General English IELTS Preparation Teacher Training English for Professionals Group Courses Fifty Plus One-to-OneY E A R S A N DC O U N T I N G1

General English IELTS Preparation Teacher Training English for Professionals Group Courses Fifty Plus One-to-One





Welcome !

Since it was founded over 50 years ago, the Centre

has been dedicated to providing high quality English

programmes to thousands of students across the world.

Colchester English Study Centre is perfect for students who want to study in a thriving town not to far from London, major airports and the

coast, but who also choose to benefit from a more relaxed and secure environment.

The centre is housed in three Georgian buildings in a peaceful and desirable area of Colchester, close to the town centre and local amenities.

Our teaching staff are qualified native English speakers with considerable experience of teaching English to students of all levels and many

nationalities in the UK.

We are very proud of our reputation for offering excellent student welfare , our welcoming and friendly study environment and our proven

rack-record of language learning success.

I have had the greatest experience ever in this beautiful

town and beautiful school.

Max Walsh

Head of Studies



Meet the Team

John Irving

Start Date: 1999

John Irving qualified with a DELTA in 1989. He has been teaching at CESC

since 1999.John has taught on a wide variety of courses including General

English at all levels, IELTS and ESP courses. He also has a lot of experience

with younger learners having worked as Centre Manager and Director of

Studies at our summer centres over the years.

He is a Law graduate and has a degree from the University of Warwick.

Brian Cooke

Start Date: 1999

Brian has over 20 years of teaching experience since he obtained his CELTA

qualification in 1993.He has been working for CESC for 18 years now, and

has contributed immensely to General English, IELTS and other specialist

courses. Brian has a special interest in teaching writing, and has developed a

lot of materials for this.

Isabel Wheelwright

Start Date: 2006

Isabel first qualified with a Trinity TESOL certificate in 2001.She taught for

several years in Spain. Isabel started her professional relationship with CESC

in 2002, when she worked in our Summer Schools. After gaining valuable

experience teaching in Australia, she came back to teach for us full-time in

2006. She obtained a DELTA in 2008. She has a degree in English, Art History

and American History from the University of Leicester.

Alison Wheelwright

Start Date: 2005

Alison first taught at CESC in 2002, when she was involved as a teacher at

Summer School. She had attained a CELTA qualification in that year. Since

2005, she has taught extensively on the General English programme while

continuing each summer to play an important role in Summer Schools. Alison

has a degree in Psychology from the University of Exeter.

Rosa Butterfield

Start Date: 2014

Rosa was awarded a Certificate in TESOL in 2011. She first worked for

CESC in 2015 at the Summer School in Framlingham. Here she made such a

positive impact that she was asked to come and teach on the General Course

in Colchester. Rosa graduated from King’s College London with a degree in

Portuguese and Brazilian Studies and French.

Ian Rowe

Start Date: 2008

Ian attained his CELTA in 1997 after three years of teaching in Poland. Ian

has worked for CESC Since 2007 mostly on the General Course, and also

teaching exam classes such as IELTS and FCE. In 2011, he completed his

DELTA. Ian has a degree in Fine Art from Sunderland Polytechnic.


Marianne McKenzie Start Date: 2000

Marianne started working at CESC in 2000. While at CESC she has

contributed immensely to the General English programme and ESP courses

such as English for nurses and the GATTS course for German diplomats.

She also has a lot of experience on exam courses for Cambridge exams and

IELTS. Marianne has a degree in Modern Languages and Linguistics, a PGCE

and a DELTA.

Fiona Wattam

Start Date: 2007

Fiona obtained her DELTA in 1997 and worked overseas with the British

Council for many years. She first came to CESC in 2007, and has contributed

greatly to the General English programme and IELTS course. She has also

directed and taught on teacher-training and CLIL programmes. Fiona has

a first degree in French and English from Reading University. She also

successfully completed an MA in TEFL in 2005. While working at CESC, Fiona

was the overall winner of the 2015 Cambridge Action Research Award.

