Popoola et al 2020 Parkia paper

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ISSN- 2394-5125 VOL 7, ISSUE 11, 2020





Jacob Olagbenro Popoola 1, 2* , James Oludare Agbolade 3, 4 , Abiodun Ajiboye 3 , Omotolani Akinola 1 , Francis

Bayo Lewu 5 , Joseph Kioko 6 and Conrad Asotie Omonhinmin 1, 2 .

1 Department of Biological Sciences, College of Science and Technology, Covenant University, PMB 1023,

Canaanland Ota, Ogun State, Nigeria.

2 Biotechnology Cluster Group, Covenant University Centre for Research, Innovation, and Discovery.

3 Department of Plant Science and Biotechnology, Federal University, Oye Ekiti, Ekiti, Nigeria.

4 Department of Biodiversity and Conservation, Cape Peninsula University of Technology, South Africa.

5 Department of Agriculture, Faculty of Applied Sciences, Cape Peninsula University of Technology, South


Email: jacob.popoola@covenantuniversity.edu.ng.

Received: 14 March 2020 Revised and Accepted: 8 July 2020

ABSTRACT: Parkia biglobosa, commonly called African locust bean, is rich in nutrition and pharmacological

properties that can be explored in the food and drug industry. However, its cultivation and production is

declining and genetically threatened in its natural ranges. This study determined the genetic diversity among 19

landraces of P. biglobosa collected from different agroecological areas (AEAs) in Nigeria using microsatellite

markers. Genomic DNA was extracted using the modified sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) protocol, while

amplification was performed using five primer pairs of PbL02, PbL03, PbL04, PbL05, and PbL09. Genetic

diversity was analyzed using descriptive statistics and a dendrogram. The five markers were highly

polymorphic, with a mean of 70.25 %. The polymorphic information content (PIC) was relatively high, ranging

from 0.51 to 0.89, with a mean of 0.72. The allelic richness per locus ranged from 5 to 15, while major allele

frequency ranged from 0.26 to 0.63 with a mean of 0.41. The gene diversity within a population (Hs) was quite

low, with a mean of 0.28 ± 0.01, while the estimate of gene flow among the landraces was relatively high (17.50

– 2.03). The Coefficient of gene differentiation (Gst) of 0.10 indicates that about 10 % of the total genetic

divergence was among populations and 90 % within the populations. The dendrogram based on the UPGMA

method classified the 19 landraces into three distinct genetic clusters that shared quite some alleles and allocated

landraces from different AEAs into the same cluster except cluster II. The study identified four genetically

distinct landraces (Pb18, Pb16, Pb17, and Pb19) that are potentially good as parental lines for heterosis crossing.

In contrast, cluster I with diverse landraces could be exploited for commercial cultivation, and conservation


KEYWORDS: African locust beans; Agro-ecological areas (AEAs); cluster analysis; genetic diversity,

microsatellite markers; landraces.


Parkia biglobosa (Jacq.), commonly called African locust bean, is an oilseed legume that belongs to the

subfamily Mimosoideae of the family Fabaceae (Hopkins, 1983). It is well-distributed in many African

countries such as Benin Republic, Togo, Nigeria, Ghana, Mali, Niger, and Cameroon. It is one of the indigenous

tree species that produce essential non-timber forest products for people in Sub-Saharan Africa (Houndonougbo

et al., 2020). African locust bean is a good source of woody products and, most importantly, rich in nutrition and

medicine. The pods containing-seeds are highly nutritious and rich in protein (Agbani et al., 2018; Ouédraogo et

al., 2012; Tringali, Spatafora, & Longo, 2000). Locally, the seeds are processed into spicy food/condiments in

soups while the pods and husks are sources of animal feed (Fetuga, Babatunde, & Oyenuga, 1974; Rendu,

Saleun, & Auger, 1993). Different parts of the tree such as seeds, bark, roots, and flowers are used as a source of

herbal remedy to treat illnesses such as malaria, diabetes, hypertension amongst others (Abioye et al., 2013;


ISSN- 2394-5125 VOL 7, ISSUE 11, 2020

Adetutu, Morgan, & Corcoran, 2011; Kouadio et al., 2000). The African locust bean tree is also a good source

of firewood, charcoal, and timber. The woody timber parts are used to make bows, pestles, hoe handle, mortars,

and seats (Adetutu et al., 2011; Aiyelaagbe, Ajaiyeoba, & Ekundayo, 1996; Traore et al., 2013). Its seeds'

annual production was estimated above 200,000 t while the processed grains were reported to have high market

and socio-economic value in Nigeria (Babalola, 2012; Sina & Traoré, 2002).

