5678 Dance Studio - Info Guide 2020


12Modern:Ballet:Some dancers feel that modern dance gives them a chance to enjoyBallet dance is a very formal and strict type of performanceballet dancing without the strict focus on their technique and turnout.dance and is a highly technical form of dance with its very ownAnother characteristic of modern dance, in opposition to ballet, is theFrench vocabulary. It is typically performed to classical music.deliberate use of gravity. Whereas classical ballet dancers strive to beThe technique of ballet is elaborate and requires many yearslight and airy on their feet, modern dancers often use their body weightof training. In order to become proficient at ballet dance, theto enhance movement. This type of dancer rejects the classical balletstudent dancer must be extremely dedicated to the art andstance of an upright, erect body, often opting instead for deliberate usediligent in regard to practice and rehearsal time. of weight, falls to the floor and contracting and releasing of the torso.13




Some dancers feel that modern dance gives them a chance to enjoy

Ballet dance is a very formal and strict type of performance

ballet dancing without the strict focus on their technique and turnout.

dance and is a highly technical form of dance with its very own

Another characteristic of modern dance, in opposition to ballet, is the

French vocabulary. It is typically performed to classical music.

deliberate use of gravity. Whereas classical ballet dancers strive to be

The technique of ballet is elaborate and requires many years

light and airy on their feet, modern dancers often use their body weight

of training. In order to become proficient at ballet dance, the

to enhance movement. This type of dancer rejects the classical ballet

student dancer must be extremely dedicated to the art and

stance of an upright, erect body, often opting instead for deliberate use

diligent in regard to practice and rehearsal time. of weight, falls to the floor and contracting and releasing of the torso.


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