INformed People Magazine draft 3

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siness + Healt hy Environm ent =Success<br />

Robbie Motter<br />

nning a business and healt hy living really do go t oget her.<br />

pefully you and your em ployees, if you have any are not sacrificing one for t he ot her.<br />

you know t hat st udies show t hat w hen you and your st aff are healt hier all perform at a<br />

ch higher level. Also st at ist ics show t hat individuals w ho do som e sort of exercise 3 t im es<br />

eek are raring t o go t o w ork w hen t hey show up.<br />

nning your business can be st ressful as m ost Ent repreneurs t ry and do everyt hing<br />

m selves and rarely m ake t im e for t hem selves. Taking t im e for yourself out side of t he<br />

siness is one of t he hardest t hings a business ow ner can do and it can be scary. Many t im es<br />

feel guilt y as w e see all t he t hings w e need t o do for our business. Taking t im e t o<br />

derst and how t o balance your life w it h your business life is hard. Est ablishing healt hy habit<br />

ll help you t o be bet t er physically and em ot ionally prepared t o overcom e t he m any<br />

y job m yself, rarely sleeping and never t aking t im e for m yself and I felt so guilt y if I did not<br />

t he 76 freew ay and I did not w alk for over a year as I w as<br />

9<br />

t , but out of t he blue anot her opport unit y opened for m e t o m ake a living even t hough at<br />

be m issing and vow ed w hen I got bet t er, I w ould t ake t im e for m e. I rem em ber gripping t he<br />

hile but I did get bet t er and I did t ake m ore t im e but really found I st art ed slipping back int o<br />

port ant and t here are so m any t hings w e w ant t o do in our lives t hat w e keep saying<br />

now w it h t he lock dow n, not able t o t ravel, not able t o be in fam ily<br />

y job m yself, rarely sleeping and never t aking t im e for m yself and I felt so guilt y if I did not<br />

t he 76 freew ay and I did not w alk for over a year as I w as<br />

t , but out of t he blue anot her opport unit y opened for m e t o m ake a living even t hough at<br />

be m issing and vow ed w hen I got bet t er, I w ould t ake t im e for m e. I rem em ber gripping t he<br />

hile but I did get bet t er and I did t ake m ore t im e but really found I st art ed slipping back int o<br />

port ant and t here are so m any t hings w e w ant t o do in our lives t hat w e keep saying<br />

now w it h t he lock dow n, not able t o t ravel, not able t o be in fam ily

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