Despite the vast economic significance and cultural values of African locust bean for local and regional

economies, its area of cultivation and production is declining without reforestation and breeding strategies

insight. Recent studies have shown that domestication of the species is at the infant stage, while regeneration is

rapidly decreasing (Lompo et al., 2017). Genetic resources are fading away, and improved tree management

practices are lacking while genetic improvement is not sufficiently promoted. In the field survey and sample

collections for this study, we observed possible loss of genetic resources among the neglected but extensively

versatile indigenous species in Nigeria. These genetic resources are vanishing at an alarming rate linked to

political instability, massive unregulated developmental activities, climate change, weak or nonexistent

conservatory programs, and erosion of cultural heritages. The management and conservation of African locust

bean's genetic resources across the major AEAs are lacking, yet there is increased demand for its use and

derivable products. Individual landraces affected by land clearing, bush fire, deforestation, old age, and climatic

change are not replaced through the conscious effort of cultivation, afforestation, and research. To our

knowledge, no active germplasm is available on P. biglobosa, available landraces were old, exposed to the bush

fire burning from time to time, and over-exploitation by users. Thus, there is a need for concerted research

efforts to increase its cultivation and production, improve its conservation and management of its genetic

resources toward sustainable utilization for food and medicinal purposes.

African locust bean is a monoecious and highly outcrossing crop with amphipolyploidy genome chromosome

numbers (2n = 2x = 22, 24, and 26) (Uyoh, Urua, Ntui, & Okpako, 2011), the genetic diversity is expected to be

high. However, there is a lack of adequate and consistent data on its genetic diversity. Also, very few genetic

diversity studies using marker-based analysis are available on the species in Nigeria. Amusa et al. (2014)

studied 23 open-pollinated accessions of the species using RAPD and reported a weak genetic diversity among

the accessions. The studies of Adesoye and Apo (2015) also indicated a high similarity in the polypeptide

profiles of the 34 samples studied using seed protein electrophoresis. However, studies have shown that

microsatellite markers are better and versatile in the determination of genetic diversity, population genetics, and

reproductive biology as well as in demarcation of genetic groupings of many plant species including African

locust bean (Toth, Gaspari & Jurka, 2000; Lassen et al., 2014; Yang et al., 2019). These markers are abundant in

eukaryotic genomes, highly polymorphic with co-dominant inheritance, and fitted for automated allele sizing

and cross-species transferability (Zia et al., 2014). To effectively use the genetic resources of P. biglobosa for

improvement and sustainable utilization, it is pertinent to understand its diversity. Therefore, more genetic

characterizations and seed yield capacity of different populations/landraces from different agroecological areas

are needed to lay a solid foundation for developing sustainable conservation and breeding systems to meet the

increased demands of its products. Hence, the present study was designed to collect some landraces of African

locust bean from different agroecological areas (AEAs) in Nigeria, and determine their genetic diversity using

microsatellite markers to identify unique genotypes for cultivation and breeding purposes.


Areas of collection and Sample Preparation: A total of 19 landraces/open-pollinated P. biglobosa was

selected from the field survey on sample collection of the genetic diversity assessment of under-exploited

African plants for genetic improvement and food security (Omonhinmin et al., 2016). The selected landraces cut

across five major agroecological areas (AEAs) in Nigeria, as shown in Table 1 and Figure 1. Young leaf

samples of the 19 landraces were silica gel dried in well-labeled zip-lock bags. The crystals were removed and

moisture-free samples kept at – 80 °C at the Molecular Biology Laboratory, Bioscience Department, Covenant

University, Ota, Nigeria. The samples were transferred to the Bioscience Laboratory of the International

Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria, and lyophilized for 72 hours before the

DNA extraction.

