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hen Aries in The 11-th House

The native strives aggressively to defend and protect those who share

his/her interests and sympathies. The native will expect and demand that

he/she be acknowledged as leader, and then will lend his/her courageous

spirit for a common purpose. But until this native has won this point,

there will be fights and violent disagreements among the friends he/she

has chosen. The native's friendships are probably more important to

him/her than own family or the direct objects of his/her romancing.

Spirited physical competition with close friends leads to sexual emotions.

hen Taurus in The 11-th House

The native is ideal as a group organizer or one who is able to gather

the dreams of others and give them a practical application. This position

makes for social talent on a large scale and a place of affection in the

hearts of many friends. Friendships are very close and warm. Time spent

with close people is rewarding as the native enjoys visits to art galleries,

museums, theaters, or a variety of other pleasurable pursuits.

hen Gemini in The 11-th House

The Gemini found in this house point at many personal connections.

The native is apt to waste his/her best efforts on friends without fully

capitalizing on the career possibilities. It would be favorable for house

organs and publications that further the aims of special groups, a field of

special values or hopes. Such people are not a loner, and they need

constant, mentally compatible companionship to be happy and fulfilled.

hen Cancer in The 11-th House

The eleventh house placement of any key or controlling factor is

generally a happy and fortunate pattern. It does require, however, that

the native seeks his/her focus or outlet in group associations or by joining

with others of sympathetic intent as the most advisable way for him/her

to content him/herself. Friendships are never taken lightly. So, there is a


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