involves

figures of speech, rhyme, and rhythm that create ideas and


This book contains Eighty-seven Poems that cover a wide

range of themes basically focusing on Love, Peace, Fidelity and

Humanity. This book will encourage a productive exploration

that feeds the confidence of the readers both to develop

their own responses and to read and enjoy poetry in the

target language on their own.


White Dove

An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity by Santosh Kumar Biswa

The rhythm or the images conveyed in this booklet may not

appeal to some readers. They have to choose the most

appropriate one for their own taste and interest.

I hope that the reader will find this book a delightful source

of inspiration that stimulates their reading habits and makes

reading a pleasurable pursuit.

Santosh Kumar Biswa


White Dove

An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity by Santosh Kumar Biswa

Peace through Love

Peace isn't as cushy as any soul reckons,

Neither could the wealth bribe, as weapons.

It is, but a phenomenon away from hatred,

Every single heart possesses it to be catered.

Aimlessly withering around isn't exactly enough,

Like an unwise man's words that seem sough.

It is, but a product of deep love and kindness,

Of the humanity towards those in wryness.

Peace isn't a puppet, easily that can be hosted,

Something to be held in self then love to be boosted.

It is, but a respect derived from self to build unity,

For one to promote it, on this mighty world with Honesty.

The love, simple it sounds, but difficult to count,

To love humans isn't easy when oneself can't account.

It is, but a congruent relationship that takes humility,

For peace to override in love among humanity.


White Dove

An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity by Santosh Kumar Biswa

The patients of love, without which the world turns sketchy,

For the death mind can't unite souls, but remains touchy.

It is, but a love that combines variety souls,

For peace to spring upwards and for common goals.


Oh Mist! In you I see the problems of mankind,

In droplets you come by, like weeping in grief,

Gloomy, without the lambent joy of life to let free

Like the perfect natural emotion that deceives

And sagacity to invite death at heaven's door.

You agitate first, then flee, not out of your volition,

But upon being consoled by the warm zephyr

Like from the dearest one all human undergoes,

To instruct us about its transiency in existence

Clouded by temporary cecity in mentation.


White Dove

An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity by Santosh Kumar Biswa

Let all Human Sing about Humanity

Shall I compare thee with Narcissus's pride

Or with the star-maiden Astraea noted for renewal?

Thou art so pure in mind; the spirit of renewal

Higher in quality, wiser in compassion to count,

Fanatic in self that gains you the clean man.

Here I salute thee, thou art the warrior today,

Amongst all, thou possess the mind of humanity,

Dauntless in kindness, nothing to strike from any.

The mercy - I see in thee, thine weapon

For the fight in the battle for unfortunate one;

Knocketh down by the faith of sorrows and grief.

Thou art the crown; with the flag of sympathy in hand.

I fancy in thine brow, the rising sun of hope

Purity in love with the hands wide open to keep them firm

Turned out for those needy; solely dejected in mind.


White Dove

An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity by Santosh Kumar Biswa

Often I call back, thou yelling at me to mull over

To beat out with pride, not to fix the self entirely;

The serving mind to imply that Teresa gave birth,

Being their deities, as an agent of God for all

To gratify all Nations comfy in mind to revel.

Thou art the Hercules of nurturant conduct,

Justification isn't the affair of thine mission.

I confer thee, altruism resides deep in thine heart,

For thou art the man of ethics to share fairness

Not alone to thine dearest one, but for the indigent.

I implore thee, let all human sing about humanity

Higher in pitch to diffuse, along with thee

Over the mountains, across the horizon

Until the end, for utopian Golden Age to come

Forever of love and kindness for happier Earth.


White Dove

An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity by Santosh Kumar Biswa

The Love, be it Ephemeral

Under the willow I wait thou growest full

With ethereal glows over the sea of darkness,

In thy fullness, to delight with my Lulu again

And her physical manifest that drive me wild.

Stand firm, retard thy swiftness for the gusto

Like the still leaves on scatty of gusty breezes

To probe beauty of her and the love that does

And then I'll ghost across thine yard to trace.

The love, be it ephemeral, but I shall chance it,

Dousing on her and to feel the contrast I have,

And thou as a beholder, to attestant my state

Of my addiction under this willow, not my bed.

Every full is my judgment day and I get anemic

But her beauty subdues my wussy mind over again.

When I break, thou art the lawyer of my realness

To let Hoi polloi know the reality of any mediocre love.


White Dove

An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity by Santosh Kumar Biswa

The Peace, as their Religion

Let the peace fly over the calm sky like the dove,

The way, so tranquil, no one to irritate anyone,

With tunes of angels and feelings of serenity,

Nothing to stress over, nothing to fear about.

The vivacity, so smoothly fortified, so calmly,

Every day to sing new tunes of adoration and care,

With their sorts without any limits of obstructions.

No hues to see, but equally in love to count,

Along a similar ground for merriment to encourage.

The peace, as their religion and their substance,

No pointing of faults, but simply rectification,

No disputes and jealousy in them dwell,

Just the adoration in collaboration for rapture,

And their ages to memorize from, what they suffice.

No hatred to get wind in their wings when it folds

And the tone so soft when their melody streams out

And their homes lit up like the sun in affection.


White Dove

An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity by Santosh Kumar Biswa

The Force of Nature

The Moon glade on the pond springs its reflectivity,

The wavelet, it adorns like the heaven's floor,

In the wilderness, my mind to reverberate

And pebbles that impetus towards the goal

Where I stand, for a wake-up call of tranquil

To cue 'bout idyllic might, of the natural sights,

In an ideal locution to delights my pensive mind.

The skylark in its dulcet tone treasures above

And the rustling of leaves in the gentle breeze,

Solace me to bemuse and to get unfrozen,

The force of nature, to read that edifies humans,

That lets my mind to apricate like in the winter,

Me as a twig, anmil me with its overtures

To let peace, to rest in mind and to cast pain.


White Dove

An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity by Santosh Kumar Biswa

The Peace, out from my Love

Until crepuscle, to an affluent city I jaunted,

A voyage over the sea and the highest slopes,

To abut with humans loaded up with riches,

For serenity, that dwells inside their four dividers.

I went instead clashing with their dateless prides,

What's more, the docket, so stiff even in their leisure.

The next, to the ghetto over the level aside,

In the promise, for peace away from wealth.

An easy path, I got to march with those in poverty,

For serenity, that resides in their local region.

My heart went wild clashing with their hope of enduring,

And their rigidness to battle over friends for holding out.

At that point, over to the highest mountain I ascended,

Battling the rough current of air and the calorific sun,

Nigh to the Heaven for a conversation, with God.

Just, I discover no God to manage, just the flimsy air.

I went unsated clashing with my own denied mind

And the narrow-mindedness that is within me.


White Dove

An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity by Santosh Kumar Biswa

Back to my abbot, about life, I realized vividly,

Stuck in the niche to meditate and to search for,

Of peace that are conceived inside self that multiplies.

And, so I raised the flag of love out of my own self,

Thereof, the peace in me revived out from my love

That welcomed some more, with me to sing and move.

A Child

A child is but a poetry of life,

In the likeness of poetry, he appears,

In action, the youthfulness to reveal.

A child is but a metaphor of your verses

Of life that you write through their infancy,

Good to do good and bad to do bad.


White Dove

An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity by Santosh Kumar Biswa

To Paint the Peace

Smile on the face is something that mends,

Divine in itself, not all can possess in prime.

A chiliad horses in the combat can't equate,

The deep pleasure during the victory gained,

Higher in essence, the glee isn't measurable

When a grin casts away the clever black bile

And the rainbow that surrounds the heart

For eternal bliss beyond human vision.

The cost, no penny can liken its echt values,

Higher than god's mercy, it takes hold of it

For the mind that yell only can weigh its depth

When restored like chants in heaven's gate

Like the sun that shower warmth in coldness

And be the Godly human in favor of glum one

To paint the peace and the stage to glow deep

And smiling attenders to cherish and flourish.


White Dove

An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity by Santosh Kumar Biswa

Let the Rainbow Dance with your Words

The world seems to taper its gap apace,

The gentle form of beauty isn't alike now,

More than words, caput seems to breed,

Not of God, but of own account, all are deaf.

In sooth, the sacred parole, no one clenches,

The one that hath, talks of superiority in him.

God is blank, he knows not but remains ignorant

For words are few, heads are more in recess.

Wake up, words seem vitiated in the bunch,

Human seems deaf to take in any positives.

Still, the time waits for words to knowledge

For a man to read another, in halcyon love.

The life walks in once, never again for another,

Whatever possessed remains, we go empty.

Let words be as gentle as hands that give,

In knowledge to live and humanity to praise.


White Dove

An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity by Santosh Kumar Biswa

The hierarchy of men is but a temporal norm

That last less, but we're to survive long in heaven,

In sameness of God, equal in order and lives

To weigh all in equality, in equal mind and kind.

Oh, men! Let the rainbow dance with your words

Beautifully in unity, of colors that brightens,

The open chest that brings humanity in rest

For peace to count in the number and flourish.


White Dove

An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity by Santosh Kumar Biswa

Just a Hug

Just a hug, then you're on the path of chastity,

The vanquisher of human's nous you become,

Not of the great power, but of the modest love.

Priceless it is, with values more than a life,

From the tomb, that still can raise the death.

The warmth it imbues is eternal in its frame,

At one time the fragile heart to resurrect again

And the stream of sadness to overcome soon,

The smile, with the flag of new despairs to climb

Like the nightingale's song, so pure of passion.

Just a hug, chiliad grief surceases at once,

Hatred to be overruled, peace with a diadem,

Not through the narrow hole, merely the wider one,

For it takes no penny, but the credence heart

And the kinship to rule for the felicity to arrive.


White Dove

An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity by Santosh Kumar Biswa

On the Little Stage

Just the performer we are on the little stage

Be that as it may, the stage appears so tainted.

