process book 2

from juliabujalski96 More from this publisher

Rage.This piece focuses on the sudden yet lasting effects of rage. Theaggressive act of throwing the paint at the canvas captures the momentin time that this rage hits the wall. When removing the tape,the lasting effect of rage is created.The goal for this piece was to create a sharp toxicenvironment with the nails. I drew the letter forms onthe back of a piece of masonite and then proceeded tohammer nails around the outline of the letters. Thisproject proved to be a bit more time consuming anddifficult than expected. It used a lot of physical poweras I had to actually break through the surface of themasonite. The videos taken during this process showthe destructive nature of the nails and the emotion rageas a whole.

This piece was extremely more time consumingthan expected. I did some researchon match art to see how other artists wereable to assemble the matches in such astable form. I decided that I would drillholes into the piece of wood and glue thematches in place because it would providea very durable base and the process of drillingthat many holes would embody the ideaof destructive rage.When igniting the piece, I was surprised athow beautiful and striking the flames were.At times, they reached heights of threefeet! The piece in the end was completelyscorched. This mirrors the idea of ragebeing completely destructive and irreversibleanger. The flames are beautiful butcompletely dangerous. This piece may havebeen the most exciting to create becauseI didn’t really have any idea how it wouldturn out and, in the end, it seemed tocompletely embody the emotion.19dev elopment.

This piece was extremely more time consuming

than expected. I did some research

on match art to see how other artists were

able to assemble the matches in such a

stable form. I decided that I would drill

holes into the piece of wood and glue the

matches in place because it would provide

a very durable base and the process of drilling

that many holes would embody the idea

of destructive rage.

When igniting the piece, I was surprised at

how beautiful and striking the flames were.

At times, they reached heights of three

feet! The piece in the end was completely

scorched. This mirrors the idea of rage

being completely destructive and irreversible

anger. The flames are beautiful but

completely dangerous. This piece may have

been the most exciting to create because

I didn’t really have any idea how it would

turn out and, in the end, it seemed to

completely embody the emotion.


dev elopment.

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