Sources of Primers and DNA Extraction: Five out of the ten microsatellite primers (SSR) developed for

African locust bean (Lassen et al., 2014) were selected, tested, and used for this study. The primers ten bases

(R/F) were supplied by Ahava Biotechnology and Forensic Services Ltd (Nigeria) with the code number

(NG2018/049). The locus name and sequences were presented in Table 3. Genomic DNA was extracted using

the modified sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) method (Dellaportal et al., 1983). The quality and quantity of the

extracted DNA were determined using 1% agarose gel in a NanoDrop spectrophotometer (ND-1000).


ISSN- 2394-5125 VOL 7, ISSUE 11, 2020

PCR amplification and PAGE analysis: The PCR amplification was performed previously described by

Popoola et al. (2017). Briefly, the 10 μl reaction consisted of 0.4 μl of 50 mM MgCl 2 , 1.0 μl 10 X PCR buffer,

0.5 μl each of reverse and forward primer mix in 0.8 μl of 2.5mM dNTPs, 0.8 μl of dimethyl sulfoxide, 2.9 μl of

sterile double distilled water, 0.1 μl of Taq polymerase (5 u/ul) and 3.0 μl of 100 ng / μl DNA. A total of 10 μl

was reacted in a GeneAmp PCR system 9700 (USA) using a touchdown PCR program for 9 cycles and 30

cycles, as described by Popoola et al. (2017). To resolve the amplified products, 6 % (w/v) non-denaturing

Polyacrylamide gel in 1 X TBE buffer with 7.5 M urea were prepared based on manufacturer’s protocol

(ThermoFisher Scientific, USA) and allowed to stay for 1.5 hours at 70 W. A 1000-bp ladder (ThermoFisher

Scientific, USA) was used to estimate the DNA band size in base pairs.

Data Analysis: Scoring was done using the gel output files under Photo light (UMAX power look, 2100XL).

Bright and scorable bands were traced and scored as discrete numbers (absent = 0, present = 1), and data entered

into an Excel sheet (Microsoft, 2013). The Power Marker v.3.25 software (Liu & Muse, 2005) was used to

estimate genetic parameters such as allele count and frequency, major allele frequency, gene diversity and PIC

values for each of the marker. The Popgene software version 3.5 (Yeh et al., 1999) was used to evaluate the

genetic diversity and population structure parameters, as highlighted in Tables 4 and 5. The unweighted pair

group method average (UPGMA) procedure was followed to generate a dendrogram using NTYSYSpc 2.1

software (Rolf, 20020).

Table 1: Collection of P. biglobosa landraces from different Agroecological areas (AEAs) of Nigeria.

Location State Agroecological areas (AEA) Landrace No

Bunyayi Adamawa Sudan Savannah Pb1

Katsina-Ala Benue Southern Guinea Savannah Pb2

Gurzumo Bauchi Sudan Savannah Pb3

Abaji Abuja Southern Guinea Savannah Pb4

Ture-Balam Gombe Sudan Savannah Pb5

Ehanle-Ewu Edo Wet lowland rain forest Pb6

Ishielu Ebonyi Wet lowland rain forest Pb7

Karshi Kaduna Southern Guinea Savannah Pb8

Besse Kebbi Northern Guinea Savannah Pb9

Gwarmai Kano Sudan Savannah Pb10

Mashjigwari Kaduna Northern Guinea Savannah Pb11

Dada Village Kebbi Northern Guinea Savannah Pb12

Onipako Kaiama Kwara Northern Guinea Savannah Pb13

Wawa/New Bussa Niger Northern Guinea Savannah Pb14



Southern Guinea Savannah


Iseyin Road Oyo Southern Guinea Savannah Pb16

Shagari Sokoto Sudan Savannah Pb17

Jol Plateau Jos Plateau Mosaic Pb18

Maru Zamfara Sudan Savannah Pb19


ISSN- 2394-5125 VOL 7, ISSUE 11, 2020


Figure 1: Location of accessions on the Map of Nigeria

Allele frequencies and Genetic characteristics of the markers used in this study.

