Ashburton Courier: August 13, 2020

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St Bede’s College<br />

Boarding School<br />

St Bede’s is aCatholic Collegefor boys<br />

foundedbythe Society of Mary in 1911<br />

anditisalsothe only Catholic boarding<br />

school forboysinthe SouthIsland.<br />

Catholic, Marist andBedean<br />

principles andvalues form thebasis of<br />

aholisticeducation at theCollege. We<br />

aimnot to make theCollegegreat butto<br />

ensure everyboy has theopportunity to<br />

be great, andweendeavourtodevelop<br />

youngmen of Catholic hearts and<br />

minds through theexperiences theboys<br />

have in their time here at theCollege.<br />

St Bede’s is aCollegefor all…a place<br />

wheregospelvaluesare practisedto<br />

helpformprincipledmen; alearning<br />

environment whereeveryoneachieves;<br />

aplace that teachers want to come<br />

to becauseofthe strength of the<br />

community;aplace also,where boys<br />

canembracespiritual,sporting, cultural<br />

andcommunity activities, whichall<br />

combined shape boys into men. That’s<br />

thepriority andthatisinour DNA.<br />

BoardingatStBede’sCollegeisa<br />

traditionthatgoesbacktothe 1920s.<br />

Ourrichhistory andtraditionprovides<br />

an excellentfoundationtoembrace<br />

thechallengesofthe modern era and<br />

prepare ourboystobeCatholic leaders<br />

wherever life takes them.<br />

Like many otherorganisations in<br />

Christchurch, ourcampushas been<br />

brokenand tested.Thedemolitionof<br />

theChapelseriously challengedus. It<br />

wasthe singlemostimportant building<br />

at St Bede’s College, andhad symbolised<br />

theheart andsoulofthe Collegeever<br />

since thethird Rector, FatherGilbert,<br />

converteditfrom thegymnasiumin<br />

1929.<br />

In thelast twoyears,the Collegehas<br />

completed a$16mbuilding project;<br />

stagetwo of theGymnasium,anew<br />

Food Technology andArt Block,a<br />

renovatedPerformingArtsCentre<br />

andsignificantly,the newChapelofSt<br />

Bede,whichhavegreatly enhanced the<br />

campus facilities.<br />

Boarders at St Bede’s Collegebenefit<br />

from theseand otherfacilities on site,<br />

andaself-development programme<br />

involvinganumber of different<br />

activities whereboysare given<br />

opportunities to learnavarietyofskills,<br />

areofferedinthe evenings as well as<br />

study.<br />

Preference andnon-preference<br />

applications areavailableand<br />

personalised toursofthe Boarding<br />

School andthe Collegecan take<br />

place on request. We look forward to<br />

introducingyou to theStBede’sCollege<br />

boarding hostel.<br />

Be part of the Nelson<br />

College boardingfamily<br />

Nelson CollegeBoardingisknown forits<br />

welcomingfamilyenvironment.This was<br />

highlighted when theCOVID Lockdown<br />

occurred.Mostofour internationalstudents<br />

chosetostay, along with staff,and form a<br />

safe bubble of 80.This includedYear<strong>13</strong>kiwi<br />

student MacHarris, whoseparents live in<br />

Japan. When thelockdownhappened, Mac<br />

thoughtabout goinghome, butdecidedit<br />

wassafer to stay.“Iwantedtostayincase<br />

things gotworse andIcouldn’t come back”<br />

Macsaid. “Beinginlockdownwithall the<br />

internationalstudentsalsomeant Igot to<br />

know everyone really well.They’repretty<br />

awesome.”<br />

Nelson Collegeisaprogressive and<br />

innovativeboys’ school. Ourlearning<br />

environmentfocuses on ‘inspiring young<br />

mentotaketheir place in theworld by<br />

fostering thevalues of manaakitanga<br />

throughquality education’.Wetakegreat<br />

pride in nurturingeachboy’s individual<br />

interestsand potential acrossall areas<br />

of academia, sport, arts, culture,and<br />

leadership.<br />

“Our Boardersare at theheart of the<br />

schooland we’reincredibly proud of<br />

them,” says Director of BoardingSamme<br />

Hippolite. “Weknowhow formative these<br />

yearsare,and we want theboystohave<br />

everyopportunity to developtheir interests.<br />

We also want them to have fun, make<br />

lifelongfriendships andcreateunforgettable<br />

memories within thecontext of aclear and<br />

safe structure.”<br />

Setalongside themaincollege campus,the<br />

college’stwo boardinghouses–Rutherford<br />

andBarnicoat–areimpressiveheritage<br />

buildingsthathaverecentlyhad major<br />

refurbishments. “Our experiencedstaffare<br />

committedtocreatingastrong andcaring<br />

communitywithin theboardingfraternity,”<br />

says Mrs Hippolite. “Weensurethatour boys<br />

aresupportedthroughouttheir educational<br />

endeavours,and we also make sure that they<br />

gettoexperienceeverythingour beautiful<br />

Nelson region offers.<br />

Talk to us about life-changing opportunities<br />

for your son<br />

NelsonCollege offers theverybestinboarding. With awelcoming<br />

family environment, ourschoolhas consistentlyhigh-levelacademic,<br />

sporting and leadership programmes.<br />

Come and seeusatAgFestWestCoast (<strong>13</strong>/14 November) and<br />

meet Headmaster Richard Dykesand Director of Boarding<br />

Samme Hippolite.<br />

Youngmen taking theirplace in the world<br />

boarding@nelsoncollege.school.nz<br />


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