ELA Curriculum Map 2020

This document outlines the ELA curriculum at Clinton Elementary School as well as pacing and assessments.

This document outlines the ELA curriculum at Clinton Elementary School as well as pacing and assessments.


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Independent practice/ Volume of reading

Assessment expectations-​ Both formal and informal assessments should be considered when planning instruction. Anecdotal records are a meaningful form of

assessment as well as a quick exit ticket or a discussion aligned with the standards to wrap up the concept of the day to assess how well the students retained the

instruction or to be used if instruction needs to be adapted or adjusted. Teachers will use assessment data like pretests, guided discovery prompts, to inform all

instructional planning of curriculum.

Homework expectations-​ Homework should be meaningful and have a purpose. Homework should be able to be completed independently by the student and

should be modified accordingly if needed. (Homework suggestions- fluency practice, websites monitored by the teacher, writing on a topic, independent reading,

reinforce concepts)

Many standards call for an explanation piece to demonstrate understanding. Students should be allowed “turn and talk” opportunities during ELA to process

understanding. Teachers should utilize “think alouds” to model their own literacy thinking regularly during instruction. Teachers should model expectations.

Students should be provided consistent graphic organizers to write and organize. Anchor charts should be posted.

ELA Assessment Schedule

iReady Screener- ​Objective of the assessment: To assess standards retained from the previous grade level to acquire a baseline

of skills. Teachers should use this information to identify student strengths and weaknesses. Student data should be considered

when planning remedial lessons or foundational skills that need to be reviewed.

Grade K-6 iReady assessment should be given and analyzed 3x a year to all students.

Assessment 1 (By 10/9), Assessment 2 (By 3/29), Assessment 3 (By 6/1) *Dates are tentative to change

This is used only for gathering a baseline and reporting student progress to help with instructional grouping and decision

making. It is not to be used for a grade.

Regular common unit assessments are given according to the map.

Some project assessments will be given and scored according to the map. (TBD with grade level teachers)

Writing will be scored with standards based rubrics and feedback will be communicated with students regularly.

Meaningful homework will be assigned- suggestions outlined in the map and participation will reflect in the grade


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