The frequency of alleles per marker varied greatly. The scorable number of alleles ranged from 1, with a

frequency of 0.05 to 12 with a frequency of 0.63 (Table 2). Marker PbL02 and PbL09 at different allele count

generated 8 alleles, each with a frequency of 0.42, while PbL04 generated 6 alleles with a frequency of 0.32.

Markers PbL03 and PbL04 at different alleles produced 4 alleles, each with a frequency of 0.21 while PbL05

and PbL09 produced 5 and 3 alleles with a frequency of 0.26 and 0.21, respectively. Generally, PbL05

generated the lowest allele count of 1 with a frequency of 0.05, while PbL03 generated the highest allele count

of 12 with a frequency of 0.63 (Table 2). Overall, 40 alleles out of which 28 (70 %) were polymorphic with a

mean of 5.60 alleles per microsatellite primer were obtained from this study. The number of alleles per primer

ranged from 5 alleles in locus PbL03 to 15 alleles in PbL05. Loci PbL03 and PbL09 generated the least

polymorphic number of alleles (4 each), while locus PbL05 generated the highest alleles and the polymorphic

number of alleles (Table 3). The range of alleles recorded in this study (5 – 15 alleles) is comparable to the

studies of Lassen et al. (2014) and higher than previously reported on some tree species (Allal et al., 2011;

Logossa et al., 2011). The major allele frequency (MAF) ranged from 0.26 to 0.63, with a mean of 0.41. The

PbL03 showed the highest MAF (0.63), while PbL05 the lowest (0.26). Gene diversity (GD) values at all loci

were quite high, with a mean of 0.75. The GD was highest in PbL05 while it was lowest in PbL03 (0.55). Locus

PbL05 also showed the highest PIC value (0.89), while PbL03 the lowest (0.51). The five microsatellite markers

are highly polymorphic with a mean of 70.25%, while locus PbL05 appeared to be more effective than the

others. The mean PIC of 0.72 was relatively high, representing allele diversity, which indicates high genetic

polymorphism among the studied landraces of African locust bean. The existence of high polymorphism in this

study aligns with the report of Amusa et al. (2014) on P. biglobosa and that of Kaur et al. (2016) on Tribulus

terrestris. Similarly, the mean percent polymorphism (70.25%) was high and comparable to previous reports on

forest trees including P. biglobosa (Dainou et al., 2016; Kaur, Sharma, Singh, Wani, & Gupta, 2016; Popoola,

Bello, Olugbuyiro, & Obembe, 2017). This finding can be attributed to the adaptation of the species to the

different eco-geographical settings, continuously spreading and possibly the amphipolyploidy nature of P.

biglobosa genome with varying numbers of chromosomes (2n = 2x = 22, 24, and 26) (Uyoh et al., 2011).


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Table 2: Allele count and frequencies at the Microsatellite Loci of the 19 studied P. biglobosa

