August 2020 web (with links)

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Your Mickle’s Worth

It’s the start of a school year and

there is much discussion and disagreement

about how this year should look.

Some schools will remain virtual while

others will welcome students back to the

classroom. The questions are plentiful,

the opinions are even more plentiful. Some

parents are worried about sending their

children back to the classroom. Some

educators are uneasy about returning to

schools with there are still many unknowns

concerning the spread of COVID-19. With

that said, there are also many parents

who are happy to see the children return

to a sense of normalcy and teachers who

are excited to see their students. It’s a

tough topic for legislators, school administrators

and teachers. In the end, we all

want what’s best for everyone involved.

There are just differing opinions on how to

achieve that.

What I do know is that we have

some great schools in our area, dedicated

teachers who truly care about their

4 August 2020 I QC Family Focus

students and administrators who do their best to put

the student’s needs first. For us, this is it. It’s Matt’s

senior year. The youngest Mickle child is just months

away from heading to college. There are many uncertainties

surrounding this final year of high school. Will

there be a football season? Will there be a basketball

season? Will the colleges he’s interested in allow in

person visits and tours? We don’t know the answer

to any of those questions. What I do know is, I’m

going to do my best to concentrate on the positives.

After 22 years of having children at home, soon they

will all be gone. All three are doing their best to chase

their dreams even in these challenging times. They’ve

grown into young adults that we are proud of and the

older they get, the more they truly seem to like each


Karen has been their rock. She has been their

confidante, their best friend and the one who brings

them back in line when needed. I’ve been blessed to

be part of the journey and no matter how many more

years I work, what titles I hold or what responsibilities

I’m given, I’ll always cherish the title of “Dad” the


As we prepare for Matt to turn 18 in a few

months, I’m remind that the QC Family Focus journey

began when he was just a baby. 17 years ago this

month, we published the first issue of QCFF. Many of

you have been on the journey with us for all 17 years.

A simple “thank you” doesn’t seem adequate. Your

support means more than you will ever know.

Hold your children close and give them a hug

when they need it. Those hugs are more important

now than ever before.

Stay safe,

Mike, Karen, Kyle, Kate and Matt

Transforming Children Through Play Therapy

Kim Feeney, LISW, RPT-S

1333 W Lombard St - Davenport, IA 52804




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