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especially enjoys travel mostly for sake of meeting and observing different

people and places. He/she can hold his/her own mentally in most crowds.

hen Cancer in The 9-th House

As the Moon rules Cancer, the emotional impulses of the Moon are felt

in affairs of publicity and promotion, and personal recognition for the

native. The native considers him/herself a spearhead or advance publicity

agent for some particular code or form of thinking that has much tradition

or sense of historical buildup behind it. The native in this sense is not alone

in his/her beliefs since he/she emotionally ties him/herself to a tradition or

principles that have the force of law or religion.

hen Leo in The 9-th House

The influence of this sign positioned on the ninth house cusp is shown

in the pride and confidence native takes in his/her ideas. The Sun rules Leo

focusing this as the area of greatest vitality in the native's chart. Energies

are consolidated in the affairs of this house denoting a love of these more

profound matters. Travels of long duration may be his/her favorite form of

recreation. Travel can become as much a necessity as food or drink. Native's

quest for education may be insatiable, and many with this influence

become "professional students."

hen Virgo in The 9-th House

With the Virgo in the ninth house the native is a person whose

pragmatism rules the view on major issues, including religion and

philosophy. The native is rather fixed in his/her direction, which adjusts

itself to a course already set up and determined by others who have gone

before him/her on the same principles. The native takes up where others

have left off. The principles being followed have the force of law or religion

for the native. There is also a tendency to fight change and maintain the

status quo.


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