Marker Allele Allele count Frequency

PBL02 0/0/0 2 0.11

PBL02 0/0/1 8 0.42

PBL02 0/1/0 2 0.11

PBL02 0/1/1 2 0.11

PBL02 1/0/0 1 0.05

PBL02 1/0/1 3 0.16

PBL02 1/1/0 1 0.05

PBL03 0/0/0 12 0.63

PBL03 0/0/1 1 0.05

PBL03 0/1/0 4 0.21

PBL03 1/0/1 1 0.05

PBL03 1/1/1 1 0.05

PBL04 0/0/0/1 4 0.21

PBL04 0/0/1/0 2 0.11

PBL04 0/1/0/0 6 0.32

PBL04 0/1/1/0 4 0.21

PBL04 1/0/0/0 1 0.05

PBL04 1/1/0/0 1 0.05

PBL04 1/1/1/0 1 0.05

PBL05 0/0/0/0/0/0 1 0.05

PBL05 0/0/0/0/1/0 1 0.05

PBL05 0/0/1/0/0/0 1 0.05

PBL05 0/0/1/0/0/1 5 0.26

PBL05 0/0/1/0/1/0 1 0.05

PBL05 0/1/0/0/0/0 1 0.05

PBL05 0/1/0/0/0/1 1 0.05

PBL05 0/1/0/0/1/0 1 0.05

PBL05 0/1/0/1/0/1 1 0.05

PBL05 0/1/1/0/0/0 1 0.05

PBL05 0/1/1/0/0/1 1 0.05

PBL05 0/1/1/0/1/0 1 0.05

PBL05 1/0/0/1/0/1 1 0.05

PBL05 1/0/0/1/1/0 1 0.05

PBL05 1/1/0/1/1/0 1 0.05

PBL09 0/0/0/0 4 0.21

PBL09 0/0/0/1 8 0.42

PBL09 0/0/1/0 2 0.11

PBL09 0/0/1/1 1 0.05

PBL09 0/1/0/0 3 0.16

PBL09 0/1/0/1 1 0.05


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Table 3: List of Microsatellite Primers and Genetic parameters for P. biglobosa studied.





Primer (5 ′ –3 ′) Primer reverse (5 ′ –3 ′) Rep







) 17




) 17




) 17


1. PbL


2. PbL


3. PbL


4. PbL







Source of primer pairs (Sequences): Lassen et al., 2014.



) 17


) 18






































































NA = Number of alleles, NPA = Number of Polymorphic alleles, MAF = Major allele frequency, GD = Gene

diversity, PIC = Polymorphic information content.

Genetic diversity and population structure of P. biglobosa landraces studied.

The number of effective alleles was highest (1.87) in landrace Pb17, followed by 1.80 in Pb19 and lowest in Pb2

and Pb6 (1.22) with a mean of 1.48 ± 0.20 (Table 4). Nei’s gene diversity was highest (0.46) in Pb17 and lowest

in Pb2 (0.18) with a mean of 0.31 ± 0.09 while Shannon’s diversity values were relatively moderate with a mean

of 0.49 ± 0.10. Landrace Pb17 had the highest Shannon's information index (0.66), while Pb2 had the lowest at

0.33. The gene diversity within a population was highest (0.41) in landrace Pb17 and lowest (0.14) in Pb6 with a

mean of 0.28 ± 0.01. The estimate of gene flow among the landraces varied greatly. Two landraces (Pb10 and

Pb11) had the highest estimate of gene flow of 17.50, each followed by another two landraces (Pb4 and Pb7)

with 12.50 each while landrace Pb6 had the lowest (2.03). The mean coefficient of gene differentiation of 0.10

indicates that about 10 % of the total genetic divergence was among populations and 90 % within the

populations (Table 4). The results of the estimate of gene flow suggest the exchange of pollen grains between

populations and among landraces since the AEAs are near to each other and thus influenced the mean

coefficient gene differentiation obtained in this study. The analysis revealed that gene diversity was high in four

landraces (Pb18 = 0.39, Pb14 = 0.42, Pb17 = 0.46, and Pb19 = 0.44), indicating that collection areas of these

landraces are centers of high biological diversity and adaptation of P. biglobosa in Nigeria. The areas are Sudan

Savannah (Pb5, Pb17, Pb19), Southern Guinea Savannah (Pb16), Northern Guinea Savannah (Pb14), and Jos

Plateau Mosaic (Pb18). However, two landraces (Pb17 and 19) appear to be unique with higher genetic diversity

values (0.46 and 0.44) than others and therefore, can be adopted as potential parental lines for future cultivation

and breeding strategies. The two landraces were sourced from the same agroecological areas (Sudan Savannah),

one of the endemic and large areas of P. biglobosa in Nigeria.