So dull it appears, the brilliant light is esteemed.

Some appear to be occupied and others oblivious,

Nobody seems to be concerned about their deed,

The act that ought to be, the audience awaits

For the act of decency, love and care.

But, not inwardly do they look to infer,

And the performance looks scattered.

In their own way they represent personal talent,

Nobody bothers, for the stage are debilitated

Nobody watches, for the improvement inside is broken.

Oh performer! Have persistence on your deeds,

Stop, to clean it well first for the better occurring

For if the stage collapse, you all shall collapse

And the show may fail all at once to start.

Better stay cautious for better show to come

So that your audience may rejoice and you as well

And the stage continues for the young generation.


White Dove

An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity by Santosh Kumar Biswa

Winter Time

With my smoky exhale out through the window, I gazed,

Before dusk, the orange-red blinked from its bed

And the silent night that reminded of my sled on the slope.

My rawness, 'er the snow to esteem such winter tide,

So fab at heart with my phratry to make it my memory.

Over the hearth, I chaffered, to surmount ague inclemency

And like the star to shine in dream under the feathered quilt

To receive the next morning with a shower of divine figures.

The inviting frost, drew me bare and my heart danced

Through the dawn, the skinny tree, so enticing in the optics,

To cause me to meander for the peace like its innocence,

For the sight around resembled the delicate iced cake.

The brilliant sun dissolved me like the fire to the candle,

My mind sang for every next with more invigorating one,

Over and over that made my past to burn away forever

And filled my days like the sultry star in the chilly night.


White Dove

An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity by Santosh Kumar Biswa

Tears invites Mishaps

My fair lady, when I'm gone,

I know well, you'll cry all alone,

I tell you, tears invite mishaps.

You're now weary out of your love,

In my spirit, I keep you in a higher place,

Send in riant, let safety claps.

In abroad, I'm going for short,

You shall wait for more love to court,

And receive back with closer wraps.

The Highest forms of Love

Let the love flow like the stream,

Not like the lake that remains stale.

Let it stream in the way the earth turns

That never ends up in affection to thrive,

Like the seasons that changes on demand

For life to advance like the rising sun.


White Dove

An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity by Santosh Kumar Biswa

Let it stream as a healer of awful heart,

Broken in pieces, hopes dispersed all over the place.

Let it stream as a donor for those eager spirits,

Miserable in life who takes a stab at a plate of dinner.

Let it flow as an aide for homeless and destitute spirits,

Stressed in life, overwhelming on the psyche and heart.

Thus, you will be of God as Salvation Army

Who elevates humanity with the highest forms of love.

So unselfish, perfectly ordered divine affections,

'Cause life isn't godlike, it closes in any case one day.

Just the fleeting life we live, let it be equal and just,

For the love blurs races, religions and hues made by men.


White Dove

An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity by Santosh Kumar Biswa

Religious Diversity

Goodness Eirene! Where is your sceptre, and a torch?

The land isn't an Ara Packs, all turned to be childish.

No values in individual differences be reckoned among all,

Nobody liveth for pluralism in religions to exist.

Afford them the value of credence, and resistance as well,

For better society to heal where the peace is vital,

Of oblivious bias in minds, of religious differences,

Since we belong to a diverse society, show them solidarity.

Get it as a custom-based law of all nations,

To suit all, in spite of their needs and predilections,

The peace as a weapon to overturn the unbending nature,

Through conscious minds among the entirety of fellowship.


White Dove

An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity by Santosh Kumar Biswa

Before I Come Alive

Retard to retain the rising sun that upset,

O moon! Behind my eyes, Aphrodite to play.

The melting heart, let it melt on her mantrap,

Not once, but today I go anarchic on her arms.

Let the alluring night dilute with your grace,

The mingy sun to persist stray from my nap,

Venus, like the sea nymphs to embrace,

For my desire, yearning to resurrect soon

Like the 'Seven Years' War' my mind scuffled,

My dream to favor now, that remained selfish.

The heaven, on my hand to mete out in full

To plow me blitzed out of her martial love.

I'll sing with Apollon's lyre to you when done,

For you, being so benign as kind as Wulver

And the Mt. Olympos to trip the light fantastic.

Just, let me fly higher than what Anteros did,

Himeros in heart and Herakles in strength

To despair Thespiae again to see the métier.

Stars are fixed, their choir to steer and thump

Stand firm to hold the sun before I come alive.


White Dove

An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity by Santosh Kumar Biswa

The Broken Bin

A gypsy in collocation the broken bin seemed

The bowl, hollow and ineluctably prehensile

Brawny in volition, the swelled head to nurse

And its last intensity, not to fetch atonement

Akin the man, quasi to mangle as broken bin

Appetent in heart to go bladdered and futile

The cosmos, vitiated and barren it became

Like the untidy aged man who deflowered

In the remote, beaucoup various vernal missy.

The cruel hand of man like a deceitful whore

Aweless to the trash barrel, to hold his mitt

To bung, what isn't in favor anymore of use.

Poor bin, whilst rugged, assumed in regard

In low intensity to hold, otiose any longer

And the savagery to maltreat broken wings

More impuissance to shew due to all sorts

Of trash, until its ribs lost the strength to bear.

Alas! The pitiful broken bin, split into offices

And the vice man to stand fully incapacitated.


White Dove

An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity by Santosh Kumar Biswa

Santa in my Bedroom

The still moon peeped through the heaven's window.

An inquisitive breeze ceased with a taped glare.

For a prospect, the jaunty snow slackens its motility.

Light around, tripped its wondrous toes in the mute room,

And I alone, in my bedroom, embraced by my mantle,

Dreamless with my rest, for the day to arrive shortly.

As if in euphoria, the 'tick-tack' clock kept marching,

The Christmas delicately strolled in through the clock.

Alas! At twelve the tune 'Jingle Bell' somebody sang

With a sparkling grin on the face, Santa stood close by,

In his grasp, with three wondrous gifts, for love to arrive.

All gifts, unusual in its sorts, remained before me,

Not an ordinary like watches, cloths or sweets.

The first, he divulged, I found out the music of peace,

The peace that Santa didn't visit in his travel anyplace,

That exclaimed me, to read it and share around me.


White Dove

An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity by Santosh Kumar Biswa

The second he divulged, the glint of light swam in the air,

Of wisdom of life that change the humankind through love.

The third he divulged, a lustrous golden pen egressed,

Of knowledge, built in itself with the ink made of peace.

Thus, Santa whispered, 'Be the warrior of Change,'

And melted in a scratch with a kiss on my fingers.


White Dove

An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity by Santosh Kumar Biswa

My Sweetest Love, let us flee

Blossoms are blooming in the garden of love,

The smiling autumn is maturing soon,

My sweetest love, let us flee before it wilts.

The harsh winter is on the ball before eyes,

The pitiless chilly wind is ready to parade,

And the deceitful snow is about to fall and blur,

To weaken us in love and then to turn us pale.

Before it fades, my sweetest love, let us flee

And glorify our love like the Cyclamen forever

To the place that fortifies an emblem of love.

We shall then wait for the spring to fly high

With the new hope that beef up our firm love

And make it shine like the brilliant sun of summer

With its warmth, for stronger bonds to mend.


White Dove

An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity by Santosh Kumar Biswa

My Ghost Patootie

My ghost patootie, like Leda to lure en route,

The magical hand of Helen ahead my eyes,

I, as Menelaus, besotted to get her viable

Prideful to enthrall, the avid love to induce.

The meeting, timed to embrace her beauty

Like Noah's Ark, on the dark road my auto float

And my eyes to equate the one in my abode.

The charm of manner, eminently grand I feel

And her magic spells that grabs my heart,

Uniquer than at home, majestically divulged.

The amative hug caste away the cark in me

And my nozzle between her bosom to sedate,

An echt fray, abyssal love to get of Bathsheba

And the phony warmth to betray my scruples.


White Dove

An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity by Santosh Kumar Biswa

My Love, let us grow well

My love, like the beamish sun of aurora

As tender as the vitellus beaded by albumen

Securely crusted by the shell to shield it firm,

So does our outset love, infantile at this gait.

Have it, be prudent and in sagacity we travel

Like the rising sun so gently to spring mature

With the fond warmth a chick needs to hatch

Gradual at pace until the dusk for immortality.

My love, let us build the shell in this open air,

Like clouds that stops the beam of the heat

And waters the soil for greenery to flourish,

To cast aside the dusty air that pollutes us,

The roaring and the storm that peril our love.

I shall be your Ceyx and you be my Halcyon

Like the bond the sun have for the day

And the moon for the night, so much devoted.


White Dove

An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity by Santosh Kumar Biswa

My love, let us design our arrow that Eros had,

Under the sun filled with promises and love

With the wings of pigeons that cast our heart

To grow well, ne'er to be bartered outside

And to savor the pleasing warmth of winter.

Let me shine like the sun as Chivalrous Knight

In your heart, to wait like the gracious Queen,

For the love so virtuous, but not the death to stop.


White Dove

An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity by Santosh Kumar Biswa

The Rhythm of the Butterfly

In every measure of life there is the rhythm.

The rhythm unique in itself

of struggle, grief, love,

merriment and success.

The life comes in colors, the color so blissful

in the pattern of rhythm

like the butterfly

that takes hold of our mind.

It is graced by the everlasting nature

that disseminate the profound rhythmic power

to make it look like the butterfly,

so catchy in anyone's eyes.

In time, life becomes strong, other times fragile.

We cherish and sob,

but the spirit still goes on

sometime to throb -and sometime with delight.


White Dove

An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity by Santosh Kumar Biswa

Man is a Biped without Feathers

Oh man! Whilst biped, I infract Aristotle,

Erstwhile, the claim Diogenes knocked of Plato.

Thou art adorned for nugatory as quadrupeds

For the flaws are vivid as same as the beast.

No more immortality, thy soul possesses now

For thy desire so vague, thou art the reclusive.

