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the native learns to deal with his/her innate vulnerability and feelings in a

positive way.

hen Leo in The 5-th House

This sign's influence in the fifth house shows dramatic tendencies and

the need to have center stage. The Sun rules Leo, and the placement of this

sign here suggests that a good deal of native's energy is spent on romance,

self-expression, and his/her children. He/she devotes him/herself fully to

whatever creative activity has the native's interest at the moment. These

people are eager for approbation, requiring constant approval to maintain

their enthusiasm. The native identifies strongly with his/her children and

he/she's very proud of their accomplishments. Native is usually a born

gambler and speculator. The need for self-expression through creative

projects is high.

hen Virgo in The 5-th House

The native is more vulnerable to being "taken" or "put upon," so to

speak, because he/she responds automatically to almost anything mentally

that will offer an extension of his/her critical and appraising personality.

Very often this can lead to risks and speculations that may not be sound.

Remembering that Virgo personalities tend to concentrate on the details,

they are very apt to get carried beyond their depth because they DO NOT

have their attention on the larger frame of reference.

hen Libra in The 5-th House

The influence of Libra in the fifth house stands for the need for

association with others to be creative. The native is frequently very

successful in all affairs of the heart, romance, love-making, enjoying

children and being charmingly entertaining. This position is favored for

popular entertaining and doing those things which give others pleasure.


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