CM September 2020

The CICM magazine for consumer and commercial credit professionals

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A tale of workloads, contracts and discrimination.<br />

AUTHOR – Gareth Edwards<br />

IN a recent case – Aylott v BPP University<br />

– the Employment Tribunal found that<br />

a failure to address workload concerns<br />

may amount to breach of contract and<br />

discrimination claims.<br />

The tribunal held that a sequence<br />

of failings by the employer relating to workload<br />

and mental health, when viewed cumulatively,<br />

amounted to a fundamental breach of<br />

the employee’s employment contract and<br />

discrimination arising from disability.<br />

THE CASE<br />

Mrs Aylott was employed as a lecturer by BPP<br />

University from 2013 until her resignation in<br />

2019. During the course of her employment,<br />

Aylott applied for a senior role and as part of<br />

a health declaration informed her employer<br />

that she suffered from anxiety, depression and<br />

chronic back pain. She also suffered from Autistic<br />

Spectrum Disorder (ASM) which remained<br />

undiagnosed until after her resignation.<br />

The University was aware that Aylott was<br />

experiencing some significant challenges in<br />

her personal life. Her husband passed away<br />

suddenly and her teenage son was diagnosed<br />

with myalgic encephalomyelitis. However,<br />

there was a ‘long hours’ culture amongst the<br />

management team and Aylott worked in excess<br />

of 60 hours per week, including weekends and<br />

evenings. In early 2018, she advised her line<br />

manager that she was experiencing symptoms<br />

of anxiety and was taking antidepressants. She<br />

cancelled holiday to accommodate the leave<br />

of a colleague and by <strong>September</strong> 2018 she was<br />

described as ‘manic’ and ‘frazzled’.<br />

At this time, a complaint was made by<br />

another department that Aylott was pushing<br />

back on requests made of her, citing the<br />

pressures of her workload, and that the tone<br />

of some of her responses had become abrupt.<br />

She was distressed by the complaint and its<br />

handling. She confided in her line manager that<br />

she was not coping and was self-medicating with<br />

alcohol. She provided a medical certificate to<br />

work reduced hours and although it was widely<br />

acknowledged by her managers that she was<br />

struggling and that her health was suffering,<br />

no steps were taken to refer her to occupational<br />

health despite her request.<br />

As a result of low mood, Aylott was signed off<br />

work by her GP in late 2018. Following the expiry<br />

of her entitlement to 15 days contractual sick<br />

pay, the University did not exercise its discretion<br />

to provide any further sick pay, even though it<br />

has provided discretionary sick pay to other<br />

employees in the past. She raised a grievance in<br />

relation to workload and treatment. She claimed<br />

that she was being treated less favourably<br />

because of her mental health conditions which<br />

amounted to a disability. At the grievance<br />

meeting, there was no real attempt to address<br />

her concerns and she was offered an exit under<br />

a settlement agreement.<br />

It also came to Aylott's attention that a<br />

colleague had referred to her as ‘mad as a box of<br />

frogs, but a good worker’.<br />

She resigned and brought a claim for<br />

constructive unfair dismissal, unfavourable<br />

treatment arising from disability, direct and<br />

indirect disability discrimination, harassment<br />

relating to her disability and failure to make<br />

reasonable adjustments.<br />


Dismissing the latter claims, the tribunal found<br />

that Aylott had been constructively unfairly<br />

dismissed on the basis that the University’s<br />

conduct had undermined trust and confidence.<br />

It was also held that an occupational health<br />

referral for Aylott was not arranged in a timely<br />

manner, and there had been a rush to secure<br />

her departure from the University as a result<br />

of stigma arising from her mental health.<br />

As this stigma arose from her disability, the<br />

unfavourable treatment she received in being<br />

offered a settlement agreement, rather than<br />

a resolution to her grievances, and the lack of<br />

occupational health support was discriminatory,<br />

and she was entitled to compensation for<br />

financial loss and injury to feelings.<br />


Mental health issues in the workplace are<br />

increasingly being recognised. Demanding<br />

workloads over sustained periods can cause or<br />

exacerbate mental health challenges. In order<br />

to maintain an effective workforce and promote<br />

the wellbeing of staff, it is important that HR<br />

professionals and managers understand their<br />

duties and fulfil their legal obligations in relation<br />

to the mental welfare of their employees.<br />

Employers should be vigilant for signs that<br />

may indicate a potential mental health issue. They<br />

should engage with employees at an early stage<br />

to discuss whether any reasonable adjustments<br />

can be made to accommodate their needs.<br />

Where appropriate, various options should be<br />

explored to enable the employee to continue in<br />

their role and a timely referral to occupational<br />

health should be made to benefit from medical<br />

advice. Managers should receive training to help<br />

them identify and actively support staff with<br />

mental health conditions to reduce stigma and<br />

help avoid costly discrimination claims.<br />

Gareth Edwards is a partner in the employment<br />

team at VWV. gedwards@vwv.co.uk<br />

Advancing the credit profession / www.cicm.com / <strong>September</strong> <strong>2020</strong> / PAGE 55

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