Analysis of genetic correlations among the landraces of P. biglobosa and AEAs

The mean Nei’s unbiased measure of genetic identity and genetic distance (Nei, 1973; 1978) between the

different AEAs (agroecological areas) showed a high genetic identity and a close genetic distance between the

various AEAs. The analysis showed that the genetic identity among the landraces and AEAs ranged from 0.94

to 1.01 (Table 5). The highest genetic identity (1.013) was between Sudan Savannah (SS) and Northern Guinea

Savannah (NGS) areas and lowest (0.938) between wet lowland rain forests (WLRF) and Southern Guinea

Savannah (SGS) areas. Similarly, the highest genetic distance (0.064) was between landraces collected from

SGS and WLRF. The shortest genetic distance was between Sudan Savannah and wet lowland rain forest

(0.004) (Table 5). Thus, both the Southern Guienea Savannah and wet lowland rain forest agroecological areas

are considered hot spots for germplasm collection of P. biglobosa for commercial cultivation, characterization,

conservation, and exploitation for breeding. The analysis revealed that the genetic distance was generally low

across the AEAs, indicating that the 19 African locust beans landraces are closely related to common ancestry.

Several studies have reported that close natural populations like P. biglobosa exhibit high genetic

identity/similarity and low genetic distance attributed to a high rate of exchange of gene flow (pollen grains)

between populations (Amusa et al., 2014; Ojuederie et al., 2014; Popoola et al., 2017).


ISSN- 2394-5125 VOL 7, ISSUE 11, 2020

Table 4: Genetic diversity and population structure of 19African locust bean using Microsatellite


Landraces Ne H I Hs Gst Nm

Pb1 1.38 0.28 0.45 0.26 0.08 5.75

Pb2 1.22 0.18 0.33 0.17 0.07 6.25

Pb3 1.30 0.23 0.39 0.20 0.13 3.21

Pb4 1.30 0.23 0.39 0.22 0.04 12.50

Pb5 1.64 0.39 0.58 0.33 0.15 2.88

Pb6 1.22 0.18 0.33 0.14 0.20 2.03

Pb7 1.30 0.23 0.39 0.22 0.04 12.50

Pb8 1.30 0.23 0.39 0.20 0.13 3.21

Pb9 1.38 0.28 0.45 0.23 0.16 2.63

Pb10 1.47 0.32 0.50 0.31 0.03 17.50

Pb11 1.47 0.32 0.50 0.31 0.03 17.50

Pb12 1.38 0.28 0.45 0.23 0.16 2.63

Pb13 1.47 0.32 0.50 0.29 0.10 4.64

Pb14 1.72 0.42 0.61 0.39 0.07 6.25

Pb15 1.56 0.36 0.54 0.32 0.10 4.53

Pb16 1.64 0.39 0.58 0.36 0.09 5.00

Pb17 1.87 0.46 0.66 0.41 0.11 3.85

Pb18 1.64 0.39 0.58 0.36 0.09 5.00

Pb19 1.80 0.44 0.64 0.38 0.15 2.83

Mean 1.48 0.31 0.49 0.28 0.10 4.41

St. Dev 0.20 0.09 0.10 0.01

Ne = Effective number of alleles, H = Nei’s gene diversity, I = Shannon’s Information Index, Hs = gene

diversity within a population, Gst = Coefficient of gene differentiation - Gst, Nm = estimate of gene flow.

Table 5: Analysis of genetic correlations among the landraces of P. biglobosa and AEAs.


JPM *** 0.978 1.011 0.969 1.007

WLRF 0.023 *** 0.997 0.938 0.992

SS 0.011 0.004 *** 1.005 1.013

SGS 0.032 0.064 0.005 *** 0.954

NGS 0.007 0.008 0.013 0.047 ***

Nei's genetic identity (above diagonal) and genetic distance (below diagonal). AEA: Agro-Ecological Areas;

JPM: Jos Plateau Mosaic, WLRF: Wet lowland Rain Forest, SGS: Southern Guinea Savannah, SS: Sudan

Savannah, and NGS: Northern Guinea Savannah.