Thy ideal comport looks dim with no feathers

For thou sold thy instinct, no spirit remains.

Praise the God for feathers, to fly like birds

And to read minds for virtues that're mislaid

For thy conscience, all brunt, you know not anyone,

To fortify thy biped in pride as high as the Alps.


White Dove

An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity by Santosh Kumar Biswa

The Poetry of Men

The poetry of men isn’t syrupy any longer

When the esurient world holds its intent

To drive men's mind wild, sentient mentation

Of desolate humility upon humanity to hymn.

The stinginess held moldered their scruples,

No fraternity rest, no fess to see, they got wild.

The race turned stiff for anyone to gasconade

Rich men climb and poor are left to scramble.

The poetry of men ne'er is boosting to modify

Like the candle, the wax being kept depleting,

True hell rests in the heart, the love to freeze.

Everyone appears like Adam's unruly wife;

The character fully self-absorbed and rigid

Like an owl that sings the strain of bad omen.

The ancient Welsh yet to come again to reign

With their owl, so boon, to mend poetry soon.


White Dove

An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity by Santosh Kumar Biswa

Success to adopt you

Many critics come and work,

But you remain for success to adopt you.

Whatever they did to you, let it go,

You on your side to stay steadfast

Because one day you are going forward

And to precede them and shine

In better radiation than others.

They point at you not because they're the best

But, because they hold the weak mind

That concern about being voted out.

Thus, accept the life to move at its own pace,

And you in your own with little elbow grease

To add to it for a better day to lead you

And they in their own position to remain.


White Dove

An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity by Santosh Kumar Biswa

Poem as Oyster

Oh, Poetry! Here I compare you with Oyster

For the cosmos, similar in kind of miscellany.

At times, you appear weird in your contents

But porcelain white from inside like an Oyster

To heal like a doctor through your words

Like Oyster does to fill through its pearls.

When not in the mood, I see you vivid ugly

As ugly as Oyster in appearance to get word,

But, as it extracts, foods from water, over its gills

You too extract my instinct to heal my mind

And fix me an ugly duckling for a new day.

As Oyster, you switch your gender over time,

To suit in the psyche of people and their type,

And boost our mind as Osyter does with zinc

Through your verse rich in knowledge to heal.


White Dove

An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity by Santosh Kumar Biswa

My Injured Pen in Hand

I wreak my pen for a ride lang syne,

Across the desolate land of emptiness

With my verses for greenery to bring forth.

Eagles assailed me with its cruel mind

To snap off my pen and to booze, its ink

Never to accord my verse to hang

Like the moon through the milky ways

And to get snapped into pieces.

Me alone, with my injured pen in hand

Picking it from East, West, North and South

To mend to let the ink respite in peace

And to let it repand with verses so eternal

More intense for the barren land to shine.

My verses, through the rough wind flowed

Like Ulysses's ship over the dim sea in Troy

Through the hardship, so determined to ply

And to defend the Greecian covetous in mind.

The storm it produced subdued cruel eyes,

Now the verses piled in volumes on shelves

To rid those dusty eyes and to denote, I'm a winner.


White Dove

An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity by Santosh Kumar Biswa

Social Service

God enumerates heads

that hold the social mind

that furnishes;

To the piteous poor ones

with devout contributions

that burnishes;

Away from narcissistic,

to foster the godly welfare

that replenishes;

For safe heaven,

by assisting any societal problems

that garnishes.


White Dove

An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity by Santosh Kumar Biswa

Divine Choir

Not through the red rug, but the sky beam

I struck the smooth flight thru' the galaxy high

And my chassis near my tomb lie inculpable.

The way, so pleasing, the blinking stars to see

And their beamish grins to cherish my advent

With divine guard of honor by angel's twins

And their whispers on my ears, so dégagé.

In gentleness all comets glared us in delight

And the heaven's gates with their broad arms

Like to a monarch to greet upon the arrival.

Bracing my mother wit and the path so bright

The gayety in me augmented like a semitone

And the whispers satiated with discernment

Of my deeds that pleased for my unveiling.

The second, on my left 'bout my pristine mind

Social in itself - the mitt granted for the indigent

Then the choir from the heaven's gate to bid

Until the common hall for the grand success

And to join the choir for those left on the dirt

For divinity to betide for ataraxic to override.


White Dove

An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity by Santosh Kumar Biswa

With Poetry to point the Actus Reus

The weapon of my gramps in the combat,

A piercing knife that penetrated wakeless,

Shaded blood as brutal as its abrupt edge.

The blasé gun of my father's hand in war

Impinged the guiltless bullets in the breast,

Stamped out human as lethal as its veracity

For the oppressed power to conquer and rule,

Although treacherous, but not to get depressed.

Since my nativity, many hatreds to see about

And no dearie to germinate among all youths

For the Satan is so intelligent to subjugate all,

The man's pallid mind for their inglorious act

And to translate the value that lies within love;

Of human minds that cries and the life itself

For the selfish war that gratify the chosen one,

But innocents to remain roofless and squint.


White Dove

An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity by Santosh Kumar Biswa

Oh mighty pen, let us work in concert to kill,

But not like weapon and gun my fathers used,

Best, let's kill those conceited minds of pride.

I shall sharpen you like a sword, so acute,

And shall drill to be precise in our survey

With poetry to point the actus reus of the past

And then fight to redress the mind of humans

For poetry to prosper as the warrior of peace.


White Dove

An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity by Santosh Kumar Biswa

The Nature cries afar

Let's bestir for I can't baulk any longer,

My heart shall erupt into pieces if I persist.

Drums in my ears are screaming in torment

For the vitiate verse of hatred to perceive.

Furs in my nozzle are incapacitated to hold

Accretive dusts and malodorous air to take.

I am vexed about my lungs that upholds me

For I see obnubilate futurity of my toddlers.

My mind is worn away, the nature cries afar,

In solitary, I resist and see begrudging minds,

Lost in self, the soil being made a trash barrel.

Drains in the past were not what I see today,

It became the home for skeeters that scathes

And the numb minds are to rue for their deed.

Let's bestir before the time haste to favor,

Not to us, but for the soil to awake and reply.


White Dove

An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity by Santosh Kumar Biswa

The Antarctic: I stand here to Heal you

Behold! The glacier that dwell in the Antarctic,

Weary not since I shored to afford my hand

Among many; me alone to rid your sorrow

And give you the strength never I did before.

You go slender, meager in quality than ere,

The bleeding, wrenchingly you flow to show

Of your gloominess that exceed the bound.

The sense deep inside you seems bellicose,

And you robust yourself for war before time

Between you and those unwise one to strike.

Hear you, I stand here to heal you before long,

Look, the saplings in my right to medicate you

And wastes of unwise in my left to recycle.

The banner on my bag is to aware all deaf

And letters inscribed in it, your painful songs.

I got a vacuum to clear the ozone for fair rays

And the strapped one in action for your guard.


White Dove

An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity by Santosh Kumar Biswa

After, I'll get hold of rich ones who are deaf

With this banner to let them sing desperately

Close to the aggravate age to deflect soon

And get to your fail-safe and their generations.

I weary, they are mislaid in a materialist world,

But I shall strive to barter minds and change

For a brighter day to arrive and make you firm

For safe Antarctic, forever as before to stand.

The last chance I beg you, to seek and strive

Of your goodness and for the profit of all.


White Dove

An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity by Santosh Kumar Biswa

Let the Devil be in Devil's Shape

Satan has arrived, unique makeup, it owns,

In every household and in every country.

We are to melt our heart as fast as candles

And to see our shelters floating like an ark,

The revenge, so tactical and gradatory to take.

The regard, high in simplicity to declare,

By us being reliant, chartless to reality behind,

Not in the flesh like to Cain, through Enoch,

But had come in different sorts at once for all

Pledged to fulfill the promise made to God.

The devil, smart as a whip seemed in human

To use them as a golem to wipe away forever

And to make eviternal waste; a pliant nature,

That don't crumble to dismantle it abruptly

For its awaiting might to usurp God's earth.


White Dove

An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity by Santosh Kumar Biswa

Poles weep with rage owing to dim hopes,

By an inch to climb down, too weak to stand

And the warmth of mingy air harsh to rub it

Under the fiery sun, an ark to float roughly

Due to men in devil's mind to ruin and vanish.

Let the devil be in devil's shape, always feeble,

Ne'er to win, but God's plan to shine for all,

With the united hands to create new Eden

To relish the gifted nature and to let it glisten

So that the snow persist, air to stay fresh.


White Dove

An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity by Santosh Kumar Biswa

Syllabus of Ants

In the colony, I see ants so integrated in lives,

Sociable by nature, in communities underground.

Like sheep, they're steered by their shepherd

For mucho eggs to lay and to build the nation

Like a train to march and to entrepot eatage

Not for their kind alone, but for other livestock too

For vitality to come and hold the ecosystem

In the colony to subsist and to take in respect

Through global mind to shine through equality

Compassion, being their mission of unity.

The syllabus uniquely patterned for livelihood,

Free of ego, envy, jealousy, racism and hatred

For the communal desire hides in every brain,

Peace being their common goal, free of conflicts.

Alas! What I see loosely of my kind are unkind

With the scattered syllabus; no more on clasp.

We call ourselves human of superior ability,

But our abilities, matchless to the tiny's home


White Dove

An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity by Santosh Kumar Biswa

In any account to count filled with inequalities.

I beg you, oh human, better pray to your idol,

To solace you to get hold of their forms and visit,

And to incur their education, not what we practiced

Back again for a newer syllabus to design

For a better world to build, more adept than theirs

Or else, they shall spit on us for our deeds.


White Dove

An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity by Santosh Kumar Biswa

The One and Only

The one and only;

those mentally vacillant;

enervated in the verdict

to chase their life, fancy impuissance in others

no other things that are decent

'Cause when he sees others doing well.

