5678 Dance Studio - Info Guide 2020

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About us

It is with pleasure that I extend a warm welcome

to you parents and students of &5678 Dance

Studio. Dance is my extreme passion and I am

delighted that you have selected our school

to expose yourself your child/children and or

ward(s) to the art of dance.

At &5678 Dance Studio we offer a family

friendly environment nurturing your charges

in the discipline required for the studio, stage

and by extension, life. We pride ourselves on

the discipline and structure we instill into our

students as we remain committed to providing

quality dance training as evidenced by strong

technique, grace and poise.

As a member of our dance family we expect

that our instructors will have your full support

as we work together to ensure that our Studio

retains its reputation of striving for excellence.


Our promise to you is that your charge’s journey

here with us would allow her/him to develop:

• Proper Deportment

• Confidence

• Coordination

• Physical Strength through

structured exercises

Should you desire these and other sterling

qualities for your charges please take time to

read carefully the contents of this booklet. It

is written to provide you with the necessary

guidelines to ensure your stay with us is a

memorable one.

Once again, a warm welcome to &5678 Dance


Yours in Dance, Charlene

Founded by Charlene Harris in September

2002, &5678 Dance Studio is a southern-based

institution that provides training in classical

ballet, modern and tap to children between the

ages of 3-17 in the Imperial Society of Teachers

of Dancing (ISTD) syllabus. In 2014 we added

to our repertoire the styles of contemporary

and hip-hop, and in 2015 we resumed tap. In

September 2018 we added Limon and Folk

followed in January 2020. These additions and

resumptions serve as testimony to our growing

student body but more importantly they testify

to the medium of dance as an avenue for selfexpression,

confidence building and stress

relief as citizens of Trinidad and Tobago desire

to achieve and maintain healthy lifestyles.

Our Studio was originally located at Rochelle’s

Early Learning Childhood Centre at Palmiste

but market forces mandated our sudden move

in April 2014. We had a brief sojourn at La

Romaine High School but this venue was not

suitably outfitted to host dancers preparing

for ISTD examinations. In September 2014,

we secured and settled our Studio at the

Carlton Court, Carlton Centre and it is from

this location that we now operate. Our new

venue has opened up numerous possibilities

for expansion but it is the desire of our Artistic

Director and Founder Charlene Harris to own

the space where the Studio would eventually

be housed.

Past students of the Studio including Megan

Rose Navarro, Harmony Farrell, Mikayla

Almandoz, Isaiah Alexander have gone on to

study Dance and or Musical Theatre abroad.

Megan has sinced returned and is one of our

resident tutors.

&5678 Dance Studio has hosted three School

productions to date. These were Enchanted

Garden 2012, Adventures in Nursery Rhyme

Land 2015 and Mystical Dreams in 2017 all

held at the Naparima Bowl, San Fernando.

The school hosts an annual July/August

Performing Arts Camp and Dance Intensive

Program. The Camp is open to all dancers 6

years and over and the Intensive is for dancers

Grade 6 ability level and above.

&5678 Dance Studio has hosted several School

productions to date, all held at the Naparima

Bowl, San Fernando.


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