process book 2

from juliabujalski96 More from this publisher

experim e ntal research.The first avenue of experimental researchthat I pursed revolved around how personalconnections to objects and words can affecthow the viewer understand a piece. In thiscase, the handling of the typography affectshow you understand the relationshipbetween the hands and feet, either softlycaressing or tense and retreating.This second comparison works with the physical materialsof brown sugar and honey mustard. I paired theseexperiments with a piece done by a fellow student atEmmanuel College. “Growth” causes the viewer to understandthe linear forms to be growing and extendingout of the box where as “confinement” feels sticky andheavy as if it is retreating within the box.

This third experimentation continued to exploretactile typography but pushed the idea of emotions alittle bit more. I knew I wanted to explore black posterboard and cotton ball texture but I didn’t know whatword(s) I wanted to produce. The phrases “comfortablyalone” and “serenity” came from asking students whattheir emotions associations were with cotton balls andblack poster board. Reflecting on the final product,getting the input from outside sources showed theimportance of other individuals associations.After realizing the importance of outsideinput and outside associations, I conducteda final experiment. I discussed differentemotions with students to try and get keyphrases or quotes that would embody theemotion and materials that would furtheremulate it. The quote chosen for ecstasywas “crazy fucking good”. The conversationthat spurred this quote revolved aroundthe energy you feel when you’ve reachedthat level of happiness and how euphoricyou feel. From this, I created “crazy fuckinggood” out of christmas lights and blackfoam board. This experimentation mademy internal ideas physical and I began tounderstand how I loved the combinationof experimental typography and emotionalcommunication.11experim e ntal research.

This third experimentation continued to explore

tactile typography but pushed the idea of emotions a

little bit more. I knew I wanted to explore black poster

board and cotton ball texture but I didn’t know what

word(s) I wanted to produce. The phrases “comfortably

alone” and “serenity” came from asking students what

their emotions associations were with cotton balls and

black poster board. Reflecting on the final product,

getting the input from outside sources showed the

importance of other individuals associations.

After realizing the importance of outside

input and outside associations, I conducted

a final experiment. I discussed different

emotions with students to try and get key

phrases or quotes that would embody the

emotion and materials that would further

emulate it. The quote chosen for ecstasy

was “crazy fucking good”. The conversation

that spurred this quote revolved around

the energy you feel when you’ve reached

that level of happiness and how euphoric

you feel. From this, I created “crazy fucking

good” out of christmas lights and black

foam board. This experimentation made

my internal ideas physical and I began to

understand how I loved the combination

of experimental typography and emotional



experim e ntal research.

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