The rusty dust gets in his optics

and shouts at the tip of the high hills.

Withal, he persists the black sheep,

be distinguished in their eyes

among those people who're wise and industrious.

Have such people continue with their will

to cut into the hole, deep enough until the hell

with their typical mind that suits their deeds

not to be fitted anywhere among anyone.


White Dove

An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity by Santosh Kumar Biswa

Solidarity of Minds

Peace isn't far if credence becomes alive,

Like the bond that show up in the rainbow high slants.

The world, so deplorable in its affection in contrasts,

Of shades of various cultures to exhibit its worth.

Ay man! Wake up, raise your brain before the nightfall,

With the light confined by, to break all lacks, of concern,

Of convictions and social orders that exist to parcel all,

Away from God, for shrillness to welcome.

Such flawed gauges, to benefit man, capacity to come,

To immingle among all reasons, all living in the double,

Away from uneducated traditions, so unrealistic real

For heftier bonds to fix, yet for a better future.

The cross in confidence, ties those dissimilar to mend,

Wake up man, joyfully after, for better stroll towards ages.


White Dove

An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity by Santosh Kumar Biswa

Eyeless Love

Eyeless love, why do you come?

You look nothing but the fabricated look

To move deeper with no sense to make

Of infatuated love to wear, that's insecure.

You beam like a candle too fast at peak

And breathe the rainbow of hopes to come

With dreams as though real that happens

That burst like a balloon with a small nip.

Better, I tell you, come with an eyeglass

To see through at once, ne'er to regret later

And like a ruby you remain firm in shape.

Let your love be as hard as diamond

Not so fragile that breaks easily and suffer

To remain firm that can see dream happen

Ne'er to vanish after a while like a rainbow

For happier end, not to blame or be blamed.


White Dove

An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity by Santosh Kumar Biswa

We are Same, we are One

Clouds in the sky seem cheerful

With flags of peace to march

Over the hills and through the valleys

As the messenger of love to address

During the hot summer daytime

To cool every head on the dirt

With the song of kinships to be sung

And let everyone to put up their hands

With gentle clap to produce a tune

"We are same, we are one,

Let us build the castle

Where we all can accommodate"

The smiling wind ready to join

With its gentle chants of dearie

Freshness in itself to bestow

And all high birds chirping

Flapping their wings in rhythm

Waking up all those sleeping deep

Again for a change to join their hands


White Dove

An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity by Santosh Kumar Biswa

To sing the song that awakes all

With gentle clap to produce a tune

"We are same, we are one,

Let us build the castle

Where we all can accommodate"

The Mysterious Love

The love

that dreamth high

appears cryptic

Like Medea,

so tricky in mind

for vex to gain,

To jab Jason to bleed

and dewy eyes to see.

Thence, the deceit should go,

to free, guiltless.


White Dove

An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity by Santosh Kumar Biswa

Mirror, Mirror

Mirror, mirror, you're my dateless guardian,

You show me black and blue invariably,

When I weep, you wipe off my sadness clean

To give me strength for the other day

Napping the smile on me to grin again.

You're my lone mate to give your hands to cry

And pay your smile to cherish my good day.

You mediate me to tidy myself for fondness

For your love is as lily-white as the glacier

And your thoughts so pragmatic and sane.

You're my pleader when I go namby-pamby

With your civility to seize my truculent mind,

My pique to freeze and to mellow my psyche

To amend me, not be overhauled by wrinkles

Off the hook, for normalcy to fall out in hand.


White Dove

An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity by Santosh Kumar Biswa

You're my scout when I'm ripped by Mosel,

My limbs to stumble on the velvety floors

Dim in vision to locate and repent my deeds.

Like a medico to rede me for my wellness

And to tittle-tattle for my agony to cast away.

Mirror, mirror, I see angel's mind in your aid,

The reflections, as bright as a new penny

That can take hold the angry storm's claim.

Bartering 'tween us, buoys up my head modal

To affix, for the chastisement to come at me.


White Dove

An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity by Santosh Kumar Biswa

When I’m gone

What would the day be like, when I’m -gone?

My dear, the sun's rays may bend permanently,

The moon may not be in form over the night,

The river may stop flowing to rest in serenity

And you ‘re in dejection with handless hope.

The spirit may seem hopeless in my absence,

For your step may not ponder upon you,

You being left alone to struggle for survival,

And to fight the right fight for the life to lead.

But, I shall be by your side, even if I'm gone,

As a pathfinder for the sun to shine brighter.

Your loneliness be filled with the singing birds

And I shall send the brighter moon for you

To make your darkness to shine eternally

For the knowledge you possess isn't vague,

It shall cause you stand even if I'm gone.


White Dove

An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity by Santosh Kumar Biswa

You shall lead in purpose to prosper in spirit

Not to keep me in mind and to get distracted

For life has to move on even if I'm gone

With the great noesis ever granted to strive

In peace, never to fall whatsoever the matter.


White Dove

An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity by Santosh Kumar Biswa

Robotic Heart

My heart isn't my heart any longer,

Robotic shape it retains in its unique act.

No more its master I remain to take custody,

Ludicrously odd and freaky, it acquits,

The design, somewhat insidious for a trap

That chance to hire me away from kinsfolk,

Out of ethnic polish, so unethical in its frame.

Often am being bewitched upon wrong-foot.

Its robotic might, so slick to empower my eyes,

Aside my abode and loved one to wedge,

Crafty in nature, by Patooties to get invoked,

Ne'er to retrospect, but to melt by the pleasure

And my deity without secure reputation in mind

To adapt me as a robotic being outside mercy.


White Dove

An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity by Santosh Kumar Biswa

But, the soul I possess is mine to control.

Whatsoever the shape, the shape I design,

My faith as pongo to curb the designer in me

And my volition to restrain from the shape.

The mastery to overrule the subdued whim

For the snare so fragile to bear its intensity

Back again who I am for a finer base to head.


White Dove

An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity by Santosh Kumar Biswa

A Lady like a Pillar

On that point stands a lady like a pillar,

Her heart swelled beneath her chest,

Face in her chest near to explode hard.

My heart throbs and my eyes at her eyes

Filled with tears to snap and run over.

Count, I shiver, my legs are shaking,

No appeal to my speech can you chance.

I cannot last, seeing these two little buds

On her arms, too skinny they seem, Can you?

They're wetted now, perhaps more

By the shower, in pain to chill and kill

Like the giant Ganga that never gives up.

You seem mute, never to get forrard,

Look you all, to the left who yells,

In his innocence asks where his dad failed,

Look you all, to the right who calls,

She too asks whether her dad loves her.

How dare you all stay silent at this hour?

I call you, how dare you close your hand hard?


White Dove

An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity by Santosh Kumar Biswa

But me, I can't resist, something bad I smell.

Look at her, the way she looks and mutters,

The way she holds tight her kids and mourn,

I smack the bad presage raising its voice high,

Count at that eagle above, at its fittest, primed,

My bosom is beating; look I can't walk as well.

How dare the man, hard at heart he is,

The man without the heart of living, so brutal.

If not for this pale lady, at least for those two,

He would have halted, but twisted his spine

To go forth forever with a damsel, he found.

Look at her, she blate like Alcestis once did,

I face in her the vivid act of Hippodamea.

Come all, at least for her to give sustenance

Have her not decay that her man once opted.

Oh my God! Look you all at this poor lady,

I count on her, to keep herself from busting

And to let her kids not to regret eternally,

She got down and let swallow the poison

To rest, all from the pain and to let you sing,

The tenor of their distress and pain they had

Forever to curse the man naked in mind.


White Dove

An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity by Santosh Kumar Biswa

My Great Monarch

The rainbow adorned the Golden Throne,

A sacred ritual of Raven Crown that shone

With the holy sutras to chant as the backbone

The reigning monarch to lift like a treasured gem.

The world’s youngest Monarch as an advocator

Of the people, for equality to imbed as emancipator

To multiply his divine love being the educator,

The happiness in his people being only his indicator.

The concern, so vivid of gain in spirituality

Among his people for good karma to remain in tranquility,

The rich land to come of blessings for vitality

Unique in its cast without conventionality.


White Dove

An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity by Santosh Kumar Biswa

The mind, so solicitous about the youthful mind

Often trips across to meet and deal like the wind

To better the foundation for the finer Nation to find

And the endless nights with the concern to rebind.

The godly mind and then open with a compassionate hand

That feeds the needy; food and shelter of free beforehand,

The power in his people's hand to make them grand

For the happiness to shine beyond the wonderland.


White Dove

An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity by Santosh Kumar Biswa


Anger is, but the state of mind, so faint,

Unconscious in itself that liveth in you,

Nothing it knows, the affair to be hashed out.

It does have sense of action, but not speech,

But pride and ego, to lead, to a chance,

To stand high, no matter who ever face up

Never to confab you, but to butcher the life,

Forth from the darling one like water and fire.

Cling not with it, for it makes you unequaled,

To appear, so wild that you become alliances.

Of rigidness you turn the slave forever,

To larn the race that isn't true at all costs,

And ne'er does it allow to realize the fact,

Of the troubles that arise, not so tight.


White Dove

An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity by Santosh Kumar Biswa

Defensive and erosive in nature, it makes you,

Like a king to conduct and to oppose all,

For it makes you to capture and defeat

Your opponent, not to listen, but to dominate.

The coach it becomes to fix you a lawyer,

Strong in itself to fight, neither does care you.

Anger is anger in itself, so selfish in nature,

Ne'er does it care your body and your psyche

Even your allies and relatives around you,

For its ego, thus hard to perceive, none can serve.

With you it takes shelter, but know not to welfare,

Is it your best partner? A bit to chew over,

Deeper in sense to be intelligent at a crack

For smarter life to be, ne'er to regret again.


White Dove

An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity by Santosh Kumar Biswa

O Peace! For your Realm to Sparkle

O, peace! Where have you gone to?

