All you should know about the Data Compliance

When you don’t have the encryptions over your user’s data or not Data Compliance, there can be a gap in having more engagement with your customers or clients and your business or company might have a great loss in terms of revenue and also reputations. When you don’t have the encryptions over your user’s data or not Data Compliance, there can be a gap in having more engagement with your customers or clients and your business or company might have a great loss in terms of revenue and also reputations.

All you should know about the Data


As per the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)​, every company or organization

is mandated to comply with keeping the data security of their clients or customers

encrypted and personalized. We are living in a world where cyber attacks or data

breaching have become so frequent and unbeatable that having a strong security

protocol is inevitable. When you don’t have the encryptions over your user’s data or not

Data Compliance​, there can be a gap in having more engagement with your customers

or clients and your business or company might have a great loss in terms of revenue

and also reputations. So, maintaining this policy should be made a priority at all costs

and situations. By being compliant you are sticking with both the Industry and

Government regulations and it is going to strive for your company or organization till the


What is Data Compliance?

It ​is a stern regulation passed by the Industry, State, or internationally like the ​GDPR,

where the Personal Identifiable Information or any other credentials of any users,

clients, or customers are made mandatory for keeping it encrypted and guarded at all

costs. And if any company or organization fails to comply with this regulation they will

have to encounter charges, ranging from ​civil fines to criminal prosecutions.

What are the different standards of Data Compliance?

Excluding the GDPR, more ​Data Compliance standards need to be complied with, they

are as follow:

HIPAA: It is abbreviated as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability

Act of 1996. This Act ensures that all the Medical records or data of any

individuals should be kept encrypted and personalized. When this protocol failed

to meet by any organizations then, there can be a huge amount of fines imposed

by the Government.

PCI DSS: ​Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) is also one

of the important regulations which every company or organization should be

compliant with. It deals with the financial information of all the customers. And as

per this regulation all the credentials of cardholders like the Credit card number,

bank details, etc, are to be kept mask and encrypted. This policy is not a

Government-mandated policy but, it is an Industry regulation which is needed to

be taken as seriously as possible. Violating with this could cost a huge fine for

any company or organization.

SOX: Sarbanes-Oxley Act ​(SOX) ​was an initiation taken by the US Government

in 2002 to have transparency in accounting in enterprises between the

shareholder and the public. It tends to create a healthy relationship in the

corporate disclosures as well.

CCPA: ​The California consumer privacy Act is compliant to keep personal

information (PI) encrypted. This does not apply to small businesses or startups.

But, it applies to companies that make about $25 million of revenues per year. It

is considered to be one of the most challenging regulations for large companies

in California.

How to keep your customer’s data protected?

One of the most challenging issues that every company faces is the issues of a data

breach. As per the IBM estimation, the loss of revenue due to the breach of data has

gone to the extreme out of surprise. The majority of Americans are more anxious about

its data security, rather than their revenue loss.

So, here are some of the ways by which you can keep your customer’s data private and


1. Stay updated with the Encryptions:

As the technologies advance, even in the encryptions of data keeps upgrading in the

present IT sectors. So, be smart and keep updating the encryption system to avoid any

data breach in the future.

2. Leave no trace of the data:

Sometimes having access to some of the customer’s data is necessary. But, you should

always try to destroy the data whenever it is no more required. In this way, the chances

of getting breached would be less.

3. Restrict access of customers’ data on to necessary person:

There is no need of giving access to all the people in your organizations or companies

about the credentials of the customers, as it can only increase the possibilities of a data

breach. Make it very personal and secret, as it is all about the betterment of your

customers and your reputations.

4. Minimal access to customer’s data:

Collecting some data from the customers is inevitable. But, having minimal access to it

should be the priority while accessing it. There is no advantage to collecting

unnecessary data from your customers. It can only give your burden and can put your

company at risk. So, try to keep it at the least I would suggest.

Contact Us

Company Name : Enov8

Contact Person : Ashley Hosking

Address : Level 5, 14 Martin Place, Sydney, 2000, New South Wales,


Email : ​

Phone(s) : +61 2 8916 6391

Fax : +61 2 9437 4214

Website :- ​

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