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frightening to ordinary mortals. It involves prisons, hospitals, and other

institutions that would remove one from society.

hen Aries in The 12-th House

The presence of Aries in the twelfth house shows an active

subconscious life. Aries is ruled by the assertiveness of the planet Mars.

The natural instrument of forceful action is considerably hampered by

being secluded in the house of disappointment, failure and subjective

values. The native is drawn to people who are at least temporarily out of

commission, behind the eight ball, or in some state of rejection by

society. This condition of others (which might be considered some kind

of sickness of the moment) is the very thing that turns this native on. If

the other person were well, the native wouldn't be attracted.

hen Taurus in The 12-th House

The affectionate nature is turned toward those less fortunate in our

society who may be singularly lacking in the very social assets that the

native seems to have. The native is pushed into the background of life's

affairs, but this unfortunate position will provide the more secure

happiness. It may take him/her some time to appreciate this, however.

hen Gemini in The 12-th House

There is a turning inward to the subjective and subconscious reasons

behind what happens to people. This position is favored for research and

technical experiments that probe into unusual conditions and seldomacknowledged

areas of experience. It could also include fiction built

around tragedy or the misunderstood people of the world.


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