Steadfast to prevail and conquer,

The ever virulent corona that exist.

All lambs are bleating high,

Some are already gone apart.

We are holding up in trust

For you to show up and guard.

Tears are moving like the Nile,

Maybe 'cause we lacked in dignity

Or our disparity in actual live action,

That ever made you to leave.

No more peace to see anymore,

It appears to be bleak all over,

In your absence all got fagged.

Come in fairness to embrace all,

We implore you in veraciousness,


White Dove

An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity by Santosh Kumar Biswa

Our spells are echt from the heart.

Come to conquer the mortal corona

And restore the peace that we had

Of euphoria and gaiety always close by.

Our promise of regard to cultivate forever,

To each other in quality and equality,

In your realm to sparkle in haziness,

Like the moon, so unadulterated and superb.


White Dove

An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity by Santosh Kumar Biswa

Quest not, where Happiness is?

Quest not, where happiness is?

It's in your eyes that witness.

Not through the small hole you perceive it.

But, the wider one and with broader mind.

Positively, it should seek through sympathy

And to let your eyes catch the colors in life

Without barriers for love to take place

Then shall you obtain happiness through your eyes.

Quest not, where happiness is?

It's in your ears that hear.

Not through whatever passed lands you the facts

But to seek it to distinguish for the bad and good.

Facts, it should seek through forbearance

And to let your ears, not to be swayed away,

Without the counterfeit for love to take place

Then shall you obtain happiness through your ears.


White Dove

An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity by Santosh Kumar Biswa

Quest not, where happiness is?

It's on your tongue that talks.

Not through whatever it utters makes you upright,

But, for the better cause for both the ends.

Honesty, it should seek through politeness

And let your tongue not to be borne away,

Without bad words that hurt to spell out

Then shall you obtain happiness through your tongue.

Quest not, where happiness is?

It's in your hands that makes,

Not through gripping your own and seeking

But through spreading it for all equally.

Humanity, it should seek through kindness,

And allow your hands open to those needy ones

Without being malice at heart for pathos to grow

Then shall you obtain happiness through your hands.

Quest not, where happiness is?

It's in your legs that walks,

Not through stepping wherever it wishes to go

But through mindful walking at all times.

Reverence, it should seek to be judgmental


White Dove

An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity by Santosh Kumar Biswa

And let your legs not take you anywhere it decides

Without being influential for love to shower

Then shall you obtain happiness through your legs.

Quest not, where happiness is?

It's in your mind that takes in and out.

Not through deviating yourself from who you're,

But through keeping clean everything you take.

Compassion, it should seek to be humane

And let your mind not to be conveyed away

Without being unkind for love to multiply

Then shall you obtain happiness through your legs.


White Dove

An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity by Santosh Kumar Biswa

My Almighty, let me live hundred more

My Almighty, let me live hundred more,

To be the warrior before the end knocks,

Of the wishes yonks back thou contrived for,

As in the heaven, angels shine, I find no more.

All sheep are gone, the dirt looks so wispy,

Others moth-eaten, lost in the boisterous winds.

My Almighty, let me live hundred more,

To be thine warrior to barter for redressal,

Before our minutes hasten to its terminus.

The mansion thou hast devised, stale, I see

And cause me to pulsate, in agony I'm left,

To gander at infantile buds left to climbers.

My Almighty, let me live hundred more,

To be thine warrior to fulfill the latish part,

If not I myself to jaunt all over, to touch on,

My verse shall stand upright for hundred,

Upon those cruel hands to repent before thee,

To call thy worth for better home to a bushel.


White Dove

An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity by Santosh Kumar Biswa

I Wish

I wish my palm to be the world's lodge,

Me to assay any lack in it within a nick

And I be set-aside with no haste in time

Elucidating the waste who never disquieted about

And accord it spring up green for more birds to live.

The animals on it to be my steer to better them

With proper food and shelter to construct

And then that they persist and not go disappear.

I wish my wish to be the divine one of paradise,

Me to build homes for those homeless ones

And to be their guide holding them secure from crime.

I can be the guard to follow over the crime,

To halt them before hand to save innocents

Being watchful, to come up the blunt ones

Forever, to let people sleep to see dream they lost

Thus, to let the tranquility a mission right from my palm.


White Dove

An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity by Santosh Kumar Biswa

Your Beauty

Not either the redness of May nor Dalia

Could your beauty be likened at any disbursal.

In beatitude my nous reposes when somber

To fancy, like Hélène who lighten at a glint,

Not like those blossoms that're secular

Scarcely for a while to bask and then convert.

The beauty is divine of love and sound judgment

In you, so gross that even the heaven can't alter

'Cause God so took ample time to bring forth

From you, beauty to preserve without faults

And as a shielder to escort for its innocence.

My mind gets unsated when you're indisposed

For the death brags to brad all to the tomb,

The restless minutes to furrow your beauty.

Before the snow of the gray winter touches

That makes you fallible and the glow to dim.


White Dove

An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity by Santosh Kumar Biswa

Let not anything trespass upon your juvenility,

Stay firm, so that I can coup d'oeil nigher

To take every account to ameliorate my verse

For the pen I hold shall be your attestator

Of beauty in you, to rest well on my poesy

To let all sing about it, not of Rose and Dalia.


White Dove

An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity by Santosh Kumar Biswa

The Unsung Hero

My words ne'er end to treasure you,

Like ripples in the water that keep breaking,

For words are few for the great deed committed.

My salutes are oceanic to praise you

Like the sky very deep that never ceases,

For hands are less and your deeds high.

Like the moon, you emitted light in the darkness,

For your people whom you dared from the heart

And your soil, never to worry about yourself.

Dauntless you appeared in the field to salvage,

With no grub, but only your loyal heart

Across the border, leaving behind your loved one.

You died, not out of your mind to oppose

But for the soil you dearly loved and the citizenry,

To remain unsung, you went unnoticed,

Like stars that remain invisible during the daylight.

You bore no stars on your shoulders to be realized,

Nor they sang about you, when you lived.


White Dove

An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity by Santosh Kumar Biswa

Behold, if not your people and the nation,

I will stand by your side to sing aloud about you;

Of your great deeds and pains in the battle,

Nothing to omit forever through my verse,

To get to you immortal in front of those cruel eyes,

And to let your generation keep you alive and sing.


White Dove

An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity by Santosh Kumar Biswa

Why I do not want to lose a Poem

Permit me not to be away, oh mighty pen!

My soul mourns for you with no recess,

You're my bread to keep me qui vive all day.

Let me intonate to be viable in concert

To thrive for tranquility to fare the way.

I dwell by the rhythm in you to connect my life,

For my vein is your shelter to lead me aside

To adopt my parts a form to bring out in me

And grant me immortality in poetry to sing.

Permit me not to be away, oh mighty pen!

I'd want to hurtle the verve you bestowed,

That marque me a hulk to power over words,

To strive for meanings and to assay for it

For I'm incomplete to ponder in your absence.

Through you, I watch the world of great pens,

In hopes to ramp up and a new foundation.

You may abnegate, but I shall engraft myself,

For without you I'll hopeless and pensive.


White Dove

An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity by Santosh Kumar Biswa

Permit me not to be away, oh mighty pen!

If you discard, I'll stop breathing anymore,

For you're my stead to steer through the day,

Like the moon in darkness, to unite my mind

Afar with the great minds and deeds in life

To instruct me about my spirit and its colors

And to make me romantic to think wildly,

Sometimes to realize and repent in depth,

For I do not want to lose a poem hiding in you.


White Dove

An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity by Santosh Kumar Biswa

A Dismal Song of Meadowlark

A Meadowlark by the wood in yellow breast

Raised its wings high with a dismal song

Ne'er before, to call its kind to mourn in torment

And the sun towards the dusk to bear witness

Of their comrade to congress over the demerit.

The sky yauped to wail, the sun reversed cerise,

The cloud to veil the golden floor of heaven

In anger for fellowship to the pod's blatting.

Still woods stooped around with its lid shut,

Less food remains; drought to occur shortly,

A warm breeze to halt their vitality to produce,

Since few they remain, all are gone in shapes.

The assemblage sang 'bout the shortfalls

And the tapering refuge that's beyond control,

Foreknowing the peril of their young ones

Close to their resort, for the cruel hand never halt.


White Dove

An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity by Santosh Kumar Biswa

Doomed to Write, not to Ask

Take me not to do this and that,

Busy man I am; my pen holds me tight.

Not for the rivality minutes, run for me,

But to roll down my thoughts that flows

Deep from my mind; black and white

To pronounce the deed; good and tough.

If you wish, give me and others the reward

If not, close the pen and relax to music

For I'm doomed to write, not to ask.

Feel me and my instinct from my verse,

Not how I praise you and make you halcyon,

But how I put in and bring impacts in you.

Get not be scuffed by my emotions,

But by the verse to influence; good or bad,

Not by words inscribed for you to be moved.

For if you do thus, you shall obliterate the literature

Just for the sake, not to pick up, but to fake mankind.

Meditate upon the capabilities that resides in you,

To take and give the honor to the pen that writes,


White Dove

An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity by Santosh Kumar Biswa

For you shall perish forever, ne'er to wake up

Upon being exposed to the mass who you are.

Believe it or not, but I do believe,

In Literature, I witness the force that lives inside the man

That doesn't see, but just reveal the intimate truth

To see literature in itself for a modification

Not by words, but for the change in the mind

To chew over and redo the fault that resides in them.

Let the literature flow, pass your eyes through it,

Not to gain, but to determine gain in humankind,

Then shall you be called the true man made of soil.


White Dove

An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity by Santosh Kumar Biswa

During the Warfare

In Waterloo at my door, doomsday knocked,

During the warfare to combat for the oath taken.

The hungry eagle peeped in curiosity to bear

To trip up my death through the heavens door.