Cluster Analysis

The UPGMA cluster analysis grouped the 19 landraces of African locust bean into three major groups. Cluster I

is the most diverse, with 78.95% (15 landraces) of the total landraces studied. This cluster consisted of three

sub-clusters IA, IB, and IC (Fig. 2). Subcluster IA had 5 landraces (Pb13, Pb8, Pb7, Pb6, and Pb4), sub-cluster

IB had 4 landraces (Pb15, Pb14, Pb12, and Pb5) while sub-cluster IC had 6 landraces (Pb1, Pb2, Pb3, Pb9,

Pb10, and Pb11) (Fig. 2). Cluster II is the most distinct and had one landrace (Pb18), while cluster III had three

landraces (Pb17, Pb18, and Pb19). The clustering pattern showed that cluster groups with the outcome of

random distribution of landraces in clusters I and III shared quite some alleles except distinct cluster II. The


ISSN- 2394-5125 VOL 7, ISSUE 11, 2020

analysis revealed that landraces were not necessarily classified according to the areas of a collection but were

more or less heterogeneous containing landraces from different AEAs.

Hence, the high gene flow and the random assortment of alleles explain the outcome of the cluster analysis

obtained in this study. African locust bean is an open-pollinated species with a high rate of gene flow from one

population/landrace to another through agents of pollination, and transfer of planting materials within and

among the AEAs, which led to a high genetic identity among the landraces studied. The species is highly

adapted to all the AEAs considered in this study from the northern hemisphere to the derived guinea savanna

and wet lowland rain forest of Nigeria. The analysis showed that four landraces (Pb18, Pb16, Pb17, and Pb19)

are unique and can be used as parental lines in heterosis crossing with landraces from the diverse cluster group I.

Landraces Pb17 and Pb19 were sourced from different locations (Sokoto and Zamfara) both of which fall within

Sudan Savannah AEAs. Landrace Pb18 was sourced from the Jos Plateau Mosaic of Plateau State, while Pb16

was sourced from Oyo State of Southern Guinea Savannah. The diversity in areas of collection of these

landraces and that of cluster I can be explored for cultivation and hence, the establishment of orchards,

conservation, and breeding purposes. Contrarily to the narrow genetic diversity observed in this study, the report

of Lompo et al. (2018) on the phylogeography of African locust bean indicated a high genetic differentiation

and spatially structured populations consisted of 84 populations and 1610 individuals from West and Central

Africa. In another study, high genetic diversity was found on 24 populations of the species (Ouedraogo, 2015).

The limitation of this present study is probably due to fewer landraces/populations evaluated for genetic





Figure 2: Dendrogram showing three significant groups and genetic relationships among the 19 African

locust bean landraces studied using five microsatellite markers.


This study identified four genetically distinct landraces (Pb18, Pb16, Pb17, and Pb19) that can be adopted as

parental lines for heterosis crossing while the diverse cluster I landraces are recommended for systematic

cultivation, management and conservation purposes. The homogeneity of alleles among the studied landraces

suggests possible loss of intraspecific genetic diversity among the landraces. This loss is a threat to the

environment and consequently, to the well-being of the present and future generations. African locust bean is

threatened in Nigeria, and concerted scientific efforts/strategies are required toward systematic conservation and

management of the taxa's genetic resources using the combination of ex-situ and in-situ techniques. The

weakening gene pool and diversity observed from this study can be enhanced through more germplasm

collections, particularly from the diverse AEAs and endemic centers of the species in Nigeria for better genetic

characterizations using genome-wide association study (GWAS). African locust bean is limited to local uses.

Given its socio-economic importance and cultural value to increase income, enhance food security, and good

health, it is imperative to intensify germplasm collection and genetic characterization towards conservation,

breeding, and sustainable utilization.


The data supporting the findings of the article are available in this manuscript.


Not applicable.


ISSN- 2394-5125 VOL 7, ISSUE 11, 2020


No humans/animals were used in this study.


The sample collection part of this work was financially supported by the Covenant University Centre for

Research, Innovation, and Discovery (CUCRID). Grant No: VC/CRD.05/CUCRID RG 016.12.14/FS.

CONFLICT OF INTEREST: The authors declare no conflict of interest, financial or otherwise.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: We wish to thank Dr. David Igwe, Bowie State University, Maryland, USA for his

assistance in the data analysis and Mr. Gideon Adewale, Covenant University for mapping the collection areas.

The authors acknowledge the publication support from the Covenant University Center for Research Innovation

and Discovery (CUCRID).


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