Sedation Drugs for ICU Patients Handout

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Pharmacologic Agents for Sedation in Intubated Adult Patients

Drug Class/Mechanism Dosing (per Carilion) Adverse Events Monitoring Notes

Fentanyl Opioid 25-50 mcg/hr, titrate

every 30-60 min



Opioid, histamine





Max: 500 mcg/hr

2 mg/hr

Max: 10 mg/hr

10 mcg/kg/min, titrate by

5mcg/kg/min every 10

minutes as needed

Max: 50 mcg/kg/min

• Respiratory


• Constipation

• Respiratory


• Constipation

• Hypotension,


• Respiratory


• Hypotension

• Hypertriglyceridemia

• Pain on injection

• Propofol-related

infusion syndrome

(PRIS), usually seen at

doses >80 mcg/kg/min

• Pain scale if pt can


• Critical Care Pain

Observation Tool

(CPOT) for patients

who can’t self-report

• RASS -1 to 0

• Pain scale if pt can


• CPOT for patients

who can’t self-report

• RASS -1 to 0

• Triglycerides at

baseline and every 3-

7 days after

• CK

• Lactate



• RASS -1 to 0

• CPOT goal <3

• Has serotonergic property, use

caution in combination with other

serotonergic agents

• Tachyphylaxis can develop around

doses of 300-350 mcg/hr

• CPOT goal <3

• Can accumulate in renal dysfunction

• 10% Lipid emulsion, 1.1 kcal/mL

• Be cautious in patients with

egg/soy/peanut allergy


Alpha-2 agonist

(same as


0.2 mcg/kg/hr, titrate by

0.1 mcg/kg/hr every 30

minutes as needed

Max: 1.4 mcg/kg/hr

Midazolam Benzodiazepine 1-4 mg/hr, titrate by 1

mg/hr every 30 minutes

as needed

Max: 10 mg/hr

Lorazepam Benzodiazepine 1-2 mg/hr, titrate by 1

mg/hr every 30 minutes

as needed

Max: 5 mg/hr

• Hypotension

• Bradycardia

• HR


• RASS -1 to 0

• Does not require intubation for use

• Should not be used for deep


• Optional loading dose, usually causes


• $$$

Respiratory depression RASS -1 to 0 • Can accumulate if used long-term,

resulting in prolonged sedation

(occurs more in renal dysfunction)

Respiratory depression RASS -1 to 0 • Propylene glycol toxicity

• Usually seen at doses >0.1 mg/kg/hr

and/or renal impairment

General Tips

• Analagosedation is a common approach to treat pain and to keep the patient sedated in the ICU

• Suggested to target light sedation (RASS -1 to 0), utilizing a sedation free period to assess level of sedation is beneficial

• Maintain a MAP of ≥65 mmHg

• For continuous infusion, have orders in for PRN boluses for management of breakthrough pain/agitation (midazolam/lorazepam, fentanyl/morphine), can

use boluses from the bag

• Propofol/dexmedetomidine is recommended over benzodiazepines as they have shown quicker time to light sedation and quicker time to extubation.

Benzodiazepines have potential to contribute to delirium as well

o Propofol and dexmedetomidine have been compared to each other with no noted clinically significant difference

• Patients may require more than one medication depending on their response and target level of sedation/pain control

• Pain, Agitation, Delirium, Immobility, and Sleep (PADIS) guidelines

• For patients on paralytics, both a pain medication and a sedative (not dexmedetomidine) are required. No sedation vacation is performed

Signs of Propylene Glycol Toxicity

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