Me alone in the field to sing of Napoleon for his reign

With countless musical bullets around me to furrow

And my foes with their superior cavalry.

Invaders in their lion shapes, roared at me,

For the hide-and-seek play, me to fly the coop

And my hope flew away when my bayonet left me.

Alas! The first bullet in my left arm so hot,

Made me see my verve so dim to battle.

Tears rolled down, my energy vitiated to run.

But, my hymn through my lips induced me to firm.

No more men left for artilleries to fight back.

My hopes alone and I stayed, for a fortune.

I shuddered, I cried, for a safe place to conceal.

At least me, to go back with the news so sad.


White Dove

An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity by Santosh Kumar Biswa

But, the next through my helmet chafed me

In pain, to bleed and to gain the hope given

Of victory to shine again with the hope in hand.

The music went on, I felt the warmth closely.

Some went kissing my ear, some from below.

My feet melted with blisters to break at a crack.

And the third in my left chest sunk in deep

To bounce back my memories safely kept

Of my little girl calling me and my wifey

With the medal on my chest with pride, not the death.

Alike in the dream I laid my icy hand on the earth

With my dim eyes so close to the end.

But, the selfish death so devoid of feelings

Took me away to quench its thirst in a haste

Before I could say au revoir to my loved one

Forever in the dark land ere the Prussian could

Never to come back again but my soul to wait.


White Dove

An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity by Santosh Kumar Biswa


Behold! Regress to witness that lack

What we transgressed to hold fast the life.

The world has gone pale, heaven seems gray,

The way of compassion looks feculent,

Rough winds to glaze over the forgiveness,

The mercy, nowhere to catch; it lost its terminus.

Call up, mercy, not simply blesses who yields,

From your wise actions, it too, bless you equal,

Sometime, more to render on your position.

Let mercy overflow your heart upon destitute

Who in dare need cry on your feet to flourish

For the pain they bear is inconceivable to stand.

Get hold of their shoes in your heart to regain

Like the fish beneath the water for food,

Then shall you be able to pull in the ruefulness

With attributes of God in you, cultivate divine love,

For the gracious mind in mercy and truth

To form the earth and the heaven shines again.


White Dove

An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity by Santosh Kumar Biswa

My King, My God

Thou art my living God, my Elysian Majesty

To utter my thoughts to praise thee are interminable

Like the waves in the oceanic tides,

But my words, few for thy countless deeds

Higher than the heaven's throne for our sake.

The divinity within; so unconditionally in love

To shower upon thy throng, yet my own God can't.

In honor, I praise for thy watchful nights

For the great unwashed to sopor welp,

And being obsessed about what their motives pleas.

So generous and bounteous at heart to visit

With the wandering mind, you stir up thyself

To alleviate us at the cost of thy minutes,

Ne'er to worry 'bout thy welfare, the least bit.


White Dove

An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity by Santosh Kumar Biswa

I confer thee with the higher adoration

For thou art my King and my God at this walk.

Here I impart, my laden prayer for your perpetual life

And long for my great grandchild's sons to serve

Forever, not simply as their King, but as their God

To uphold thy divine deeds and yarn for thy long life,

Again for their next, to whistle the same hymns.


White Dove

An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity by Santosh Kumar Biswa

To be Lone again

I saw you not,

but your beauty

in you to melt.

My heart, like a fire

that does to a taper

and to make light

during the darkness

of intimacy so hot

of passion deep in the spirit.

The passion dried

Like the pine trees

and the light to lose

Its strength to pose out.

The heart became cold

for beauty stood

not in the sprightliness,

but for beauty's sake

Like a bird to be wagered.


White Dove

An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity by Santosh Kumar Biswa

Many hearts lingered

and the beauty to dole

so tender in hand

of beauty to resist.

The heart so pure

lost its charms,

for beauty multiplied

souls the same

to be lonesome again.


White Dove

An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity by Santosh Kumar Biswa

The Candle

You're the one who gaits to outpour tied and aflare

And the thawing wax to avalanche in grief,

The majestic fire to dissemble until the closing,

Swollen to fudge with its head of magic trick.

The docile cool breeze does arrive to aid

For long-life and the best way to read, being prospicient.

The lazy candle, but upheld the warmth tight,

Lost in itself to be liberated from being jelled

For the envy that lives in to stream like honey.

Alas! The fire seizes to perch, no ego to remain.

So does our life, like the sun that rise and band

And the minute haste fast to grasp your juvenility

Like the dethawed wax your youthfulness melts

For not to retrospect, but of swelled head to subsist

And to conk out unrealized with no wishes to assemble.


White Dove

An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity by Santosh Kumar Biswa

Angry Wind: Thou Art Finer, as a Gentle


Angry wind, thou art so violent than in front,

Often thou come in for the ravaging of many,

With no monition, to consume the lives of innocents.

May be to steady yourself, thou leisure the travel,

Like the gaudy lightning, thou come and work,

But the resultant thou leave behind is torturous.

Thou pours thy anger to bring forth homeless,

Some even to dye before they grow well.

Instead, before thou art been cursed by many,

Blend into the Sahara with tears in melancholy

To flood it wet for new buds to come again,

And with the dead leaves over it to cover

For New Eden to create for the starving one,

Then shall thou be praised with acme honor

For the kindness rendered than pouring anger.

Thou art finer, as a gentle breeze, be graceful,

To share the charms through modeling,

For the green world to come, not already created.


White Dove

An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity by Santosh Kumar Biswa

Day and Night

Day and night, in perfectness God produce,

Not for one, simply to sleep and come alive,

But to read about life in the verdict, through it,

Of many things, we aren't cognisant at all.

The day is for success and night the failure.

The day is for joy and night the sadness,

The day is for glory and night the sin,

The day is for heaven and night the hell.

The smiling moon he induced, for the night,

Not just to gaze upon its beauty and go,

But to direct his loved ones in courtesy,

During any failure, sadness and sin, in hand

And to spare away from hell to pass off.


White Dove

An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity by Santosh Kumar Biswa

Like the moon in darkness that emit light,

Prefers he, one to emit the light of hope

To supplant the elusive time, standing firm

Then shall faith be on your side like the sun,

In brightness, one can polish with new hope

Thusly, the bright success can be on hand.

Forrader, one should uphold in goodness,

Never to turn back, but in sentience, to strike,

Never to forfeit, but in diligence to act out,

For the precious crown to get, day and night.


White Dove

An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity by Santosh Kumar Biswa

Let me have Wings to Fly High

Am I born for the way I witness in me today,

Often snub, no one seen heedful upon me,

My heart outcry out every now and again,

Like of a caged bird my lips remain stagnant.

Is it 'cause black my skin is, what's my fault?

Better demo me my demerit, I want to stay,

But let me not sense the way I find today.

My mind as well, for the rainbow, so lovely,

Like to play around it, like a free bird so high.

At times, not a human, I smell about me,

For the mistakes, gramps ever devoted

To sustain, consenting the trouble faced.

Afresh I became, myths still anguish me

In action I'm being divided by those freed.


White Dove

An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity by Santosh Kumar Biswa

Do I not bleed red when I am cut?

Do I not feel the pain when I am bitten?

Do I not get sick and sad like they do.

I'm bleeding, look you, in my eyes the proof,

'Cause just the skin, it is, I see no sameness.

It's just the state of mind that one be noticed

For you and me, civilized we became now.

We've the hand of sympathy of no dispute

Let me live, let me have wings to fly high.


White Dove

An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity by Santosh Kumar Biswa

Better Love, Than Sorry Forever

What do you love? My dear, I'm befuddled,

Not the same I feel, once along with you.

After two since marriage am pushed around,

My days, totally timetabled, of hitting,

Filled with aggressiveness in words to yell,

I remain blank, nothing to move ahead in life.

The promise, so hopeful in its nature

Made once a happier me, no more now.

As an object I'm being used, not of love,

But for lovemaking and to hear the scolding.

Upon finding out those scars on my body, I cry

Every now and then, I am isolated forever.

I should be waiving all, my heart screams

For my life is hell, am not free to feel myself.

Why did you hook up with me, I never know,

But my instinct weary, seeing my allies

So loved and cared with every word so polite

And to see a smile on face, I too long for it.


White Dove

An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity by Santosh Kumar Biswa

Best, free me than treating me this room.

No more I can resist, long way I need to live

For I have many hopes in hand to accomplish,

The color of hope, so bright within itself.

I am not an object to recreate with any longer,

Enough, better love, than sorry forever.


White Dove

An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity by Santosh Kumar Biswa

The Blind Love to Witness

The sweetest language of love,

initially you get through,

the most loved partner, you find,

anything, you can never realize.

You pass by, the blind love to witness

of hopes and promises ever

that appears not to be at all honest.

The love itself will pose to be phony

that of lust and pleasure, so temporal,

hatred later to be superseded by,

at the remnants with mindful regret.

'Cause love is to be examined from many,

simply not by how one looks,

but to be serious about precious life

to secure it, the character to consider

liveth within them, in mind

for brighter sun to arrive for heaven's gate

that last until the final breath.


White Dove

An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity by Santosh Kumar Biswa

No Shortcut to Richness

Profusion is a pride in oneself who is robust,

But oft the way taken to, it is different.

To get racy, one should cognize in mind

That there isn't any crosscut to acquire it.

Through such means, any riches earned,

So easily without the notice, goes out of hand.

They shall be out of shape, if ever it stays,

'Cause it isn't any hard earned money at hand.

Quite much, people cheat, steal or align,

Dusting others at work to make their earning.

For success, do they choose the shortest way

Not to act in time to soothe themselves.

Behold! No values it possesses, I should say,

To gain and live through such means to earn,

'Cause troubles shall follow you rather

To draw you to lose, earned thro' deception,

And without your notice to knock at your door.


White Dove

An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity by Santosh Kumar Biswa

Better with hard effort, earn it to brighten self,

To be contended with what is done in life.