Admin Team

Meet the Team

Max Walsh


The Principal is responsible for all aspects of the academic

programme. You will meet Max at the beginning of your stay and

perhaps a few times during the week. If you have any questions

about your classes you should speak to the Principal.

Brian Cooke



The Assistant Principal

supports the Principal in all

aspects of the academic

programme. If you have any

questions about your classes

and the Principal is not

available, you can speak to the

Assistant Principal.

Steve Bull

Marketing &

Admissions Officer

The admissions team processes all

student enrolments for our agent or

client representatives, and our direct

bookings. They are responsible for

making sure all enrolment information

is correct, issuing visa letters of

acceptance (when appropriate). They

can also help you with practical things

like bank accounts and taking exams.



Accommodation &

Marketing Officer

Student Counsellor

The Accommodation & Marketing

Officer will help you with

accommodation issues. As Student

Counsellor, she will try to help and

support you with any issues you may

have while studying at CESC.

Maria Walters

Welfare &



The Welfare & Accommodation

Officer will help you with any

problems you may have outside

your classes. She is also

responsible for safe-guarding

students who are under 18.

Elaine Murphy


The receptionist will be able to help

you with general enquiries regarding

the school or direct you to the right

person. She will also be able to take

payment of fees.

Sarra Ellis

Marketing and

Activities Officer

You will meet Sarra on your first

day. Sarra organises the activities

programme and trips. She is

responsible for giving students

opportunities to have fun, make

friends and practise English

when classes have finished in the

afternoons and at weekends.


Key Courses

The Centre offers a range of course

to suit many different abilities and


All class levels are based on the common European

Framework (CEF)

Our main course course for General English runs

throughout the. In addition, we organise English for

special Purposes courses for professionals. We have

run over 1,000 of these special courses, as well as

training teachers from more than 40 countries.

Off-Peak Young Learner Groups


International Language Holidays

Summer schools for young learners (11-17 years

old) are provided on a residential and homestay basi

through our International Language Holidays (ILH) operation

at sites in the East of England


www. cesc.co.uk/ilh


Accommodation & Welfare

Most of our students choose to livewith a homestay family. This provides an

important cultural experience and helps students to use their English in relaxed

environment. Our homestay families offer a welcoming, comfortable environment

and great home-cooked food.

We provide accommodation with our

local homestay providers. 99% of

our homestay are native speakers of


WE are proud to have homestay

providers who have been working

with us for more than 30 years.

All of our families are carefully selected by our Accommodation team to suit the individual requirements of our students.

Accommodation is arranged in single rooms. CESC offers Ensuite homestay, Self-catering homestay

homestay options hosting medical conditions/allergies including gluten-free/coeliac.

Bed & Breakfast

Our student’s services and Welfare team are always on hand to answer any questions our students may have either before

they arrive in Colchester or during their stay.


Social Programme & Facilities


The centre offers a comprehensive social and cultural activities

programme .


We organise regular activites throughout the week to help

our students to maximise their learning potential and their

experience of England .


Weekly activities include on site Conversation club, I –chat (

speaking with visitors form the local area), Film Club and walking

tours of Colchester to familiarise students with the town.

Our social programme includes visits to the theatre, cinema

,trips to various locations and local pubs, some of which host

live music. A range of sporting activities are offered with football

and tennis proving the most popular.

The centre also has its own pool table , table football and table

tennis to use between the lessons We also arrange trips to

various locations and host Christmas lunch

Accommodation &

Summer School

CESC has been offering summer

schools under the name of ILH

(International Language Holidays)

since 1988. These iintensive

summer courses are designed to

maximise students’ understanding

of English and increase their

confidence in using it.

Whether students stay with British homestay

providers or in a residential centre , we provide a

safe and caring environment where there are many

opportunities to socialise and practice English.

For further information about our summer courses

and campuses please refer to our ILH brochure.



Our Current And Previous Clients




Airport Name

Stansted Airport

Southend Airport

City Airport

Luton Airport

Gatwick Airport

Heathrow Airport

Average distance

from CESC by car

45 min.

55 min.

75 min.

95 min.

95 min.

110 min.





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