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active. A more daring and outgoing, even youthful personality emerges as

the native grows older.

hen Taurus in The 4-th House

There is much love for home, family background and a tender

relationship with parents. The home life is usually happy, and the native is

most expressive around the home or projecting from the home as a base of

operations. As a rule the native has strong instincts to provide materially for

his/her family. Unless Venus is badly aspected, the influence of Taurus in the

fourth house suggests a very pleasant, easygoing home environment.

hen Gemini in The 4-th House

The native's talents for writing become subjective, and there is much

examination of one's background and heritage. This is not a position

favorable to individual freedoms, since the native's personality is subjected

to parental authority and there is a reluctance and an inability to break free

from one's background. The background is favored in this struggle. With the

strong influence of Gemini in the latter part of the native's life, many vague

ideas that formally floated through his/her mind usually become clarified.

hen Cancer in The 4-th House

The Cancer influence in the fourth house shows a sentimental side of the

native's nature regarding home and family affairs in general. Roots hold an

emotional importance to him/her as the native is strongly affected by

inherited patterns and responsibilities in life. The native's personality is

somewhat dampened by being submitted to parental domination or

excessive subjective appraisal. Anything that filters or comes between the

native and a direct reception of outside stimuli would be generally


hen Leo in The 4-th House

This sign's influence in the fourth house places a significant emphasis on


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