Let the sudor flow and get you wet all over

That makes you know its price from deep

With your faith to favor upon you truly,

For expiation to occur and move smoothly

Ahead in life, with no guilt to lead in the mind.

Look behind, about those who're at a high,

With pains and struggles they went through,

Many failures to wash them out on the spell,

But never did they backed-up, nor chiseled.

The reality behind, so rough and painful it is,

Even the night they turned to daylight at work,

Those sleepless nights to sing about, so sad,

Firm in their idea, with an intent, they went by

With new goals to establish, fixed their mind.

Not the shortest way did they chased in life,

Being in themselves, for better chance to lead,

To work and get the crown they wished in life.


White Dove

An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity by Santosh Kumar Biswa

Where would be you and me the next?

Religious belief is superseded,

Science started to overshadow,

The judgement of people at large.

Just a few are left in religion to conform to,

What can these few make out at all

To save this mother earth, so guiltless?

An idol, the money got in everyone's optic

With greed and fight for might their goal.

Where will be the peace, then on earth?

Soft heart that religion creates is gone,

Disaster is yet to arrive at the threshold,

Day by day religious ones are stamped down

With the desire to own more in count.


White Dove

An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity by Santosh Kumar Biswa

Where would then be the eternity?

The day isn't far for all, a stranger to become,

killing would be the final verdict of all

To power the ultimate trust in self.

Confused the God is in paradise,

His power is failing, he is becoming weaker,

Where would be you and me the next?

Let us wake up ahead of time to infuse

The divine love among all, before late,

To keep safe our life and the dust we live in.


White Dove

An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity by Santosh Kumar Biswa

Why Misery?

Ay, you, with what shall I compare thee,

To an angel or the devil? You show up either.

Like an angle, with bundles of lessons to pass,

You came to humanity to bargain their brains.

You showed values, of adoration and of flight,

To unite again with those lost in the crowd.

Your lessons, so unique in its sort to affirm,

Of tidiness to acknowledge, wellbeing to reinforce.

Yet, more I examine, you appear a cruel devil,

Quickly you multiply, and ends the lives of your asylum.

In case you're to satisfy us, why misery once more?

Better, pick only one, for devotion to encourage.

We are not any more a child, we will respond,

For our bond, the -most grounded of all in your cave,

We shall endeavor, and you shall thrive alone.

Better, leave everlastingly, never to return again,

If not, stay calm for peace to restore upon all.


White Dove

An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity by Santosh Kumar Biswa

Come to the Ball, Be Sensible

Is it a nightmare? No one presages,

Or the call, for the last exemption from a rule?

All appears affright of the end times to whack.

The foe of humankind is in its deadliest form,

As an exemplum of Satan awhile to charge,

To gainsay God and to satisfy its promise,

As if piffling, for grievous to leave among all

And life, myriad to spiflicate the passage

As perilous as one could envision, in the form.

The almighty to watch the cause, isn't blind,

With his blood, the cost is paid for his elegance.

But, why the tigerish devil in an act to startle every last?

Many went, many are yet to go, what 'session others?

Upon the death's thump, all seems to be in a trepidation,

Out of unvanquishable mission, the corona over the dirt.


White Dove

An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity by Santosh Kumar Biswa

My confrère, not merely upon god's grace you can reckon,

Come to the ball, be sensible, the current truth.

The relentless can be plugged up by halting,

Being insightful yourself of what isn't to be finished.

I recount you, dread not, yet live in fright at least for now,

For the life awaits, the more brilliant tomorrow, the nearby.

Let not the Satan deceive, the life will get dimmer,

Better, the path shown is to be conformed to, genuinely,

And to stand back from the queasy devil until its exit.


White Dove

An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity by Santosh Kumar Biswa

O Man! Wake up

O man! Where are gone? Or am I going impaired?

Your mind seems vexed out in flagitious,

The savageness is diabolical, you look heinous.

Wake up for leniency, let us be hard-nosed

Away from vicious, not with an unfeeling nature.

Let the fellow feelings grow within our soul,

Let humaneness over rule our awful psyche,

I see the agony, calling us for genuine donation.

Where is your compassion that you guaranteed?

Your kindness, now is diluted for your sake.

Wake up, you are going wild and egregious,

More than you state, hands to swap for an opportunity.

The minutes, it hurries so quick, you may be left alone,

Wake up for brotherly love to embrace before dusk,

Never we know, how the dawn acknowledges every one.


White Dove

An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity by Santosh Kumar Biswa

The world needs you

Allow the love to prosper, vivid like the milky ways

Impeccable in itself, even through the haze,

The humans hang tight for your call, they seem unfortunate.

Let your activity be genuine, not that of Koalemos,

So folie, for mankind calls you for your delicateness.

I urge, similar to Themis, you ought to be of good counsels,

The people around are lost, blinded by their selfishness,

Put on your armor, for the fight is prepared within reach,

And to mend their cruel minds for the sake of humanity.

I urge you, like Jehovah, you should plant harmony,

The people around are wild, diverted by their legends,

Convey your shield, to disguise them from wrong conviction,

And to retouch their broken brain for harmony.

Pass on your deeds alone, not of lips to raise anyone,

But, in action to accomplish what is being explained,

For it ought to be real, not for just acknowledgment

For the reason, the world needs you for the harmony to



White Dove

An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity by Santosh Kumar Biswa

In this Valentine

You shall feel in this Valentine

Hercules has come to cherish you

Until the day break just inside your glow

And afterward you will sodden me more

Me under, you to feel your love in weight.

My tongue shall cross the boundary

Of your lips to battle with your tongue,

The skirmish of internal emotions out of care

And to connect for promising love alive

To let it go deep rooted, until the final gasp.

My mighty hands just on your humps

To pull your massive world more closer

For better love to construct until the core

And you with your bosoms on my cheeks

To show the softness in love ever before.

You find me in heaven holding you tight

Slow in breath and the soft scream of love

Until the first light of the day, never apart

And my ever gift to wet your lips when done

To remain alive with renewed love ever.


White Dove

An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity by Santosh Kumar Biswa

Dad is a Dad

Fiendish it is to compass what a dad uncovers,

Erst so stiff in discourses you sense of action

Unforgiving tongue to sing that makes you tear a piece,

Bizarre in deportments briefly, directly before eyes.

Blush not in anger on your graceful face of blitheness,

Let the tune stream further for significance to uncover,

Seek cognition on every treatment you confront,

Dad is a dad, not even any mom can supplant dad.

Not through fabricated love he shows up in front,

In any case, his affection dwells profound inside as a nark,

Never like the mom, in fancy love you stand up to him,

For the dad is for reasons and care invisible to dazzle heart.


White Dove

An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity by Santosh Kumar Biswa

Let this Valentine go Substantive

Behold! Let this Valentine go substantive.

Hanging around with damsel is démodé now,

Expecting gifts from the devout one is a waste,

Instead, wake up before the time from dreams

And squander cash in a plentiful way through love

To elevate love and peace among the destitute,

For life isn't only meant for felicitous human.

They're made such due to the course of time,

But they too feel the equivalent the manner you feel.

Waste money for divinity to occur among all

So that, you never contrite in life for the great deed,

And the gift in return you get would be delightful,

Divine in nature that corrects human's mind.


White Dove

An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity by Santosh Kumar Biswa

If not, burn through your time in planting a tree of life

So that, what you appreciate, your kin can appreciate

For bliss to flourish and to let the thirst bites the dust.

Not the fleeting the valentine love ought to be,

That stays for a while and go forever from the hand.

It ought to be something that sounds magnanimous,

The peace of mind of all is what brings happiness.

For the serenity of everything is what brings felicity.


White Dove

An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity by Santosh Kumar Biswa

This Christmas - for Nativity to Extol

A fir tree, I shall design to fete this Christmas,

Not to adorn, but in love as a symbol of Christ

And to grace my spirit as a sign, with my god.

I shall set the rainbow of lights and chaplets,

With my ménage, consort the choir of holy angels

For Nativity to extol and to mean the Virgin Birth,

Like 'the tree of life,' to laud for undying life,

The divine gift ever gifted through grace to mankind.

With my abundant love, I shall keep the sleigh of Santa,

Like him, in this Christmastide, the gifts to share,

For knowledge to shine with all, of his divine love,

Being unstinted, the brain as spotless as day off,

Through the imitation of Three Wise Men of infant Jesus

For true worship to find like an ornament on the tree.

I shall induce all to rejoice Jehovah for his penances,

Thus, through carol, balm his kin who got missed.


White Dove

An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity by Santosh Kumar Biswa

The Lief Heart to Ramp up

Santa is gone, to the moon or poles, it's dubitable,

The Christmas as well, entrusting all its delightful memories,

Not of rinky-dink thoughts, yet of affection and gladness

That brought unequal minds in a vessel of solidarity-

Humanity to count in whiteness on delectation,

Awhile, not to gauge the pecking order in any account,

But like petals to prosper in concert over a solitary column,

Being Nazareth, humane at heart for any manifestations.

The calendar year, like the sinking star simply set about

For the new hopes to arrive and to rejuvenate minds,

The chain of a fillip to establish that Santa mended at all,

The Christmas that braced the New Year's Day for


To be the igniter in the obscurity like the moon,

And to polish like the brilliant star venerated by all,

In harmony to check and the lief heart to ramp up,

Like the Father, for his nation, let his begotten crucified.


White Dove

An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity by Santosh Kumar Biswa

The Star in my Dream

The star in my dream

Requested that I be delicate

Always like the sunshine

To go off the caring warmth

For harmony to come in individuals

And stay evergreen

Like the earth's vegetation

So unadulterated in brains and sentiments

Being a sentinel to carry pleasure to all

Like the ocean that move in waves

In the freshness of climate

With no foul polluting influences satisfied

And permit the existence celebrate.

The star in my dream

Requested that I be cool

Continuously like the moon

To go off the caring coolness


White Dove

An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity by Santosh Kumar Biswa

During the rough climate

For harmony to come in individuals

Letting out the light of life

To lease the dimness grin

And remain gentle

Like the soothing breeze

So kind, in aiding and managing

To let misery and tension escape

Being sentinel, the life of all to cheer.


White Dove

An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity by Santosh Kumar Biswa

The Day like the Halloween

The weary mind staggered carelessly

Crosswise over on the murkiness

And during the daylight around where I lived.

The dicey phantom to overrule, amazing in itself

In me and around, over-the-top to repress.

I went insane, my action harebrained to act.

I moved when it moved during the complete haziness,

Perhaps, I took its action to go wild without anyone else,

My kin as well, in folly gone inept regularly,

The restless night, the day like the Halloween,

Tears in eyes, lugubriousness in conduct all around,

And the ghost of its blitheness kept chasing.

My siblings left, my people as well, I stayed alone

With the phantom to bargain my bliss in the dimness

For the space for repentance that stayed without kindness.


White Dove

An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity by Santosh Kumar Biswa

The mighty tears, one fine night trespassed my brain

For the phantom in disclosure was not in the murkiness,

But through the darkness in my mind to cover it,

My flaws to point and the purposes behind defective of


Thus, I tossed out the apparition that delegated my


For the delight to sparkle as a diamond in everybody's wide


Also, to cast the haziness and the apparition from self.

Thus, the serenade of angels repressed the obscurity.


White Dove

An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity by Santosh Kumar Biswa

Poor Honey Bee

A honey bee on the rose

in my nursery for a length of time,

Fragranced so well

in its grandness and sensitive quality,

For nectar, so well versed in its stream.

Never it stayed dull nor on hunger,

Indeed, even through dry spells or cleans.

Poor honey bee, flew high to see,

A more splendid blossom of more nectar

into the shrubberies out of eagerness

for a possibility to chance with new in trusts

and the nectar so scrumptious.

Frail in insurance from fly high,

Tumbled off with isolated wings

To lead the presence

increasingly horrible then every already.


White Dove

An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity by Santosh Kumar Biswa

The True Reincarnation of Gods of Men

The King, from his crown, the adoration prospers,

The mind, so docile and kind as of Charis,

To pardon the perp, his divine mind confers,

For happiness to flourish beyond his bounds.

The genuine rebirth of Gods of men ashore,

Brilliant in his soul, upon his speech be felt,

The true soul, the King of love to battle,

Grating among all, for better spirits to mend.

Ignorance is men, not to read his mind easily,

Spells falsely as a weapon to hurt his divinity,

Out of the ego, not knowing the position he stays firm,

For their selfishness, they're prepared to harm.


White Dove

An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity by Santosh Kumar Biswa

O miracle of men! Know the fact, we are the filth,

The King, like the God he stands to evaluate,

For the verdict, he passes is as unadulterated as a gem,

One time it's passed, passed perpetually forever.

Better, appeal for his long life, for adoration to diffuse,

To let your grandson to whisper of his deeds,

Greater than ever realized in the history of men,

For peace to multiply as man multiplies men.


White Dove

An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity by Santosh Kumar Biswa

I will anticipate you

Gracious Peace!

You are but the musings

that liveth in the human psyche

to encourage love and care

among humankind.

When will you sparkle

for the mother earth

to shine in splendor.

I will anticipate you,

standing on the highest point

of the Mt. Everest and

Like the Nightingale to sing

the melody of delight

when your realm comes.


White Dove

An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity by Santosh Kumar Biswa

In this Precious National Day

The Sun, buries to afford its apropos warmth oft,

The moon, fails to mask the darkness in time,

But the love my king bestow upon me never miscarries.

Above my mind the warmth of its happiness lies,

Above my didactics the light of its knowledge resides,

In pureness in exist like the Triple Gem of honor.

In this precious National day, my mind recon

Of the greatest deeds ever drew for its citizenry,

A century and a zodiac year ago for ataraxic

And the flag of triumph by the loyal dynasty,

An enthralling coronation of the first His Majesty

And the vivid sacrifices that our forefathers made,

Unique in itself, not the independence day to attend,

To sustain me and my generation forever at peace.


White Dove

An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity by Santosh Kumar Biswa

Blessed, I sense today to have such a God like King,

Eminent in thoughts than the God Eirene ever had,

With his sleepless night to reaffirm our well being

To keep us lifted up, forever at the cost of time

That guided us to create the concrete pledges

Of loyalty in the service, to my King on this day

To pray for the immortal life for love to glisten

And to sing of victory ever made, in unity.


White Dove

An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity by Santosh Kumar Biswa

The Carol, I shall Sing High

In this Christmas, the carol, I shall sing high,

With my phonation gently through inscriptions;

The song of love, the good news of John

Like Santa with gifts, for those offish ones

To manifold love with the rhythm of the jingle bell.

In this Christmas, the carol, I shall sing high,

To bring back the peace lost in the crowd,

Some in King's and some in Paul's nations,

Distinct in colors to secernate one another

With the divine love as white as the snow.

In this Christmas, the carol, I shall sing high,

To paint colors in the marrow of those rigid ones

Like the solitary Christmas tree to hold all at formerly,

On it, the colorful light to glow at the same gait

To teach, unity in love betters the soil for serenity.

In this Christmas, the carol, I shall sing high,

With the Psalm of humanity and tolerance

To gospel all to walk in the path that Jesus did

Free of discrimination, in respect to humankind

For everyone to become Santa of love and peace.


White Dove

An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity by Santosh Kumar Biswa

Smile (Elfchen Poem)


An Expression

A Loving Action

Love Fills The World


Compassion (Elfchen Poem)


An action

A simple step

Humility fills the heart


Politics (Elfchen Poem)


A process

The deadly game

Dirty mind victimizes innocents.


White Dove

An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity by Santosh Kumar Biswa


PREFACE ................................................................................... 7

Peace through Love ....................................................................... 9

Mist .................................................................................................. 10

Let all Human Sing about Humanity .................................... 11

The Love, be it Ephemeral....................................................... 13

The Peace, as their Religion ..................................................... 14

The Force of Nature ................................................................. 15

The Peace, out from my Love .................................................. 16

A Child ........................................................................................... 17

To Paint the Peace ..................................................................... 18

Let the Rainbow Dance with your Words ............................ 19

Just a Hug ..................................................................................... 21

On the Little Stage.................................................................... 22

Winter Time ................................................................................... 23

Tears invites Mishaps ................................................................ 24

Religious Diversity ....................................................................... 26

Before I Come Alive .................................................................. 27

The Broken Bin .......................................................................... 28


White Dove

An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity by Santosh Kumar Biswa

Santa in my Bedroom................................................................. 29

My Sweetest Love, let us flee ................................................. 31

My Ghost Patootie ..................................................................... 32

My Love, let us grow well ........................................................... 33

The Rhythm of the Butterfly ................................................... 35

Man is a Biped without Feathers ........................................... 36

The Poetry of Men ..................................................................... 37

Success to adopt you ................................................................ 38

Poem as Oyster ............................................................................ 39

My Injured Pen in Hand ............................................................. 40

Social Service .............................................................................. 41

Divine Choir .................................................................................. 42

With Poetry to point the Actus Reus.................................... 43

The Nature cries afar ................................................................. 45

The Antarctic: I stand here to Heal you .............................. 46

Let the Devil be in Devil's Shape .......................................... 48

Syllabus of Ants ......................................................................... 50

The One and Only .................................................................... 52

Solidarity of Minds ..................................................................... 53

Eyeless Love ................................................................................ 54

We are Same, we are One ........................................................ 55

The Mysterious Love ................................................................ 56

Mirror, Mirror ................................................................................ 57


White Dove

An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity by Santosh Kumar Biswa

When I’m gone ............................................................................... 59

Robotic Heart .............................................................................. 61

A Lady like a Pillar....................................................................... 63

My Great Monarch..................................................................... 65

O Peace! For your Realm to Sparkle ................................... 69

My Almighty, let me live hundred more ................................... 74

I Wish ............................................................................................... 75

Your Beauty ................................................................................. 76

The Unsung Hero ...................................................................... 78

Why I do not want to lose a Poem............................................ 80

A Dismal Song of Meadowlark .............................................. 82

Doomed to Write, not to Ask .................................................. 83

During the Warfare ..................................................................... 85

Mercy ............................................................................................... 87

My King, My God ...................................................................... 88

To be Lone again ........................................................................ 90

The Candle ................................................................................... 92

Angry Wind: Thou Art Finer, as a Gentle Breeze ......... 93

Day and Night .............................................................................. 94

Let me have Wings to Fly High ............................................... 96

Better Love, Than Sorry Forever ........................................ 98

The Blind Love to Witness ...................................................100

No Shortcut to Richness ........................................................101


White Dove

An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity by Santosh Kumar Biswa

Where would be you and me the next?..................................103

Why Misery? ................................................................................105

Come to the Ball, Be Sensible ............................................106

O Man! Wake up .......................................................................108

The world needs you .................................................................109

In this Valentine ...........................................................................110

Dad is a Dad ...............................................................................111

Let this Valentine go Substantive ........................................112

This Christmas - for Nativity to Extol ...............................114

The Lief Heart to Ramp up ...................................................115

The Star in my Dream .............................................................116

The Day like the Halloween ..................................................118

Poor Honey Bee .......................................................................120

The True Reincarnation of Gods of Men ........................121

I will anticipate you ......................................................................123

In this Precious National Day ................................................124

The Carol, I shall Sing High .................................................126

Smile (Elfchen Poem) ..............................................................127

Compassion (Elfchen Poem) .................................................127

Politics (Elfchen Poem) ............................................................127


White Dove

An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity by Santosh Kumar Biswa


White Dove

An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity by Santosh Kumar Biswa


White Dove

An Anthology of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity by Santosh Kumar Biswa


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